
First Exprinces+16(Rewrite)

Sirzechs led Kurayami, Serafall, Kuroka who was on his head, and Shin. Serafall had not said it yet, but being around Shin was quite terrifying because he was wearing Incinerate Anthem around his neck. 

With every step, the purple cross dangling from his neck would jingle which she finally brought up.

"I have to be honest that the cross scares me. I won't die if it touches me will I?"

"Are you talking about the cross I am wearing or Shin?" 

Serafall pointed at Shin who seemed to smirk as best a dog could. It looked terrifying as he was the size of a Polar Bear. 

"You don't have to worry, Shin has control over it. And the cross I am wearing is not exactly holy. Hard to be when it is made of Stygian Iron." 

Sirzechs had wanted to ask about that for a while now. 

"Why do you wear a cross? You don't seem to be the kind to be religious." 

"I'm not. It was a gift from Azaazel, he felt it would be ironic." 

Sirzechs smiled as that was just like Azazel. At that point, they had arrived at his office which Sirzechs opened. 

"Welcome to my home office. It's not as big as my palace in the capital, but this is much more homey." 

That was true as it was still a large office, just not massive. Serafall and Kurayami pulled out chairs as they sat down with Sirzechs. Kuroka stayed quiet as she was far from interested in politics. 

She just closed her eyes to pass the time to meet her sister which was all she wanted. Sirzechs finally explained why he invited Kurayami here. 

"To be frank, I wanted you to meet us Satans first rather than the Great King Faction. They are led by Zekkram Bael a First Generation Devil. After the death of the original Satans, he ruled the Underworld until we current Satans rose up.

Zekkram won't suggest his own candidate as he was very vocal about Serafall. Bet he just didn't want to marry off a Bael to you." 

Kurayami didn't want them anyway. 

"And that is fine. I said I would keep my mind open, not that I would accept 50 candidates. I may have a harem, but I do not seek numbers. I seek equals." 

Serafall reached out and placed a hand on his arm. 

"You really are a nice guy." 

"Thank you for saying that." 

Sirzechs shook his head, but just as he was finding happiness for his friend a beautiful maid with long raven hair and a blank look entered the office with refreshments.

Kurayami could feel how Sirzech's emotions became happier when his maid came in. However, the maid's emotions were as calm as tranquil water. She did not even react to Shin who was sitting next to Kurayami too professional for that. She set down her tea tray and began to set some fresh cups of tea for the both of them.

She headed one to Kurayami and one to Sirzechs before she bowed.


Kurayami reached out and smelled his tea first before he took a sip. 

'Curious, this contains very small amounts of demonic power. Like the tea leaves were watered with water infused with demonic power. My mana eats it up before it settles, but it is enjoyable. Not as good as Inari, but she is Amaterasu's attendant.'

"This is perfect. Reminds me of the tea of Inari Just not as good."

Sirzechs could recognize that name. 

"Isn't that the goddess of tea?

Kurayami nodded. 

"Yes. She is my ancestor Amaterasu's attendant. She served us tea once and it was a magical experience." 

That made Sirzechs jealous as he had heard of how great the tea served by Inari was. 

"So she is your ancestor?"

"Of course. We have been speaking to her more and more and she herself has said we have been accepted as family." 

Serafall now was very curious. 

"If you ever visit, I would like to try some." 

"I will bring you the next time I visit." 

"It's a promise." 

Sirzechs knew the hidden words behind his words.

'Amaterasu is my family. If we go to war who will she pick, Devils or her family? Well played Kurayami. Seems he will make a great Governor-General."

The maid bowed before she excused herself from the room. Once she was gone, Kurayami brought up a good point. 

"While we have agreed to peace, I might as well say why peace is for the best. One, we can focus on recovery after the wars our people have fought. We have low birthrates with Fallen Angels being better off than Devils, but worse than humans. 

This has its benefits and downsides. Most of the Fallen now are either recently cast out Angels, or hybrids. Devils on the other hand have lost half of their clans and are still barely managing to recover. 

Once we have peace we can help each other begin to repopulate. In time, who knows more hybrids of our people will rise."

Sirzechs had to agree with him.

"The few times natural born Nephilim have risen they have had great potentiol. They can use Light Magic and Demonic Power, but they are rare. Hard to marry or breed with your foe." 

Kurayami started to run his hand down Shin's mane-like hair around his neck.

"That is to be expected as pure blood lineages are powerful because they are pure. However, the future cannot be set in stone. But this will be a slow process as there are Fallen Angels and Devils who still remember the Great War. 

It will take centuries of reform before old debts will be settled. There will be unease among our people, but that is to be expected when old rivalries are ended. If we can bring Heaven into our plans that will be even better, but no need to rush." 

Sirzechs smiled as he extended his hand to Kurayami who took his hand as they shook it. Kurayami did not smile as he was still terrible at it. 

"Here is to a fruitful cooperation Kurayami. Our official meeting will be in two months, but in that time it won't be as easy as this."

Kurayami understood that Sirzechs and the Satans were relaxed from what he had heard. The Great King Faction was obsessed with tradition which would be more hard-pressed to be this easy. 

"I can deal with that." 

Serafall smiled as she reached up and grabbed his sleeve. When she did so, she got embarrassed as she looked more like a child. 

'Ok, that is embarrassing.' 

Sirzechs nodded.

"It is a deal. Now that the business is out of the way several Lords are gathering along with the other two Satan. It is supposed to be a gathering to celebrate a treaty, but as you know it is also a chance to catch your eye with ladies."

He scoffed. 

"Let's see what their plan is." 

Serafall sighed as now she knew what being on this side felt like. 

"Don't fall for their tricks, ok? If you need to be a little scary Thunder Cracker." 

He still could not get used to that nickname. Sirzechs smiled as he gave one piece of news. 

My friend Ajuka is bringing his niece. From what I heard she is a Time Mage and in the almost Ultimate Class. She is also 15 like you." 

That got his attention as Time mages were rare and reaching the Ultimate Class took effort and raw talent. 

"Now that is interesting. She must have worked herself to the bone." 

"She has. Ajuka himself has been mentoring her."

"Alright, I will bite. Now I am curious about the girl. Damn, now I am sounding like Azazel." 

Serafall patted him on the back. 

"Hey, perk up big guy. Your definition of a big harem is probably small to us Devils so don't feel bad."

"I will try. Also Sirzechs, Shirone. Don't forget."

"I won't. She will come." 

"Thank you. Now, where is the room I will be staying at."

Sirzechs nodded as he called for the same maid that had served them tear. 

"Sir, I shall lead you to the room. Please follow me."

Serafall let go his sleeve as they were not that close yet. 

"Go on without me." 

He understood that. 

"Of course. Take your time." 

Kurayami with Kuroka and Shin began to follow the maid to the room that was prepared for them. Meanwhile, Serafall placed a hand on her chest as she looked at Kurayami walking away. 

Her face turned bright red as Sirzechs began to laugh at her. 

"I see that he got your attention." 

"It's hard not to. I had assumed he would have no interest in me at all, but it seems I was wrong. But at my age, I want to take my time with him." 

"Just don't wait too long, he is a young man after all." 

She huffed and walked off to the room the maids had gotten ready for her. By that time the maid who had not said a thing opened the giant door to the room they left for him.

"Sir, if you need anything just call."

He nodded as he closed the door behind him. Kuroka was still a cat as he sat down on the giant harem-intended bed. Tears of happiness left her eyes which fell on Kurayami's head. He reached up and took her small cat form in his arms.

"Did you doubt I would reunite you with her?"

Kuroka wiped her tears with her paws as she shook her head.

"You promised me and you delivered. I thought I could not love you more than I already did."

He smiled genuinely this time as she turned back into a human in his arms. But now that he saw the bed he was assured it was for hares. 

"Devils really love their harems." 

Kuroka lay down with her chest in the air as she enjoyed the soft fabric.

"That is exactly what it was made for. You already know why?"

Just then she got a naughty idea.

"Hey. While we are here, do you want to have some fun? You can't fuck me, but I can do other things as I will get pregnant. 

Kurayami did not ask about it much but now he was interested. He was 15 now which meant he had lived over 50 years in total. 35 in the other world and 15 in this one with no experience. 

"You always talked about getting pregnant, but why does that happen?"

Her ears perked up as she loosened her Kimono to show off her juicy big breasts to him. His eyes were drawn to them as he had felt them before, but this was a first for him. 

"We Nekusho are extremely rare, always have been. So our race has a little trait where the moment we desire to mate for the first time, protection or not we will get pregnant by the man who did it. Unless you are ready to have some kittens with me now?"

Kurayami could see how her cute tails were wagging as she hoped he said yes. She had always wanted to be a mother the reason for being the last of two Nekusho alive. She also loved Kurayami and knew their children would be strong. 

Sadly he had to say no, for now, he removed his coat and threw it on the floor as he got over her body. 

"Not today Kuroka. You have to wait until I am 18 for that. At least let me be an adult before I become a Father. That is three years which will allow me to get even stronger. Plus, if I am a Super Fallen angel when I get you pregnant, won't they have that potential?"

She removed all of her clothes fully and now he truly got a good look at her gorgeous body. She was both slim like a cat and full in all of the right places. She sat up as she began to remove his heavy clothes revealing his muscular body.

He was huge in all the right places from both training and his bloodline. His muscles were massive and there was not a hint of fat on his body only sculpted muscle. 

"I can wait that long. Three years is nothing. I also need to be stronger so what happened to me Shirone does not happen again. Now, then, what will you do?"

He pushed her down and kissed her full lips again. This was not their first time as they had kissed that day when Akeno went full make-out session with him. He ended up spending a while making out with the girls and it was enough to learn something. 

For Kuroka, even when she was experimented on they did not want her tainted in any way so she never suffered such actions. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and considering he was much bigger than her he had dominion. 

He pulled back as their saliva seemed to stick to the other. Her face was bright red as she was panting heavily. He was not very different, but before he forgot he set up a bounded field so they were not heard.

"I have been wanting to do this again for a while." 

She wrapped her arms around his neck while he started to gently squeeze her breasts.

"I can tell. I can see you like my tits, meow."

This was one of the few times that Kurayami let down his guard. 

"Of course I do. They are big, soft, but firm. They keep their shape even as I squeeze down and your nipples are hot." 

"Pull them." 

He did as she said and tugged on her right nipple making her squirm hard. His hand began to trace down from her tit, down her smooth flat stomach toward her womanhood. She grabbed his hand as she was embarrassed about it and nervous.

"Please, slowly. Kissing and that are very different." 

"I know."

She nodded as she let go of his hand. He started to trace his finger gently around her entrance, but he did not dare enter. Each time he did so she shivered as a small meow came out of her mouth.

He started to drool as he noticed she started to get moist and hot. He gently opened her legs wider as he licked her once.


Seeing her jump like that let him know she liked it.

"Was that good?"

She nodded covering her face with her long black hair. Her ears were curled like a cat and her tails were slapping him in the face every now and then. 

"I liked it. Can you take off your pants? I don't want to be the only one naked around her?"

"Seems fair."

He unfastened his heavy leather belt and removed his pants and boxers in one go. Kuroka covered her eyes with her hands, but she moved them out of the way to look in between his legs. Her mouth went slack at the size. 

He had girth and length as it was over a foot long. 

'He is not fully done growing, is he? He grows every time he gets another pair of wings. Won't be break me in two more.' 

"Uhh, can you stop growing wings?" 

"It's not going to get bigger. I hope." 

Kuroka smiled as she made him lie down on the bed she got in the 69 positions as she read in a porno. She grabbed her huge breasts and wrapped them around his thick cock. She started to bring them up and down as she licked the tip of his cock gently.

While she did that he did the same to her pussy with slow licks. As they were new to this stuff they took their time slowly and learned what the others liked and did not like. They kept this up for several minutes until she was fully bobbing her head on his cock.

He was fully concentrated on the pleasure and her pussy as he felt her thighs squeeze his neck. She was strong, but not strong enough to hurt him. Not long after Kurayami had an orgasm for the first time in his 50 years of existence. It was like his brain short-circuited causing him to flail slightly.

'What is this?' 

After feeling nothing but emotional extremes, something like an orgasm fried his brain. Kuroka noticed this and took advantage as she deep-throated him slightly just so she could drink all of his cum. When she tasted it she was surprised that it was not disgusting in the slightest. Unlike what she saw from other female fallen she talked to.

They all said it was foul, nasty, disgusting, or bitter. It's strong yes, but it is none of those things. Lying bitches.'

She did not know it, but stronger beings like Kurayami had every part of their body refined by mana. His body was near perfect so even his semen tasted addicting to Kuroka. None of the disgusting traits about it remained in his body so she could enjoy it for longer.

'He cums like a stallion, but it is so fucking good.'

She drank every last drop while Kurayami did the same to her orgasm. It was not her first, as she had touched herself to his clothes, but the first time he did it for her so she enjoyed it even more. When both of their orgasms dissipated they were both breathing deeply so she flipped around to look at his face.

He wrapped his arms behind her as they shared a sloppy kiss. Just in case it would disgust him she used a quick burst of Demonic Power to clean it before hand. They did not even bother talking as they both decided to make the most of this for the rest of the night. They might not be able to have penetrative sex, but this was good enough.

Either way, they did not want to stop as they found it too enjoyable.

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