
Living as God

Walking along the sidewalk while playing Clash of Clans, a young man by the name of Jonah Peterheart was suddenly summoned by God to an empty dimension. Follow Jonah along as he creates his multiverse and has a relaxing life being omnipotent. This story may not seem to be a fanfic in the beginning. but the MC will go to several fictional worlds, so yeah. The first world he travels to is an OC though, so if you can't stand reading it, wait until he goes to a fictional one. *More of a slice of life story* DISCLAIMER: This story will not be anything serious! I'm writing this in my free time, so I can't be bothered to write anything professional. There won't be a deep plot behind everything. I'll try to create some little side stories on a few worlds, but that's it. This book is more about the MC's new life as God and him having fun. I'll write whenever I want, so there won't be a fixed update schedule. Somedays there might be 5 chapters, while some weeks there might be none. I'll try to keep it at, idk, 3 chapters a week? Anyway, enjoy the story. WARNING: Extremely Insanely OP MC: NO HAREM I do not own anything except for the MC of this story.

Lazy_Runner · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
17 Chs


[1591 words]

Thanking Tessa and leaving the store, Jonah proceeded to go inside every store on the street and learn what he could from the clerks or sellers.

After about an hour, he felt like he had done everything he needed.

"Hmm... It's around 3 pm right now so I still have some time to kill. Might as well go to the Adventurer's Guild that I've heard so much about. If it's like those from the stories I read back on Earth, then it's going to be sick!" He said to himself.

Walking towards the gigantic 3 story building visible from his location, he finally arrived after about 10 minutes.

[ADVENTURER'S GUILD] read a golden sign on top of the building.

"Yeah, this is it," Jonah entered through the huge doors.

The inside of the building was filled with people with swords on their waists, bows on their backs, and staffs in their hands. Some wore heavy, expensive armor while others wore simple, ragged clothing. The disparity between ranks and their incomes was obvious just from a glance.

Walking towards one of the counters, Jonah saw a gorgeous black-haired young lady acting as the 'clerk'. (idk the right word so it's gonna be clerk)

"Good afternoon, Miss. I'd like to become an adventurer, please." He said to her.

"Good evening, Sir! To become an adventurer please fill out this form!" She handed him a simple paper page.

Nodding at her, Jonah distanced himself from the counter and sat at a nearby empty table.

The form asked things like his name, age, class, and if he was a mage, it asked what magical elements he knew.

'Looks like people with the Appraisal skill are rare in this world... I remember the scene that that Keygan... Gayken... whatever made. There was also that glass ball at the city's entrance which showed my status screen. Those glass balls must be rare or expensive since it appears that the Adventurer's Guild doesn't have one, or if they do, they keep it hidden. Maybe to make one of those glass balls you need someone with the Appraisal skill, which makes both the ball and the skill holder very valuable.' Jonah thought as he filled out the form.

With everything done, he returned to the lady at the counter and handed the paper to her.

"Mr. Jonah Peterheart... 18 years old... Battle Mage... Very Proficient at Ice Magic and Water Magic. Mediocre at Lightning Magic and Earth Magic... err... Mr. Peterheart, you know that you shouldn't lie on this form, right? I'll bring a new paper for you, but please don't fool around like this again. Just because we're not using a Status Checker Ball doesn't mean you can lie about your qualifications." The lady turned her back and started to head to the back.

"I'm not fooling around, Miss. It's exactly as the form reads." Jonah reassured her.

Turning again to face Jonah, the lady had a doubtful expression on her face. "We'll see about that, then. Tomorrow at 12:00 pm there will be a test to become an adventurer. Mages naturally have a different test than non-mages, so please come to Testing Area 5 at 12 pm tomorrow. That's where the mage adventurer test will be held."

"Alright. Thank you for your help," Jonah said to her and exited the building.

'Should I spend the night at the Primordials' Palace or in this world? The kids must probably be sleeping now and will do so for some time...yeah, I'm just gonna sleep in this world. Gotta have the full experience of living in this world! No abusing my omnipotence and no leaving this world until I get super bored!' He thought.

Touring around the city for some time, he asked a random guard on the street where the city's best inn or tavern was, and that's where he just arrived.

"The Frozen Gentleman Inn... dope name," Jonah said after reading the huge crest on the 8 story building in front of him.

Entering through the luxurious double doors, Jonah admired the Inn's interior for some seconds before heading towards the bar where a young man wearing an elegant, all-black 3 piece suit stood.

"Good evening, Sir." The young man said.

"Good evening. Can you tell me how much a room is per night, please? Jonah asked.

"Certainly, Sir. One room with food services included - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - is 5 gold coins per night, while one room without food service is 2 gold coins per night." Replied the young man.

'Hmm... From what I got today, this world's currency goes like this: 100 copper coins = 1 silver coin; 100 silver coins = 1 gold coin; 100 gold coins = 1 platinum coin; 100 platinum coins = rich af. One gold coin should be enough for a family of 3 commoners to live a good life for a month, so 2 or 5 gold coins per night on an Inn is actually quite expensive... well, doesn't matter to me.' Jonah quickly thought.

Using his omnipotence for the first time since giving himself magic, Jonah stopped time and teleported 99% of the thugs' and bandits' wealth to him. This day a large majority of criminals' stolen goods and coins simply disappeared all around the world.

Jonah also went ahead and created a good little coin pouch with infinite space inside. He teleported everything he stole from the bandits inside the coin pouch and transformed everything that wasn't coined, such as expensive clothes, equipment, and gems into their equivalent value in coins. Since he stole 99% of the wealth from ALL bandits around the world, Jonah amassed quite a lot of capital. 679 platinum coins, 9.580 gold coins, 31.098 silver coins, and 290.200 copper coins to be exact.

Placing the coin pouch on his pants' left pocket, Jonah unstopped time and removed his coin pouch from the pocket.

Stuffing his hand inside, he teleported 15 gold coins from the infinite space inside to his hand.

"Here," He placed the coins on the counter, "3 nights with food, please."

"Very well, Sir. Your room is room number 21. Since you have arrived after breakfast and lunch services are over, you will only be able to eat dinner today. Due to this, you only have to pay 13 gold coins, instead of 15. Here are the 2 extra gold coins." The young man gave Jonah the key to his room and the 2 gold coins.

"Oh, thank you. At what time should I come down to eat dinner?" Jonah asked.

"Dinner services are from 6 pm to 8 pm. If you prefer, we can send the food directly to your room."

"I'll come down here, thanks though... May I know your name?" Jonah inquired the young man.

"It is Don Barletta, Sir," Don answered politely as ever.

"I'm Jonah Peterheart. A pleasure to meet you, Don. Take these 2 gold coins as tip for your good service. See you at dinner," Jonah gave Don the gold coins and headed upstairs towards his room.

Entering room 21, Jonah was pleasantly surprised at the room's interior. If he were to compare it to Earth's standards, this room would be a room from a good 5-star hotel. Although this world had very little to no technology, the room lost none of its charms. With a big king-size bed, 2 bedside tables, a large bathroom, and a balcony with a small wooden table and 2 seats, Jonah felt that the room had a very cozy atmosphere.

Fortunately, this world has something that easily replaced technology, and that was the wonders of magic. Light bulbs could be replaced by objects imbued with Light Magic; Air Conditioners could be replaced by magical ventilation systems that use Ice, Fire, and Wind Magic; shower baths can have magical showerheads that have Water, Ice, and Fire magic in them. In this world, technology was completely replaced by magic.

Quickly settling in his room, Jonah went ahead and took a long shower to clean himself.

After around 30 minutes, he finished his bath and created some new clothes for himself. A simple black t-shirt, a black trench coat, black boxers, black pants, and black shoes. Jonah really liked black...

He didn't even try to create some ragged tunics or crude leather armor to fit this world's time period because this world actually had similar clothes to Earth. Besides the strange clothes some mages wore, everything was the same regarding clothes. Nobles would wear luxurious outfits filled with a certain grandeur, warriors would wear armor with swords on their waists, mages would wear long robes and carry staffs, etc.

But, even though it was similar, it wasn't the exact same as Earth's clothes. First, there were no notable brands of clothes, they were just clothes. Second, there was a notable difference in garments between, let's say, a rich merchant and an E-Ranked adventurer. The upper-class would wear several extravagant attires and the lower-class would wear some crude, simple clothes.

Finished with dressing up, Jonah teleported the extra-dimensional smartphone that was on the Primordials' Palace to him so as to alleviate his boredom. This phone was the one that he used to talk with his parents when they were in their own universe.

After some time, Jonah got a knock at his door saying that it was dinner time, so he went down and ate.

He talked to Don for a bit and received some new information about the state of the city and the world in general.

Returning to his room, Jonah took another shower, brushed his teeth with a toothbrush he just created and went to bed at about 9 pm.