
Lightning Human in MHA

A 16 year old boy named Nakada Ichirou, died in a plane crash, because he was one of only few who deserve a second chance, he gets reborn in the world of MHA with a few wishes. ---------------------------- This is my first time writing a fanfic, I plan to stay consistent and release one chapter a week It won't be harem, I'll focus on only one love interest, I'll make it so the MC doesn't get super OP right away.

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81 Chs

60- Practical Exam!

I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week, I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


The class quitted down after hearing Mr. Aizawa's threat. After everyone had settled down, he passed the exam papers.

There were many subjects. Math, history, sciences, language, etc. All of the exams were taken over the first three days of the week. Even though the questions were a little tricky, Aska was able to breeze through them all.

Once the exams were done, Mr. Aizawa stood in front of the whole class,

"Tomorrow we will have the practical portion. Go home and rest, don't exert yourselves today. Am I clear?" - Mr. Aizawa

"Yes sir" - The whole class

Everyone was mentally exhausted, so they went home without delaying. Aska got home and just hung around with his parents before he went to bed.


Next morning Aska got up early and did some stretching, before he did his morning routine. After a quick shower and a nice breakfast, Aska took the train to school.

Once he got to class, Mr. Aizawa was there, "Put on your hero outfits, and head to the practical exam area in the central plaza"

All of them did as they were told. Once they got there they saw the other teachers.

"Why are all the teachers here" - Kaminari asked as he looked at the teachers lined up

"I'll get to that in a moment. Listen up, I'll say it once. It's vey possible for any of you to fail this exam. Don't do anything stupid if you want to go to the camp, and be smart about when you act in the practical exam. Keep a cool head and look for the best action to take. Now as to why are the teachers here...well your exam is to fight us" - Mr. Aizawa smiled when he said the last part.

"What! I thought we were going to fight those big robots?!" - Ashido shouted in shock

"Well that was the original plan. But your class is way ahead in terms of combat abilities, so we changed the plans up" - Nezu said as he crawled out of Mr. AIzawa's scarf.

"With that being said, lets move on to the break down of the exam. You will be paired up, and your job is to either capture your teacher, or escape. Just like in real life, if you face a villain you can't defeat, it's better to retreat and find a hero who has the advantage. Oh, by the way you have already been paired up" - Ms. Midnight added

"Why don't we get to pick our own teammates?" - Iida

"I'm the one who picked the teams. I picked based on compatibility, prior personal relations, grades, and other factors" - Mr. Aizawa

Everyone looked tense at what he said.

"Now then, the teams are as follows, these are in order as well.

Kirishima & Sato VS Cementoss

Asui & Tokoyami VS Ectoplasm

Iida & Ojiro VS Power Loader

Yaoyorozu & Todoroki VS Me (Aizawa)

Uraraka & Aoyama VS 13

Kaminari & Ashido VS Principal Nezu

Jiro & Takashi VS Present Mic

Shoji & Hagakure VS Snipe

Sero & Bakugo VS Midnight

Midoriya & Minamoto Vs All Might

I expect all of you to preform to the best of your abilities in this exam. To make this a little more fair, the teachers will wear these weighted bands. They will add about half of our body weight, this will burn through our stamina much quicker" - Mr. Aizawa announced.

First up were Kirishima and Sato. The two of them were able to realize early on that Mr. Cementoss was trying to tire them out. Sato held Kirishima and then he threw him over Cementoss' walls. Kirishima was able to land on top of Cementoss and held him down for a minute. That time was enough for Sato to make it to them and they were able to handcuff Cementoss

Next up was Asui and Tokoyami. Their opponent was Mr. Ectoplasm. They were able to beat most of his clones, until he used his gigantic clone. Asui was able to distract him with her long tongue and Tokoyami was able to run through the gate.

After that was Iida and Ojiro. They had to run around a construction site, where Power Loader was wrecking havoc. Iida was able to run around and was able to use his ultimate move to send Ojiro through the gate, securing the win for them.

Then it was Yaoyorozu & Todoroki against Aizawa. Momo was very aggressive in this test. She had used flash bombs like a maniac. She almost blinded Mr. Aizawa when she used pepper spray ejectors. The ejectors were as big as a car. When she pulled the trigger a massive explosion like effect cased the peppers to blast in Mr. Aizawa's face. Anyway the effects were good enough to give Todoroki a chance to handcuff Mr. Aizawa.

Uraraka and Aoyama were up next. 13 didn't give them a chance. They were about to lose when Aoyama's clothes got ripped off of him, and 13 covered her eyes in embarrassment. Uraraka took that chance to run at 13 and send her floating. Then Uraraka took off running to the gate.

Aska in the monitor room was rolling on the floor laughing. That was more like a comedy show than a fight between heroes.

Kaminari and Ashido had to deal the Nezu. Unfortunately for them, they couldn't. Nezu had sent an entire tower toppling over at them. They tried to run around and find a way out, but between the two of them, they couldn't come up with a solution. So Kaminari and Ashido were the first to fail this exam.

Jiro & Takashi were up next. Their opponent is Present Mic. This should be interesting. All three of them have sound based abilties, so Aska was interested to see how a fight like that would go. Present mic stood by the gate, that damn camper, and he would send "YEAAAAAAAAH" at them every few seconds or so.

Takashi got close to the gate, but he still hid in a bush. Jiro was attracting Present Mic's attention else where. In that time Takashi sent silent sound waves towards Present Mic. Visible blue sound vibrations traveled through the forest. Present mic saw the blue sound waves. He readied himself for the sound impact, but nothing happened. Then suddenly all the bugs and birds in the vicinity started running away from the source of the sound; Takashi. In seconds the insects and the birds were on top of Present Mic. And just like that Takashi and Jiro passed.

Shoji and Hagakure were up against Snipe. They tried to run away from him, but he was able to corner them. They had to run into a building, and he followed them. Hagakure tried to sneak out, but snipe heard her footsteps, and shot at her. Realizing what Hagakure was trying, Shoji changed his approach, he started attacking snipe instead of running away. This way he can give Hagakure a chance to escape. He failed to distract Snipe long enough for her to escape. But after about three or four tries, Hagakure got lucky and was able to escape from the building, and she was able to go through the gate.

Next up was Sero and Bakugo. Their opponent was Ms. Midnight. Bakugo refused to work with Sero at all. On top of it all, Sero's pervert ass got distracted by Ms. Midnight long enough for her to release enough gas to fill the area around the gate. Bakugo tried to send explosions through the smoke, to blow it away. Unlucky for him he was too late and he was knocked out as well. This made them the second team to fail this exam

The last to go were Aska and Midoriya. They had to deal with the number one hero, All Might.

"So what do you want to do Midoriya?" - Aska asked as he stepped into the exam site.

"huh? Why are you asking me?" - Midoriya

"I can fight or I can escape. Both are very much doable for me. But if I ignore you and just go on my own, you'll fail for not participating, and I'll get some points docked from my final score for not acting like a team. So it's up to you to choose. Which of the two options do you feel the most comfortable doing?" - Aska

Midoriya looked at the round for a moment, he seemed to be conflicted about something. "I think we can run away" - He finally answered

'Damn All Might worshiper. But I think that anyone would do the same against the number one hero' Aska sighed before he started speaking again

"I see. Then lets do tha

Before Aska can finish his sentence, the sound of rumbling interrupted him.

Looking down the road, massive wind pressure was traveling towards them, shattering all the windows, pushing away the cars on the side of the road.

Jumping in front of Midoriya, Aska coated himself in armament haki, he concentrated more around his right arm. He then coated himself with lightning. Around his body, deep blue lightning was flickering. Aska punched towards the incoming wind pressure.


With the sound of a sonic boom sounded as Aska's fist traveled through the air. That sent a wind pressure of its own. The pressures collided, casing the area around to get even more destroyed.

*Step Step*

"Not bad young Minamoto. I didn't expect you to match this much power. But still within what I have expected. Now then lets see if you can keep up with that!" - All Might shouted as he pulled his arm back, ready to send another attack.

"Well Midoriya, it seems we have to fight after all" - Aska said as he sped towards All Might.

Aska arrived just before All Might's punch was completely thrown. Aska sent a punch, and both met in the middle, completely shattering the ground beneath them from the pressure. All Might felt the toughness of Aska's fist. It felt like he hit a thick metal wall. All Might decided to up the power a bit more.

Aska and All Might traded punches. Every time All Might sent a punch he felt almost like Aska's body wasn't there. He also noticed that his body would mend back together after the punch. Aska started to up the voltage around his body. Aska had gotten faster and stronger.

'Midoriya got to be one of the dumbest smart people I know. Why the fuck hasn't he made a break for the gate?' - Aska can feel Midoriya still in the same exact spot. He was just standing still

"MIDORIYA!" - Aska shouted

Midoriya snapped out of it, and started running towards the gate.

Aska put more pressure on All Might. he would utilize his speed to dodge and counter. Aska ducked a little, letting All Might's fist pass right over him, with a quick spin, he sent a powerful kick to his face. All Might caught Aska's foot. But then suddenly a thin silver line shined near All Might's face.

All Might noticed the line, his eye followed the line and noticed a yoyo at the end of the line. All Might reached his other hand to catch the yoyo.


The heavy yoyo was coated in armament haki. When it collided with All Might's hand, it caused a heavy impact.

Aska reacted quickly. His foot turned blue, it had turned into pure lightning, causing All Might to catapult back into a building. All Might's eyes shifted to the side where he saw Midoriya running towards the gate.

All Might thought he can get to Midoriya and knock him out before continuing his battle with Aska. All Might dug himself out of the rubble and sped towards Midoriya.

"Not so fast young man!" - All Might said as he appeared behind Midoriya who was a dozen feet away from the gate

"Not so fast old man" - Aska appeared behind All Might. Lightning was flickering all around him. He kicked All Might in the back of the leg, causing him to stumble.

Midoriya saw Aska hold off All Might, he knew that h had to keep running. Aska held off All Might for a few more seconds, which was enough for Midoriya to cross the gate, effectively passing the exam with Aska.


Don't forget to check out my pat-reon! (Kerolo_Hanna)

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