2 The start of Everything

After sometime she remained in a sitting position. Unable to accept the loss. Her empty gaze into the ground. It made me shiver.

"Its not your fault." said in a concerned voice.

She looked at me.

In anger. Tried to throw a rock at me but as a spirit it threw cross me. Only she collapsed again.


"Because... you are special." i followed up.

"You did all this!" replied with anger that could shatter the world.

"If you never ever come to my body nothing would have happened! Thats right...I would be a normal girl. I would grow up, marry and die. Like a normal human! But no!"

"There are things that cannot be changed." i said after a deep sigh and continued.

"If i weren't here you are never be born. In your mother's womb you were already half-dead. You are small and Fragile still. But with me.

I can make you more."

The expression from the young girl's face changed. She is well above intelligent. She knew that her parents feared her. And the notion that she can be more set her curious. She dried her tears got up and continued to step closer to me.

"I....i am sorry. I might not fully understand this but we are one it seems. It would be better to cooperate rather than divide. Am i wrong?" She said in a somewhat forced way it seems her anger still not fully disappeared.

"No. I am sorry. I thought that the sooner i interfere the better it will be. I was horribly wrong." replied in an apologetic voice.

She stared at me with her Yellowish eyes for sometime. But soon turned and went to gather some branches and twigs.

Is she trying to make a fire? She know how to do it? No one ever taught her to do. As the fireplace started to take shape i wondered.

How smart actually is she?

She grabbed two stones and hitted eachother with it. Not long later a fire started. I watched the fire. As in my life i was scared from it. But now knowing it can't hurt me i got closer to it.

Her head made a quick look and soon got up.

"Now let's find something tasty!" her eyes flashed of greatness. As a sign of wanting to become better. Maybe she can be finally free?

"Not so fast young one!" i instantly replied with a fatherly voice knowing that now i am her guardian.

"You need a weapon at first. I suggest a bow and some arrow."

After some thinking she went to the woods but returned soon after with some rocks a rubbery tree branch and a string of sarmentum. She quickly made a bow and followed up by arrows.

The girl never cease to amaze me.

"Alright can we go to hunt? she bend forward in a stary eye while her cute tail wiggle.

Even as one who is dead. It made my heart beat again.

"yes. But remember don't get greedy. You still very weak. A boar or a deer can easily kill you.

Try a rabbit."

"Kay!" she instantly replied.

her quick and swift steps made her fast even i needed to reteleport next to her to catch up.

but soon we find a horned rabbit. With the precision of a sniper she aimed at the head and hit. It was a critical move and the rabbit went down. She picked up but soon find something....interesting. A gem it was very small, roughly the size of a grape but it was non other less.

"What is this?" She pointed at it with her finger.

"that is a skill stone. Observe well because you are the only one who ever seen one including me. I said you are special. You can attain other's skill by killing them."

She looked at me with an even more confused face. A confusion that soon turned into a twisted grin.

"I will get every single skill that exists! For i will be the greatest!"

I didn't know she can be this. For the time i say its just childish play but if this continue....

Maybe the parents were right after all?

She crushed the small gem only to allow her the "Speed of Cowards" skill. I must say the name of it isn't good but her speed was boosted even if she aren't scared.

After some rattle about how worthless this skill is she soon returned to the camp.

Skinned the rabbit and put it above the fire. Soon the meat was ready and ate the whole thing up.

Well she was hungry as a wolf.

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