

Me: oww... I think he just broke few of my ribs... this is still a child's body so his bones are not developed yet and I think it's a muscle power is upgraded after distributing my status points, maybe next is the bones and skin or maybe I'm wrong about it.

The unconscious boss is on the floor so I tied him next to the goons.

Me: Now I'll wait for the police until they arrive, let's see if that systems timer is not lies.

So I waited for the police and try to rest a bit and take a nap since I'm so tired of taking all the criminals.

After I wake up I'm already at the bed of the hospital and saw my mom to my side sleeping holding my hands. 'she must be worried about me, after all, she must know that I have broken bones in my ribs'. And mother noticed that I'm awake.

Liza: mmm..? You're I'm so glad awake baby! Are you ok now?

Me: yeah mom I'm ok

Liza: Ken! This is the second time in this month first falling to cliff now this again... Did I tell you that don't do anything stupid?!.

Me: hahaha.. sorry mom... that thug just said something about you so I try to defend it and then he just kick me.

She flicks my forehead and said.

Liza: don't do that again!... I love you sweetie... remember it ok?. (She kiss into my forehead)

She left me in the hospital since I'm ok now, being in a hospital is so boring that's why all I do is watching Television for a day. I try to see what's rewards after of those quests. Insect!


LVL 4: 0/500 exp


HP: 16/16

MP: 13/13


STR: 1.6

AGI: 1.9

INT: 1.3


SKILLS: Unspent Skill Points: 2

(Eyes of Inspection: can inspect within range of 10 meters)-LVL 3

(Summon Spirit Bear Lvl: 3]

Undistributed Stats Points: 1

Undistributed Skill Points: 3]


1 free lottery spin

Manual Book

C-4 ]

After I saw my rewards I saw one icon inside the inventory

'Man what should I do about this bomb since the time stopped in there', I thought

Also, something just bothering me that since I came in this world I never chance to meet the god or something deity after I died it's just like someone suck me into this place, that vortex thing inside that room or that cube. What's me more mystery to me is that the camera in the bank is intact, the SHIELD must know I have abilities but until now no one is still monitoring me. 'may SHIELD is not operating now?. Huh?... This is weird though like fury will talk to about those initiatives or even those agent's in SHIELD?'. Also, I remember in marvel if there is an X-MEN in this world and if that's the case... wait is professor x only target the mutants, then I'm not a mutant... but what if they aren't here in this universe?. There are too many questions to ask about this world 'Nah... I leave it later it's pain in the ass to think about it, and also after I leave this hospital I shall try to explain about Ursa since she's the only family I have'.

While the MC staying in the hospital, someone is calling at his back

???: Agent Liz will your son may able to be a candidate to it?

Liza: Negative sir since he's still a child, he may not ready about it...

???: I know he is your son but this is an order, does he qualify to enter about it?


???: Talk to the HQ tomorrow if you'll able to persuade them, and try to monitor of something happens about your son

Liza: thank you, sir, I'll appreciate your kindness, I'll try my best to monitor him properly.

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