
Light Devil Fruit in Tales Of Demons And Gods

Stealing devil fruit from a world noble. Hunted by thousands of marines. Finally, died at the hands of admiral. A single mistake, costs him his very life. Despair fills his thought as he closes his eyes. But then, Ye Xinghan found himself woke up in the world of cultivation. The world he is very familiar with, Tales of Demons and Gods. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This fanfic mainly for TDG X ONEPIECE. But i will add a few characters from other anime to help the plot's development. (Nah, i wont throw all anime girls in this novel. Thats just wish fulfillment) I've been wondering lately, what will Rokushiki & Haki do in the world of cultivation. But so far, there's no novel that satisfy my curiousity, so i make one myself. *Please kindly leave a comment and review to motivate me

Rashta · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Side Chapter 1

-Holy Orchid Institute-

Today, the students from Apprentice class gathered on the institute's training field. There are around 50 of them.

Because right now was the monthly sparring.

Each student will fight another student by drawing lots.

There's no reward if you win. But for these hormonal teenager, face is more important!

If you must fight against the top ranked student, then blame your own luck.

The main purpose of this activity was to enhance the combat experience of these little brat.

Why don't you go to Training ground that was filled with demon beast and fight them?

Of course you can do that as well.

But, the training ground main purpose was to enriching the teamwork experience through fighting demon beasts that has little to no intelligence.

And this monthly sparring, served a higher purpose. Because fighting a fellow human needed much more effort and brain cell.

Underhanded tricks were allowed as long as it didn't harm the opponent.

That's why even if you're stronger physically, didn't necessarily mean you will win.

This time, the teacher who oversee the sparring was an elegant middle aged man.

He was a 3 star silver rank, and hailed from one of the most prestigious family along side the Snow Wind & Sacred Family.

Divine Family, Chen Lanjiao!

He became academy's teacher because his family were from branch family. There's no hope for advancement anymore unless he broke through the gold ranked demon spiritualist.

Being a teacher of the academy had many advantages. Beside the high salary, you could get many generous bonus if one of your student proved to be a talent.

Chen Lanjiao future depended on these children!

Of course he himself will work really hard for these kid.

Right now, he was watching a spar between a boy and a girl.

The boy looked ordinary, and a ordinary commoner.

He used dual wooden swords and was known to be quite agile.

But Chen Lanjiao paid more attention to the girl.

Because she was the newly emerged genius from the Snow Wind Family.


This is the first sparring session for her and she was actually using a really unusual weapon, a white scarf!


"I won't show any mercy just because you're a girl." The boy shouted towards Ume with threatening tone.

But, Ume who was mentally stronger thanks to Snow Wind's Elder, paid no heed towards the boy.

"Hehehe, as if you're enough to make me sweat." Ume grinned and provoked the boy.

"You use that scarf to fight me? What will you do? Wrap me with those scarf and sing me a lullaby so I fall asleep? I'd say, that won't work because I can only sleep at night! " The boy took his time and trying to talk to Ume, because someone from commoners family like him didn't have many chance towards a beautiful lady with high status like her.

"Why talk so much la? You want to fight or not?" Ume rolled her eyes while swinging her scarf in circle.

"Hmph, alright! TASTE MY SWORD!" The boy launched himself towards Ume with all of his might.

The people around were surprised by the speed of his. It should be an easy win for himself right?

But, the boy had different thought, he adjusted himself when he rushed towards Ume.

'When a man and a woman fight, it is normal to touch something that wasn't supposed to be touched.' The boy thought as his eyes looked Ume pervertedly.

Especially, towards the protuding bulge that was her chest!

Ume was already a well known beauty inside the academy. In fact, she is probably the most beautiful woman the moment she entered there.

A lot of people had thought for her, but they were afraid to make any move because she was from the Snow Wind Family.

And now, this is his chance! The teacher can't punish me!

His first strike right now was aimed at her chest! He will adjust himself and grab those mountains when Ume was in the middle of surprise.


For Ume who frequently sparred with Ye Xinghan & Gyuutarou, the speed of the boy was quite slow in her eyes.

She, who always very beautiful from childhood, particulary sensitive towards perverted thoughts.

She noticed in an instant the moment the boy aiming at her chest.

At first, she would take it easy as to not really embarassed the boy. She would act as if she had a hard fight.

'He dares to strike young master's private property?' But now, Ume was fuming mad because her chest was reserved for Ye Xinghan only! (Girl, he only sees you as little sister.)

Although her current status was comparable to direct descendant, it didn't make her changed her attitude towards Ye Xinghan.

She respected and admired him.

Eventhough he was only 8 y.o, she felt that he was really dependable.

Thats why, she won't be lenient towards this boy.

Ume immediately made hands gesture to manipulate the scarf.

The white move forward and instantly reached the boy and wrapped his hand.

This technique was personally given to Ume by Ye Xinghan.

He created a simple martial technique by combining principle of puppet in Naruto with knowledge of ancient empires.

The result was Ume could control the scarf at will as long as the scarf wasn't separated from her or wasn't destroyed.

Ye Xinghan also suggested Ume to ask the family to make her a long scarf from the coccon of Iceberg Silkworm.

The silk was really durable, as anyone below silver ranked demon spiritualist wouldn't be able to cut it. Even if it was a silver ranked, they will have a hard time cutting it!

That's why, the boy was caught off guard with the unexpected technique.

He panicked and tried to break the silk with pure strength but to no avail.

Ume didn't miss the chance, she immediately used the momentum of the boy's speed to make him flying in circle.

Ume spinned the boy using her scarf, and when it reached the maximum speed, she let go the boy.


The boy struck the wall and instantly fainted.

The audience was slacked jawed because they didn't expect that this fight will be over really quick.

Earlier the boy rushed forward really quick, before getting spinned around by Ume. And he came back with even higher speed that they couldn't even see and crashed the wall.

Chen Lanjiao himself was also surprised, because he knew one month ago this little girl didn't have any combat experience.

"Teacher, did i win?"

The sudden question wake him up from reverie. He coughed and announced, "Ume win!"

The audience also woke up and generously clapped their hands.

Ume scratched her head and bashfully accepted their applause.

But, when she was in her way to came back to her seat. She noticed something hiding near the overlooked area of the training sites that was connected to the forest.

She walked there unnoticed, because the students was excited for the next battle.

And when she arrived at the place, she found a little boy with brown hair.

He was very small, around Ye Qingyu's age.

He wore ordinary clothes, but quite clean.

Right now, he terrifiedly looked at her.

"Little brother, what are you doing here?" Ume squatted down to the boy level and patted his head.

"Bi... Bi.. Big sis... Pleas..e don't t...ell anyo..ne" The little boy tremblingly said while fidgeting.

"Hehehe, big sis won't tell anyone as long as you speak honestly." Ume smiled amiably and gave a candy towards the little boy.

The little boy accepted the candy happily and said "I watched you fight earlier! Big sis, you are strong!" He grinned and praised her.

"Thank you, but its dangerous here because who knows you will be affected by the fight and no one will help you." Ume thanked him and reprimanded him.

The little boy looked down and softly said, "But, i want to be like you."

"Oh, why? Isn't it better for you to play around with your friends?" Ume asked while smiling.

The little boy shooked his head, "No!"

Ume looked at him confusedly

The little boy continued, "My family is poor, we don't have much to eat. My grandfather is very thin because he always gave some of his food to me."

Ume quietly listened to the little boy,

"Everyday, they work really hard. They say, it was all to gather money for me to enter the academy."

"My family only eat rice and vegetables, but they frequently gave me chicken and fish. They always refused when I tried to share the meat."

"Even when they sick, they would work tirelessly. They never even had a day off. I don't know what kind of work my parents doing, but they always came home dirty. And then.. "

"Stop.. "

The little boy stopped talking and looked at Ume, she was already crying.

"Big sis, what's wrong? I'm sorry if i make you cry.. " The little boy didn't know what to do, and could only stared at her helplessly.

It took a while for Ume to calm down before she took a deep breath and wiped her tears.

"In short, you want to be strong?" Ume asked

The little boy nodded his head, "Um.. I want to bring my family to Shangri-La. Because those who go there, left with smile on their face. And i think only practitioner allowed to enter."

Ume smiled, "You are so sensible." Then, she patted his head again.

"UMEE!!" At this time, someone called her name.

"Sstt, little brother. My friend called me, I just go back. You must continue to hide, go back to your family after you have done watching." Ume beckoned the little boy to hide. She stand up again and then she took a porcelain bottle and gave it to the boy.

"Big sis, what is this?"

"This is called Soul Assembling Pill. There are ten of them inside this bottle. Eat this when you officially embark towards path of cultivation." Ume hurriedly explained towards the little boy.

"Sorry little brother, big sis must go back. See you later." Ume running back to the training sites while waving her hand, but she stopped and asked "Oh yeah, what's your name?"

The little boy silently looked at the candy & porcelain bottle on his hands.

He shouted towards the pretty big sister.

"Big sis Ume!!"

"I am Du Ze!!"


What do you guys think of side chapter like this one?

And pls don't overly pay any attention to trivial details. This is just ff lol