
Little Daisy

It's really beautiful when you meet your perfect partner and stay happy with him. Xi Nina also met her partner who stays by her side and show how lovable it's to being love. Mu Yinran, who is the cold CEO, always stays away from the girl. How can he fall in love with Xi Nina!! Will they end up happily or not? Let's read the story & fly in the sky happily..

Peach_blossom_Rii · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

First Meeting With Chairman (3)

"What's wrong, Miss Gu?" Ah Ting smirked.

Mu Yinran's eyes became more cold as it was shooting dragger.

"Uhh nothing, actually.. ab..about that.." Gu Xinyi Stuttered as she paniced in something.

"VP Quan seemes like Miss Gu couldn't complete her tasks."Ah Ting raised his eyebrows.

"That's not, tha..that that.." VP Quan also didn't know what to say.

"Umm I.." Gu Xinyi interrupted..

"Director Gu.." Mu Yinran voice was cold like death..

Gu Xinyi gulped and shivered.

"Do you think you can stay in our company only being a spy of Gus, umm?" Mu Yinran looked at her with his dead cold eyes.

"It's I..It's not true."Gu Xinyi started to tremble as her eyes met with Yinran.

"Then what?" Mu Yinran was expressionless.

"I didn't do anything.. I don't know anything..

They asked me to do this..

That way, they gave my dad a position..

I didn't mean to do this.." Gu Xinyi revealed everything in front of everyone.

All of them are shocked..

More VP Quan, after all from the very first day she has been liking this girl..

She couldn't believe that this girl was up to know good..

She treted her like her own daughter, even Threw tantrums on Xi Nina..

But in the end, she betrayed her, everyone in the company..

"Miss Gu.." Ah Ting smirked as he said," Do you think after that Chairman Mu will keep you?"

"I, it's no.." she kept her head down.

"Then what should you do?" Ah Ting raised his eyebrows.

"I will go resign my own, please don't let it public..

Or else, my career, my image will be.. "

"We know that." Ah Ting interrupted her..

"What happened today, if it goes to public by any chance.." Mu Yinran looked up," He or she won't need to come tomorrow.."

His lips arced upwards faintly..

Yet it was beautiful, it made everyone shivered.

"Miss Gu please.." Ah Ting pointed to the door.

Gu Xinyi left with tears flowing on her face.

VP Quan's face was also gloomy..

"About the project.." Ah Ting whispered in Mu Yinran's ear.

He also whispered back something and gave a side glance at Xi Nina who is mesmerising in her own world.