
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
41 Chs



A fresh morning..

Xi Nina sat on a chair in front of her desk in the office.

Xiao Yin stood beside her with a bunch of files..

"Xiao Yin, how about the preparation of the award ceremony?" Xi Nina asked.

"It's going well. As you say, they arrange everything in a apple pie order." Xiao Yin said softly, "There's no need to worry."

"Mm, see. Okay, Just inform Ke Ke that I'm going to check the arrangements. If she wants, she can accompany me."

"Noted Director Xi.."

"Umm, you can leave now.."

"Alright.." she moved back but suddenly halted.

"Is there anything you want say?" she looked at her questioningly, "Just spell it."

"Err..actually Director Xi, can I go along with you!" she looked pitifully.

"Why not!!" Xi Nina chuckled, "Present in time then.."

"Yes yes.." she grinned widely and left.


At noon..

It's not cold now...

It's going to be summer..

Xi Nina pulled yourself and packed up her stuff. When, she reached downstairs, there were already Ke Ke and Xiao Yin.

They got into the car and within 30 minutes reached to the venue.

The Glory Hall..

One of the foundation of MU Conglomeration..

The workers were busy with there stuff.

The curtains were champagne color as Xi Nina mentioned before.

Company's logo which would be set in entrance..

The red carpet was brand new..

the stage was large and eye catching..

Moreover, Xi Nina was satisfied.

The more she examined the more she praised the workers

The workers were also happy for her generosity.

When she walked beside the lake behind the hall. She bumped into Vice President Quan.

One of her eye shore..

From the beginning till now no matter what she has been against her.

Naturally, Xi Nina intended to ignore her..

But who knew..

"Director Xi.." she called out.

"Umm, VP Quan.." she smiled to light the situation but she could the hostility of opposite person's mind.

"So you are here for what?"

"Nothing just final checking.."

"Final checking? Huh!!" she sneered, "There's two days left only. And look at you, you are here now. Do you think it's right?"

"So, VP Quan is trying to say that I'm not qualified for this job. May I know who is more qualified in your eyes!" she smiled

"Don't act like silly. We all know how can you get this. You are just shameless."

"May I know why do you think I'm shameless!!"

"Shut up! If it's not for you Xin'er get this opportunity.." she yelled, "You shameless bit•ch, you just only know how to spread your leg and climb top.."

"Ohh really.. " she laughed, "In case, I'm still better than Gu Xinyi.."

"You..you actually admit that you seduce men.."

"VP Quan.." she faced her eyes, "As a senior, don't you think you should be more careful about your words.."

When VP Quan met her cold gaze she shivered.

"Let me tell you, for the last time I spare you.. or else.."

"Or..or else..what-what can you do?" she stammered a little.

"Nothing nothing.." she leaned forward and whispered, "Just expose your secrets in the villa of western suburbs.."

"What-what do you mean by that.." she widened her eyes in shock.

"Let's wait and see.." she turned around and left..

"You sl•ut, I'll teach you a lesson.." she brunt in anger.


In the hall..

Ke ke and Xiao Yin waited for her.

"Where did you go, Nina?" Ke Ke asked impatiently.

"Uhh, I just went to see the lake.."

"Thank goodness, I was worried about you." she rubbed her forehead, "Oh, let me tell you VP Long waited for you.."

"For me?"


"Okay, I'm going to check it.."


"Good afternoon, VP Long.."

"Umm, Ms. Xi, we are very satisfied with your work." he smiled, "it's almost completed here. So, I give you one day off."

"Thank you, but there's no need. Actually there's still some.."

"Don't make things hard for yourself." he cut off her word, "You are still young. Just cherish yourself little more."

"Alright, then I'll trouble you."

"Hehe, don't be polite with me." he chuckled,"after all, you are my little sister. How can give you hard times!"

"Umm, Okay I'm leaving then.."

"Yeah, watch your path.."

(Xi Nina, you are really a good girl but a workaholic person like you I wish you can get your Mr. Right soon..)

He smiled like a big brother who wants to see his sister happy..

[To be continued..]