
Living A "Slow" Life

My synopsis got deleted so ill just summarise what the story will be showing you readers. ——— Back when he was in his younger days he got hit by a car, leading to him dying, he got reincarnated into another world and looked determined to make this new life alot better than his past. With a system of course.. a League of legends summoning system. ——— This is basically the gist of it, i got extremely angry that the synopsis got deleted. I spent 30 mins writing it only for webnovel to delete it. Sigh.. Well if you guys are interested make sure to add it, thats it good bye.

LordPool · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs


"Tag your it!" A little boy with black hair playfully shouted at the purple haired boy.

"Come on, Louc you're just too fast!" The purple haired boy complained.

Louc put his fingers on his eyes and took his tongue out "Bleeh! You're just too slow Ben!" He then began running looking at Ben that was getting angry every minute.

"Oh you've done it now! Come here!"

They laughed and ran all over the park, the parents and elderly were looking at the two boys playing, they felt nostalgic and sighed young'ins.

Louc was still running away from Ben and focused his attention of him, he didnt care about anything else but getting caught by Ben, they made a bet that whoever gets tagged by the other would do a push up.

"Haha you cant catch me!" He jumped, ran, and slid he went all over the park with Ben following him closely behind.

"W - wait.. Louc you're too fast, give me a second to catch my breath.. Huff.." Ben had his hands on his knees and panted he didnt have the monstrous stamina that Louc had.

"Hehe! Then that means i have won!" He stopped in the middle of the road and looked up proudly closing his eyes and savoring his victory.


Ben who heard the sounds of a car looked up and looked at Louc getting dragged by the car.

Skkrrrrt skida bap papap

Sound of a cars wheel was heard whistling going out of control.

"Louc!" Ben shouted and the people nearby also ran towards the location, they all had a worried expression all of them took out their phones and dialed the nearest hospital and police.

"911?! I have an accident here, a boy got ran over by a car please head ove rhere immediately!"


The woman that answered the phone call immediately asked for an ambulanced to be sent to the location.

Huff.. Huff... I looked around me.. everything was blurry, Ben..? Stop screaming, i told you we would watch porn later not now.. im tired..

I slowly closed my eyes looking at everything around me.. is that blood.? Dammit Ben did you cut your finger again..? I laughed a bit and looked at Ben in front of me.

Everything looked white and my vision was turning white, am i going to heaven?

I slowly opened my mouth and slowly uttered a few words, Ben saw me saying words and got close to hear me.


"What? Throw? Throw what Louc?!"

"Throw my computer to the sea.. make sure to delete everything, friend."

Ben looked at me and let out tears, he held me in his hands and hugged me, i hugged him back while letting out a tear until i lost all of my strength and my consciousness faded away.

"Louc, No! Goddammit!" Ben started doing cpr, his cpr was inexperienced and looked like he was just trying his best to save his friend.

"Why? You told me we would be going to the same school to become pilots together!" He let out a tear and screamed as loud as he could.

Noises of police cars and ambulance was heard in the distance, people with cameras and people that had hospital clothing came and took Louc, they first took a look at his condition, no heartbeat.. his dead. The doctors and nurses looked at the little boy with purple hair looking at Louc crying, they patted the boys head and said that he was in a better place now.


I opened my eyes and looked around me, i was in a room, it was a different room that he had grown up in, what was this place? Where am i? Did i get kidnapped?

"Master Louc." A fox girl looked at me, she was wearing maid clothing and looked out of this world.

"Ahh! Who are you?" I gasped and quickly stood up and took the knife near me, i maybe a kid but i have skills!

But looking at my hands that took the knife, it looked alot bigger and my height i felt i got alot taller.

"My name is Ahri, you have summoned me while you were in deep sleep to guard this place."


"Yes master Louc."

A blue screen appeared infront of me.

[League of Legends system has been attatched to you, now you can summon champions.]

League of Legends? What's that?! And what's this blue screen!

I waved the knife infront of the blue screen, the knife phased through it, instead of slicing it in half the blue screen scrolled down and i was met with a bunch of people that looked different, it said that if i press any of this icons i would be able to summon a champion.

There was a dragon like creature that i saw it had a warning beside it.

[If you summon this, there is a 100% chance that your world would be destroyed, please keep this in mind.]

Aurelion Sol.

Scary, Ben where are you? I need you here my friend!

I cried inside and looked at the Ahri infront of me, so i can order them to do anything right...?

"Ahri, take off your clothes."

Ahri blushed and widen her eyes, she didnt expect her master to be this straightforward, she likes it.

Ahri slowly took of her maid uniform but Louc stopped her.

"Okay, okay, stop! I was kidding!"

I didnt expect her to actually take it off!

But i would not be a man if i didnt take the oppurtunity now.

I walked close to her and held her boobies it was soft.. big.. and most importantly smooth....

"Ahn.." She moaned a bit and looked at me with feisty eyes.

No! You cant do this! Your still a boy!

But his little brother was the opposite the sleeping dragon that was outside wanted to go inside the cave and explore it.

Ahri looked at the dragon that was hidden, she took off my pants and inserted it inside her mouth.

The dragon that was still half asleep, has now woke up and looked stronger than ever standing proudly inside the small cave.

Ahri sweated and felt that her masters dick was big, it was gigantic.


She was gonna speak but Louc moved his hips and his dragon that was standing proudly breath out fire and ahri drank the dragon breath.


"Hehe." Ahri seductively said and had her hands on her face cleaning the dragon breath.

Louc was in bed and looked embarrassed, he didnt expect that the moment he woke up he had somebody cleaning his dick!

Knock Knock

Someone was knocking the door.

"Come in."

The door creaked open and a man walked inside, he looked like a noble, he had a fat belly, a monocle, a bowlcut hair.

"Ah! Master Louc! If you would be so kind to give this noble some of his service."

Service? What service?

The fat man had a picture in his hands, it was a picture of a man that looked strong.

"Would you be so kind as to 'help' me"

I looked at him, and thought for a few moments and looked at the fat man, he wanted to kill this man.

"What has this man do to you?"

"He took my wife! That man had everything, he already had alot of women by his side but now he targeted mine!" He looked extremely angry and calmed down after a few seconds.

"Im sorry the master had to see that side of me."

I waved my hands and looked him up and down, he wanted revenge.

"Sure, let me send one of my assassins."

I thought that the system had atleast one assassin right?

"Thank you! Thank you!" He bowed down and said that he would send the payment later.

I opened the system and looked at the champions, they didnt have any description or information, so i basically had to guess but there was an option to see which types of roles this champions had, there was a marksman, tank, assassin, fighter, and mages.

Louc looked at the assassin role and clicked on it, it showed a bunch of champions that he had never seen before, the system highlighted two champions.

Khazix, and Rengar.

A cat..? And a mosquito?

[Khazix, and Rengar has been highlighted by the system, this two will be able to finish the mission]

The system recommended me this two champions and i clicked the two of them.

They appeared right infront of me, they were no cat or mosquito! They were huge!

Khazix looked to his front and Rengar also did the same.

They bowed their heads but sensed something, they looked to their sides and found the both of them.

"You!" They both shouted at the same time and jumped backwards.



They took their stance ready to attack each other.

I who was on the side was terrified! I mean a cat and an insect! They were about to fight!

I mustered up every little courage and strength he had and commanded.


They both stopped and immediatley kneeled down.

"I am sorry master."

"Will you punish that insect, master."

Khazix looked at Rengar and released his bloodlust.

Rengar did the same.

"I said stop! You guys have a mission."

I shout once again gained their attention, a mission?

I looked at both of them that was listening i nodded and took out a picture.

"This man, whoever hunts him first wins."

Whoever hunts him first wins..?

If whoever wins first, they would get recognition from their master...

Both of them disappeared, they were quick.

It was recognition and a challenge from their master, and if they beat the other one they would win!

On the way to the location the both of them were fighting each other now that their master wasnt in front of them.

"Stay back! This is my kill!" Khazix shouted.

"No you stay back! This is my chance to get recognition from my lord!"



The both of them got faster and faster to the point that no one could see them.

The man that was currently on his mansion didnt know a single thing and was having sex with his wife.

Ahh, what a good day i got another woman and money.

He took his dick out of the woman and massaged his dick.

But blood seemed to splatter everywhere.


He looked at his dick and saw that it was on the ground.

Ah.. AHHH!!

Khaxic and rengar arrived at the same time and swiped his dick at the same time causing two sausages cut on the ground.

"Heh i was first!" Khazix said and lifted his chin up high.

"No i was!" Rengar was fuming.


They both swiped their weapons sideways and killed the man.

"See~ i was first!" Khazix squinted his eyes.

"No i was!"

While making their way out of the window.

"Then whoever gets to master first wins."

Rengar nodded and quickly hid in plain sight no where to be found, he was already running.

"You piece of shit!" Khazix shouted and ran as fast as he could as well.


I was looking at the people that was infront of me, they were trying to invite me into a party that i know full well was a trap.

"I hope master Louc will come later." The daughter and the old man bowed while having sinister smiles.

I looked at them smiling and facepalmed, sigh.. this world is much more dangerous than my other.

"Alright i will send somebody with me."

"Yes, we shall be expecting you my lord."

I watched them both leave and looked at the interface infront of me.


He looked creepy as hell, so i picked him.

Jhin appeared in front of me and bowed down gracefully.

"What must the master want from me?"

"I want you to make the party alot 'livelier'."

"Oho.. thank you master for providing me this oppurtunity." He bowed down again and went out to go to the location.

I wanted to live a slow life but how can i if i have this thing?

Then two giant creatures appeared infront of me.

"Who won?"

They both asked me while bowing down.

I got shocked that they did it so fast but then calmed down, i was trying to think of excuses to not let them have a fight here.

"Its a tie."

"A tie?!" They both screamed.

"Are you perhaps doubting your master?"

They then calmed down and kneeled.

"No we are not, we are sorry for doubting master."


It worked, thank god.

I clicked the blue screen and both of them dissapeared.

Ahri who was on the side looked at me stressed.

"Do you perhaps want to release some stress..?" She seductively said and pointed down at my sleeping dragon.

I gulped and attacked her.


In the party there was a masked man on the entrance he looked at the gigantic mansion that he was about to 'liven up'.

As expected of master, getting invited to a murder house.

He smiled and walked infront.

There was a bodyguard at the front he had huge broad arms and a huge body.

"Hey who are you?"

"I am Jhin."

"Jhin.? Sorry your not at the party list."

"What? Look again."

The bodyguard looked once more and he saw his body.


His head was on the ground while jhin dipped his finger on the mans blood and wrote something on the wall, he wrote.

Do not disturb.

The people inside, did not know what was about to happen to them.

He walked to the door leading to the huge room full of people.

He opened it and the people stopped talking and looked at him.

Jhin held out his gun and tapped it on the ground a few times.

"Let the show, begin!"

He started his show, outside of the mansion people could hear people inside screaming loudly while it begins to stop and outside of the mansion people could hear nothing it was silence.

Jhin who was inside wrote a few letters and left the building.

"Yet another succesful show."

He wrote.

Khada Jhin was here.

He head out into the woods no longer to be found.


It was the next day, the second day of me in this world.

The only thing i can say is, wow.

"Jhin im going out." I looked over to him painting something and he nodded.

I nodded back and left the mansion.

I looked around me, i was at a hill with this gigantic mansion in the top of it.

My previous self here was pretty rich, lucky.

I looked to the left and saw a gardener taking care of the plants i waved to say hello she waved back and smiled at me.

I smiled back at her and continued my walk, i wanted to take a look around town.

"Take care sir!" The gardener shouted at me and waved to say goodbye.

I shouted back at her and then left the villa.

"Zed." The moment i spoke of his name a shadow like creature appeared infront of me.

"Yes my lord."

"Take a look at the surroundings, people might be after me." I squinted my eyes and looked around me cautiously.

"As you wish."

He dissapeared while leaving a bunch of his shadows everywhere out of my sight.


A huge man carrying a shield on his back came up to me and said hello while having a big smile.

"Make sure to protect me alright?" I said to him and he nodded.

"Yes sir!" He said and stood near me looking around trying to see if there was anything suspicious.

"Thank you."

Me and Braum walked down the stairs and looked at the city beyond, it was a bustling city with people walking, talking, and buying, it was certainly fitting of its name.

The Croston Kingdom, high and mighty.

I smiled at the sight and kept walking down.

While i was walking down i saw a two kids playing tag, it reminded of me and ben.

They were coming my way so i stepped aside but one of them fell down and started crying.

I went up to the kid and said to him, "are you okay?"

"Yes sir.. awuuu.." He shed tears and started crying.

"But your not okay sir."


Suddenly Zed popped out of nowhere and sliced the kids head, the two boys infront of me died right before my eyes, as i saw what the two kids were holding.

They were both holding extremely sharp knives.

"My lord you should be more careful, do not trust anyone."

"Y - yes, thank you Zed." I was shocked and then imagined that this world was far more dangerous than anything, even kids tried to kill him!


That was horrifying.

I calmed myself down, Braum patted me on my back and told me that it was fine everything was gonna be alright with the both of them there.

But i was still not convinced i pressed one of the icons in the blue screen and summoned Anivia, it looked like a flying ice bird so i thought that it would be good to keep an eye in the sky as well.

Anivia nodded and flew high into the sky disappearing from my sight.

Now i was a bit more safe..

I mustered up the strength to continue my walk.