
Living' with a God

Ukiyo Fujii, an ordinary student who happens to meet a god in a shrine, little knows it was just by accident by making a living with him. She wasn't troubled by their first meeting, making a wish out of her desire to have the most beautiful voice and become the greatest idol of all times. Shinrin Kurai, a dark god who was punished by the higher gods, and was sent to earth and chose a person with a strong desire to make him free again and be back to his godly realms.When the two started their journey together, their trouble was just about to begin, until the other former gods interfered, and caught the two in a deadly game and quests. Shinrin will protect Ukiyo, but it will cost him his freedom and the ticket to return to his realm. Drawn into Ukiyo's world beyond his ken, will he ever come to terms to stay with her, and let Ukiyo live with a god?Or will Ukiyo accept him when she will know she's just a living bait to his return?

Moon_Bow_8542 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Beginning

It was a good day in the city. The long night of heavy rain had washed every sidewalk and gutters clean, and tincture of freshness still lingered in the air despite the sun and the vehicle fumes. The clouds were as puffs of radiant joy, ready to dispense into the wind. Already, the place was humming in activities.

A woman in her blue dress with a white apron and grocery bags dangling on her both hands. She observed the crowd on the corner of the sidewalk, wondering they were gathering something interesting. She peered in to see a big poster nailed on the post.

She smiled, turning around, "Ukiyo!" she called me when I was all alone standing at the corner, waiting for her, "Come here, take a look at this,"

A tiny curiosity showed on her pale but cheery face as I eyed what she was pointing to the post, and I took a few paces towards her and joined the crowd, "What is it, Carii?" I asked with a little curiosity.

"Look, another singing competition!" Carii felt giddy, her green eyes shining with excitement that adorned her short ginger hair and pale face.

I sighed, turning my back on the crowd, "I am not interested," and started to walk away, showing that I am not interested in such competition. It just hurt me to the guts knowing I will fail again.

Carii's lips turned down, "What do you mean you're not interested?" she follows me behind, " I think you should go for it," and walk with me side by side.

Carii is one of the maidservants in Hyeon's family and my friend. I accompany her every Saturday to go food shopping. We don't hang up all the time since our schedules are always busy, and Mairin hates me for hanging up with the maids. She wanted me to go alone and wait for her, restricting me to make and have friends. All the time.

"Huh? What is wrong with you right now? You're not like this, Ukiyo," she pouted, losing her excitement and heartbroken. "You always got excited to see a competition. What changed you?"

I hesitated before answering, "It's just that... I don't know. I don't feel it this time,"

"That's all? But maybe this is your chance to prove that you have the voice,"

"Yeah, thanks, but I don't think so. Why don't we talk about something else?"

"No, I want you to join the contest!"

I shake my head in amusement. Carii is always like this whenever she sees a singing competition. Her number one fan and supporter, but she hates to admit defeat. She wanted to forget dreaming about winning such a contest, and after what had happened yesterday. I mention my desire, but he left without saying anything. Like he isn't even there in the place.

"Never mind about that, let's hurry," I took a long stride.

"Ukiyo! Wait!" cried Cari, almost scurrying herself behind, as they headed home.

That night, other maids and I move wordlessly to and fro from the table, keeping the members of the family's platter and glasses full. As I laid a bowl of vegetable salad, a slim hand touched my hand, stopping me from stepping back.

"Ukiyo, are you going to join the contest this coming week?" asked the blonde-haired girl in her one-shoulder maroon dress showing her creamy white bare skin.

"Actually, no, Yuna," I said in a low voice, head down.

"Why not? You can come with me. We will join together," her deep brown eyes are gleaming with delight.

"Well, umm..."

"Sure," mocked Mairin, seating on the opposite side, sipping her glass of wine, "You should join, Ukiyo, maybe Drayce would see you, and pick you,"

Yuna's expression dulled the moment she heard the singer's name. "What is that supposed to mean?" letting go of her hold of me.

Menacingly, Mairin grinned, "Well, you know, Yuna, Ukiyo is not the one you think on the outside, you see -"

"It's not what you think about, "I tried to cut her off, "someone set me up," I could feel the tightness on my chest. And I continued, "I am going to join the contest, maybe I will win, and you," I lifted my chin to look at Mairin, her face still grinning at me, "you will clap your hands for me," I said in a carefully controlled tone.

"I will wait for that," She winked, raising her glass to me, as I turned my back, withdrawing from their conversation, "Goodluck," and I went back to the kitchen.

"Ukiyo," several classmates came over to my desk, hands clasped on their back, and plastered smiles on their faces creeped out in my guts. It was lunchtime where teachers in their facilities were having their lunches while students remained here or in the canteen. And I decided to stay here since I forgot my lunch at home and the food in the canteen are all expensive.

"Hey," I lower my voice, trying to avoid eye contact with them.

"Mairin is not going to school today, right?" asked one of the girls standing in front of my desk.

I lifted my chin, looked at her, "I don't know, but what about it?" I asked.

"We know you're the assistant, how come you don't know her schedule?" said the one who is beside the first girl.

Before I could open my mouth, someone else who interfered and said, "Guess, she's not the assistant at all?" said the one with braided hair.

"Maybe she did something bad to Mairin, again," and they laughed together while mocking me.

I feel the tension and the quivering of my muscles, clenching my fists, but I don't want to show it to them. It hurts, but flashing a smile would only bring me in peace. "Sorry, but Mairin has her new assistant, she wants me to study more." I lied, but it's for the best.

"Then, who is her new assistant?" they ask again.

"I don't know, too,"

"This is getting boring and irritating, then why don't you-" a girl in her glasses paused for a moment.

Soon enough, they heard a door slid open. Everyone's head turned to see who was coming in.

A rich sakura smell permeated the room, wisps of silvery-white smoke and fog curled and danced their way through the classroom. A two-column line of black and white tailored suits men marched in. They moved and stopped at the desk in synchronization. Followed by a pair of shiny black shoes, stepped inside.

A tall figure in the crispness of his suit and the perfect tailoring was far out to be an ordinary high-school. Against his alabaster skin, his long straight silvery hair moved in the breeze.

The students gaped as they observed him. Their eyes held their gazes for a split second longer as their brains registered in surprise and thought he was unaware. I can see the other girls trip over themselves in his presence that he was that beautiful.

The man headed in my direction. My heart rate soared to a dumbstruck rhythm. I sat here on my seat, frozen, as I watched in awe at his expression and grand entrance. I held a prayer in silence that he wouldn't dare to come here.

"My lady," he gestured, slightly bowing his head to me.

My body refused to move too shocked, too embarrassed at his actions. While every one of my classmates was all eyes on me were also shocked.

He lifted his gaze to mine. "We have delivered your lunch today, my lady," His deep electro blue eyes are piercing through me, heeding me to play along.

Several highly trained staff in formal uniforms carry a silver tableware cover that resembles a bell, all young and beautiful people. I am served an enormous platter of food on the long table, which they also provide to place it for me. Grilled eel dish with a special sauce on top of white rice, hearty wheat noodles with tempura toppings, and marinated beef barbecue, a tureen of fruits sit in ice to keep it chilled. My mouth watered the moment I spotted the delicious dishes. How am I supposed to eat all of this? There's an elegant glass of orange juice, too.

"This is embarrassing, Kurai," I said, glancing around the class where my classmates were still in shock to see the scene.

"What do you need, my lady?" he says to let everyone hear him that I have the authority to send words, and they were all waiting to serve me.

Still embarrassed and surprised, I said, "Let them have their lunches, too."

He stood straight, glancing at one of the staff, "you heard your master," his voice was in power and command.

Not long after, they returned with a large food box that was made of an oak tree along with a wooden spoon and fork and a pair of chopsticks.

They give away to each student inside the classroom. Everyone was delighted to receive free lunch and was all amazed by opening the box and luxurious delicacies laid upon their very eyes.

"Hey, there, Ukiyo, what is this all about?" It was Mairin, and her group of close friends tagging behind her came in the classroom to their curiosity. She crossed her arms with her eyes doting at Kurai. "I believe you know me, too. Mr. -" she was looking up to him in his tall frame, stepping closer.

Whenever Mairin is around, her presence was to destroy the little fun I had. "Mairin, join me, let's have lunch together," I offered, trying to be friendly even though I dislike her for being around here. And I'm hungry. But, instead, she raised her brow and smirk at me, then back to Kurai.

"Kurai." he answered, "My apology to the young lady, Mairin, for I do not know who you are. Only my lady here, Miss Ukiyo, is what I've known of." he bows his head lightly and offers a rare smile as he puts his arms on my back.

She was red in the face in an instant. "But, I am Mairin from the Clever Sugar group. Everyone knows me." she felt hurt that Kurai didn't acknowledge her and was keeping it inside. "How can't you know me?" she insisted.

"How can't you know me, miss Mairin?" he asked her back. He looked at her with those deep blue eyes touched by storm clouds. Mairin had never seen any emotion in them other than contempt and stern. "To whom do you think you are talking to?" It was a voice with great authority, making Mairin's legs shivered.

"I... I do not know you," she stammered but remains devoid of emotion that she is not afraid of who he was. "Then, tell me, Mr. Who are you?" She was thinking that he might be bluffing.

A man walked towards them. His big Chelsea boots made a rhythmical noise against the marble floor. He was in his mid-forties with a cheerful face, gray, shaggy hair, big round gray eyes, and a mustache that compliments his nose and mouth.

"Mr. Kurai, I was looking for you, everywhere, and you are just here," he extended his hand to shake his.

"What else can I do to help you, Mr. Principal?"

Before the principal could say further, he noticed Mairin on his side.

"Miss Mairin," he greeted, "I'm glad to see you here, too, please, let me introduce you to Mr. Kurai, a philanthropist and the co-owner of the Nocturne Music Industry."

I even gaped of what I've heard, almost choking while chewing my food. I stared at Kurai. Is this for real? To what I've known, Nocturne is one of the largest music industries in the world. How come he's here?

The last words echoed in Mairin's ear, wide-eyed. She stared into those bright blue eyes of the beautiful man, and she fell silent.