
Hunting Week

"Max, Stay back and hide behind a tree!"

"Hey, I said hide! Damnit"

I stabbed my spear into the anus of the dire wolf in front of me.

Why in the anus you may ask?

That's because it's the only part of its body that my spear can pierce.

I've almost tried to stab every single part of its body and I can say that its anus is the weakest spot.

Their Fur should be as strong as an iron. Whenever I tried to stab it on its other body part it wouldn't be a sure kill. Stabbing and stirring its innards through its anus never fails to immobilize them.

Although it wouldn't kill I'm sure cutting its throat will do the trick.

I've been doing this for quite a while now.

The art of stabbing, stirring, and cutting throats has been fully mastered by me now. Even though I didn't manage to acquire any skill from it the familiarization itself was most important.

I know which part of the throat you should cut for a sure kill and I know the quickest way to retreat.

First, you'll stab your spear into its anus like this.


Then immediately store the spear into your spatial ring to retrieve it. After that, you go get yourselves a knife then slash the bulging part on the wolves throat.

If you're lucky then the wolf would die in a few seconds if not it would put up quite a struggle first before dying and that would at most just take a minute.

But this tactic only works if you have the skill to hide from your enemy like my [Invisibility] skill.

"Max, come out it's fine now"

A black dog pup or whatever it's species came out from behind a tree.

This pup was the one that I saved from the three goblins who were trying to hunt it a few days ago. After saving it the pup seemed to have followed me ever since.

"Ding! Rank 1 Monster killed"

"Level up requirements to level 10 are to kill 10 Rank 1 Monsters"

It's a pity that this dire wolf pack's leader was the only Rank 1 demonic beast.

Alright, let's count the rewards I have today!

I've killed seven non-rank dire wolves and one rank 1 dire wolf.

The difference between a non-rank monster and a rank 1 monster is that the latter have already formed their demonic core while non-rank monster hasn't yet formed one. Beasts who already formed their core was more powerful than any non-rank beast and the potential to be a rank 10 monster was there.

These beast cores could sell at a high price in the market as it could be used as a material to forge a weapon or armour and some could be even used as a potion ingredient.

So selling them back in Wannabe town would give me a bit of cash.

But at the expense of a core, a total of 20 light spears were lost.

"Sigh*, I only have five more left."

There's no reason to be sad as I could easily buy a 50 of this after I sell the core. But I would be making a big loss.

"Max, let's go home"

"Arfff!" Max barked in agreement.


"Good After Noon, Arnie!" I greeted the soldier in charge of inspection for today.

The soldier turned his head toward me and waved his hand with a smile. "How're today's earnings?"

"Quite good you see," I said as I patted the corpse of a dire wolf on my back.

"You managed to take this down by yourself," he asked with a look of doubt on his face.

I paid no heed to his words of doubt as I replied happily. "I managed to find this alone and wounded. Probably got abandoned by his pack."

"mhh" he nodded believing in my words as this kind of behaviour from a pack of wolves wasn't strange at all.

"I'll come over later to give a hind leg to you later!"


After having to sell all the dire wolves corpses he at least earned a 100 silver as for the core he just fed it to Max who was chewing it like a candy right now. The core was just small as it only belonged to a rank 1 beast but it was still a bit bigger than a grown man's fist and comparing Max's size it was just like eating a big jawbreaker.

I also visited Arnie's house and gave his wife the hind leg as he wasn't home yet.

I currently have a 1000 gold coins, 600 silver coins, and a few dozen copper coins.

I still haven't sold the magic items I stole from Dumbo's shop but I should get at least another thousand gold coins.

The only reason I didn't sell it yet was that Wannabe's Lord didn't allow any underground transactions in the town. So finding a buyer who didn't give a sh*t about Dumbo was hard as even the Lord of Wannabe would also have to think twice before acting against him Dumbo's men were almost everywhere and if I take out a magic item belonging to Dumbo he would be able to sense it as there were some sort of tracking magic casted upon his items to prevent goods from being stolen. But this magic" should" have its limits right? At least it only covers a certain distance from the caster.

Well, tomorrow I'll leave this town and head off to the nearest city, Moore City.

His spell shouldn't cover that far.

In fact, I could've left this town already after stealing the spatial ring. The only reason I'm still here was that tomorrow is when the cooldown of [Random Skill] would end.

You'll never know when a problem would occur and having an additional skill befre travelling wouldn't hurt. I'm in no rush either so delaying my harem for a day is fine.

I'll enjoy a relaxing life at Moore City.

Wait! Why stop there I'll buy my land there in the Capital!

But my power isn't enough yet for me to be there.

Who knows if I'll offend a scum noble at the Capital who can use his family's power to crush me like those in novels.

I heard that nobles were generally corrupt and like to use their power to abuse weak commoners.

Yeah, and Max being too cute would also lead to future problems. Maybe a spoiled noble girl would like to have Max and I'll have to decline and offend that girl's family in the process.

So the Royal Capital was a forbidden zone for now.

Even here in the Wannabe Town the strongest expert know to the public is their lord, Lord Roger Lyan, a man I couldn't defeat. He possessed the might of a 4th rank magician. Even warriors of the same level wouldn't pose a threat to him. There were also rumours of him having the bloodline of a Lycan, a half-men-half-beast know to have the strength and hunger of a wolf.

If I were to fight with him then I could only escape who knows if he has some magic which can expose me and render my invisibility useless.

Up to now I still haven't fought with an opponent who can use magic. So I don't know how they fight yet. I've also never fought with any human before but they shouldn't be far from novel and games, right? Using fireballs and stuff to kill their enemies with.

I also have no fighting experience with humans.

Wait, maybe I did when I was in fourth grade. That bastard deserved it. How dare he stole my candies from me.

Alright, it couldn't be called a fight as I got lifted up by him and when I was just about to break free from him and punch his face the teachers already came.

Anyway, Let's just sleep soundly for now and wake up earlier tomorrow so that I'll get my skill earlier.

Wannabe Town? Roger from ML? Lycan misspelt as Lyan, really? My naming just sucks so move one their not important anyway

_ELF_sancreators' thoughts
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