
The first dust on your boots

'it's so noisy in this plane, the guy comfortably sleeping next to me and snoring like a bear doesn't help much. How can someone be sleeping with all of this noise around?'

"15 mikes to touch down ladies! Get your shit together and ready yourself! You have one minute to get your ass on the parade grounds after this bird stops moving and the doors take two minutes to open!" the comanding officer shouted his words, confidence in his voice and pride in his stance.

"Sir, yes Sir!" the troops collectively answer as if they were one man with the voice of hundreds.

'I am a long way from home, guess there's no turning back now. Am i ready for this? Did I make the right choice by coming here?'

As the doors to the back of the aircraft open the cabin is filled with a sudden dry heat and the smell of dust. The sudden change in temperature is so much that a drop of sweat can be felt forming on Anthony's forehead and running down the side of his face, or is this perhaps the feeling of fear and excitement giving him this uncomfortable feeling?

As the men and women take their places on the parade grounds they are greeted by a sight none of the new recruits could have expected. Helicopters flying up ahead, so low it almost seems as if you could reach out and touch them. Troops in the distance running in union and chanting military related song after their commanding officer. Vehicles being moved, ordinances and supplies being offloaded and taken to their respective destinations. It looks like a colony of ands in camouflaged clothing, each knowing their place and their jobs. What happens next braught a shiver down Anthony's spine. Soldiers rush from inside a small warehouse sised building to a convoy of Humvees that arrived as the troops were running out of the aircraft. Bullet holes scattered everywhere, blood dripping from underneath the chassis of one of the vehicles, a medic screaming out instructions to the doctors while pressing down tightly on the leg of a soldier while bleeding from a head wound himself. A sudden gust of wind fills the air with the smell of blood and diesel, a smell that makes you want to throw up.

"ATTENTION!!" a deep and commanding voice can be heard. At an instant the troops stand ready, feet together and hands by their sides.

"I am Lieutenant Corporal John Franklin Aims. I trust you ladies were smart enough to get some shut eye during your trip from the main land! If not you are going to have a bad day. I have a special way of welcoming everyone that enters my base and seeing as it is my birthday today you will all simg to me! Getvdown on your faces ladies and give me 50 and i better hear you singing!"

Without any hesitation the droops drop down and follow the instructions, singing their hearts out while their arms start to burn and their throats dry out from the heat.

'happy birthday? Feels more like welcome to hell day' Anthony thought to himself while standing at attention again swallowing what little spit is still in his mouth in an attempt to gives his throat a little relief from the burning dryness.

"This is Corporal Manfred Simmons, he will escort you to your barracks and brief you further" the Lieutenant Corporal instructed while looking at the already tired faces in front of him. "You will get used to the heat, you will adapt. You are not allowed to die here do you worms understand me!?"

"Sir, yes Sir" like a well oiled machine revving.

Walking into the barracks somewhat relieved the troops, finally something familiar. 'it doesn't look that much different from the barracks back at basic' Anthony thought with a slight smile ob his face.

"Find your bunk, pack your belongings and clean your hands! Chow time is at 19:00!" Corporal Simmons instricted.

"I guess I will be your bunk mate" a soft but firm voice said. Anthony turns his head and greets with a slight smirk on his face. "Glade, Anthony Glade" he reaches out his hand. "Benjamin King" the man said as he firmly shook his hand.

Sitting down at the steel table eating his food Anthony listens to the conversations going on around him, trying not to make it seem obvious that he is trying to overhear the one going on behind him. "Ramone is goimg to be fine the Doc said, he wont lose the leg but he will be sent home. I still cant believe how quickly they appeared from that building, next thing I knew there was gunfire everywhere and training kicked in. They dropped like flies. I still cant believe we all got out there alive. Everyone except Bland." the female soldier told the others sitting at her table."He will be missed, he was a good soldier" one of the men said with a slight wimper in his voice.

Later that night while wiping the dust off his boots and getting ready for bed Glade could help but wonder. 'Am I next? Is King next? Is this what i signed up for? To die in another country fighting a war for a country that is nkt even mine?' As he lay down his head and his tired eyes slowly shut his thoughts returned to his home in South Africa. "good night my love, good night my little girl. I love you and I miss you"

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