
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

First Meeting With Chairman (4)

After seeing the tender expression of her face, his facial expression also softened..

He Looked at her completely..

Her eyes also met with his eyes.

Those deep dark eyes..

She again felt it so familiar but didn't know why..

As Ah Ting had seen this, he coughed a little..

Cough! Cough!

They went back to their senses.

"Okay, Then let's get back to the topic?" Ah Ting looked at Mu Yinran.

He hummed a little.

"According to our Chairman, that project will be handled by Miss KeKe Ming.." he paused and looked at her.

Keke was still in shock.

Even though she was a director in this company, she didn't get any serious project for the time being as she was under VP Quan and she always favoured Gu Xinyi.

She suddenly felt so happy.

When she turned her head a little her eyes met with Ah ting.

He blinked at her like to assure her made a lipsync as "Best of Luck.."

She also thanked him the same way.

In the mean while..

VP Long was discussing sometime important with Mu Yinran.

After some time, Mu Yinran said, "As you all know, even if our company has been putting foot on many kind of businesses but we didn't start to do real estate business as we did in France.

So I want to start a real estate business here..

So, what's your opinion?"

Everyone started to give their opinion..

"I think it's a good idea!"

"But it's completely new for us.."

"We should think twice.."

"Umm. about that we should take the decision carefully and start the business, after all we have enough capital.."

Mu Yinran was hearing to everyone patiently..

"Can I say something?"..

Everyone was looking at her..