
Chapter 1- Meet my family.

Buried in one of the many romance novels I own and have re-read a number of times. I don't hear the door to my master sized bedroom open until a loud voice jolts me out of my book.

"Hey!" the voice exclaims an underlying of excitement in his tone.

I jump a foot in the air from my position on my decorated window seat. Annoyed that I have been disturbed from my reading I face the owner of the obnoxious voice.

"Drake!" I exclaim in pure surprise and shock.

"What?" he asks like as if he has no idea of what he just did.

"You could have knocked idiot. There's a reason why the door is there"

He shrugs his head still the only part of his body in my room." I did knock".

"We both know you didn't" I shake my head putting my highlighter between the page of the book I stopped reading.

He smiles pearly white teeth showing "alright you caught me I didn't knock".

I shook my head once more "then why are you here?".

"Mike, Amelia and I are..."

"No" I cut him off already knowing where he was going to. This past weeks he has been trying to drag me to many places as possible probably to make more memories since I will soon die...

Don't think like that I chastise myself. Be positive and think positive. I will not die.....yet.

Don't get me wrong I love Drake so much we were like two peas in a pod doing everything together. At least that was when I was a happy girl and didn't know I had cancerous cells in me.

His face falls in a matter of seconds and this time he sighs dejectedly then walks into the room closing the door behind him. I slip down from my seat on the window my feet making contact with the soft carpeted floor.

"We haven't gone out together in a while" he points out coming to a stop in front of me.

He is my younger brother but that doesn't stop him from acting like Dad sometimes.

When I don't reply he goes on. "Linda" he calls.

I look up to him removing my gaze from the carpet I see every other day.

"Just come out with us you don't have to do anything. Just come and have fun with us. You've been cooped up inside for a whole month".

"You know that..." I stop unsure of what excuse to give this time.

He smirks satisfied that I have no excuse to give this time.

I seriously have to refill my excuse bank.

He extends his hands and takes a hold of mine. His bright green eyes shine with love and affection the kind you get from a brother or sister. I will myself to not think he's doing this because I have a sickness.

Instead I focus on the the side where I know that he's doing this because he genuinely cares for me.

"Please stop doing this to yourself" he whispers.

I nod quietly understanding what he's talking about.

My therapist once told me that I have to let myself be loved by my family. Pushing away from them because of my situation won't help my condition. She emphasized on the fact that every new memory made with them counts and memories like this are what keeps us pushing through even in the hardest and most painful times.

But I don't want to make it harder for them when I eventually pass away. What's the point of making new memories when I won't live to relive them or joke about it.

"You're one hell of an over-thinker" Drake says making me aware that he's still watching me deliberate over this simple matter.

"You overthink too much Lin"

"It's just a few hours. Come on do it for Sexy Jack" he jokes. I laugh remembering when he snatched that novel from my bookshelf. One of my favorite novels actually I didn't stop talking about it so curiosity got the best of him and he read it to find out what I was always squealing about.

I mull over it for a minute more before I agree to his offer.

"I'll go only if you let me drive your Audi"

He beams and unexpectedly throws his arm around me suspending me in the air for a few seconds.


I laugh along with him and step back when my feet touch the floor.

"You be ready in an hour"


"Good now come downstairs for lunch".

I roll my eyes and follow him out of the room not having anymore strength to refuse. We walk side by side down the grand staircase of our mansion. The second grand house my Dad bought when he made his first million.

Tracing my fingers along the golden rail of the staircase I take every step carefully. My sickness can't exactly allow me to run up the stairs how I want to. I get tired easily hence breathlessness.

I stop on a step and I'm immediately met with Drake's questioning stare.

"Are you alright?" he asks.


"Can I carry you?"

I almost laugh but I smile instead and continue the short journey downstairs. "Absolutely not".

We reached the ground floor and expertly moved around the way that we have always done and soon enough we reach the second dining hall meant for family meals only.

"Didn't think you'll join us" My Dad says from his seat at the head of the table. I smile and walk over to him to give him a hug.

"Drake managed to convince me" I shrugged.

"I guess I owe him fifty dollars then" my Dad says much to my surprise reaching for his wallet in his pocket.

"I can't even with you guys". Both of them laugh while I leave them to go to the adjoining kitchen.

My Mom and my younger sister Amelia are busy serving the food into serving bowls and plates. Amelia turns and unexpectedly squeals.

"Oh my gosh you scared me!" she exclaims in surprise holding a hand to her chest. I roll my eyes she was dramatic all the time. I didn't even do anything.

"It's a surprise that you aren't in your room. Is everything okay dear?" my mom asks wiping my hands on the apron tied around her waist.

"I'm fine I'm here because of Drake" I said walking over to where the cupcakes for desert were left to cool.

"That means you're following us out" Amelia says taking her phone and starts furiously typing.

"Yeah I guess"

I look around noting that they cooked enough food to leave another full family meal. Another secret hobby of mine was cooking and finding new recipes.

"Why didn't you call me to help?" I asked even if I already knew the answer. We had helpers and maids around the house but they were off on weekends so we were left to do our things ourselves Saturdays and Sundays.

Mother and Amelia shared a glance before either of them said anything.

"We didn't think you'd come" my mom whispers taking a step closer in my direction. I look down at the sparkling white marble counter finished with little spots of gold. Tears suddenly want to fall out of my eyes but I blink them away refusing to be ridiculous.

My mom gently holds my shoulder and she continues."You've been pulling away more than usual and we didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Doctor Moore advised that we let you be that you'll come around in your own time".

I nod and looking into my mom's warm brown eyes, the crinkle around her eyes from the turbulence of life. Little grey hairs stand at the front of her hairline spreading into her once black Raven hair.

I smooth back some stubborn strands that didn't stay in her bun.

"Thank you for understanding" I say simply. She smiles and embraces me in one of her famous hugs. Another pair of thin arms wrap around me from behind.

"We're always here for you big sis".

Soon we are gathered back in the dining room about to eat lunch. The antic table is covered in a creamish cloth material embroidered with gold threads making beautiful designs. Dad sits at the head of the table with Mom seated by his right hand on the other side of the table and seated beside Mom is Amelia. On the lefts side of the table beside Dad is me and right beside me is Drake.

After we share the grace I scoop some peas into my plate as well as Thai rice. Pouring a suitable amount of gravy onto my rive I dig in.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Drake asks from beside me nudging me softly in my side.

I stare at my plate of food that looks like a rat's portion compared to Drake's plate that can feed two families.

Shrugging I answer "Yeah".

He spares a glance at me one last time before looking to my Mom who is seated on the other side of the table. My mom throws him a look I know too well silently telling him to let me.

I stop and then sneak a glance at everybody's plate.

Their food looks noticeably bigger than mine and I sigh internally and reach out for the serving spoon and bowl to take more food.

Do this for your family. They obviously care about your well-being I tell myself.

I can feel the eyes of everybody on me and despite being twenty five years old I feel like a little child.

From beside me I can feel Drake smiling without needing to look at him. I wave off their stares and continue filling up my stomach.

Conversations flow even as we eat and I try to be included in it.

"I'm going back to work on Monday" I announce to my family whilst dabbing my mouth with a napkin.

The clatter of cutlery landing on ceramic plate fills the silence. Amelia smiles sheepishly then picks up her knife and fork that she dropped noisily.

My Dad shares a glance with my Mom and then he turns to me."Are you sure honey? We don't want a repeat of the last time".

"I'm sure Dad. I overworked the last time and I promise that I won't do that again"

He sighs and then turns to my mother who in turn turns to look at me.

"We care for your well-being dear. Please promise us that you'll take good care of yourself".

"I promise" I whisper more to my self not sure if it's something i will be able to keep.

Taking a glance at all of their faces again I determine to do the best I can to keep myself healthy.

The tension in the atmosphere eases after my announcement and I find myself laughing at Drake's jokes.

"What did I miss?" a familiar voice interrupts. Coming into view is my best friend. Michael Harp Mike for short. We've known each other since I was in pigtails. Now he works in my Dad's company as the General manager making him closer to the family.

"The whole lunch" Drake says erupting a laugh from everybody.

Mike chuckles and takes a seat beside Amelia roughening her hair before sitting down.

"Hey you" he greets his gaze on me.


He raises an eyebrow "You okay"

"Perfectly fine" I reply suddenly not liking the way everyone treats me like a baby including my younger siblings.

"I'm going upstairs now" I say standing up not bothering to return my plates to the kitchen.

Drake stands up almost immediately and I push him back down. "I can go on my own"

He nervously glances at Mike and eases back into his seat.

Without waiting for any more suggestions from anybody I exit out of the room towards the grand staircase.

Taking the first step I start my slow climb up to my room. I hear faint footsteps following me I don't need to guess to know that it's Mike.

I turn to him and he instantly freezes in his step.

"Can you not follow me"

"Who said I was following you? I have a room up there too"

I rolled my eyes the smug bastard. He's had a room here since high school.

He's dressed in a white tank top shirt and jean shorts a contrast to his office wears. A pair of black Ray-Ban sunglasses rest on his full blonde hair. His attractive I won't lie and his charms work on almost every girl he spares a glance.

"You better not follow me I'm not in the mood". I say turning back to continue my journey upstairs.

I continue up the stairs and still hear his footsteps following. I reach my room and spare him just a glance before I pull the handle down and step inside the room.

After closing the door I rest my ear against it to hear his retreating footsteps. I don't hear any instead I hear a knock that half startles me.

"Be ready in thirty minutes" is all he says.

This time I hear his retreating footsteps.

Time to make some memories...

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