
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · Ti vi
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We flew to Afterlife and Jessica pulled me into the containment room for a bit of privacy. Our privacy was interrupted by Daisy asking if there was room for one more. I went wide eyed and found myself taking the virginity of a pseudo princess in the cell meant for catching bad guys. She told me she'd had this hero worship crush on me since she was a teenager.

She rode me saying this was so much better than some silly crush. She was soon tuckered out and full, happily humming while Jessica and I did damage to each other. I lit a joint while I dressed and found Crystal watching me. I grunted. "Ah hell."

Crystal asked if she could be a lover of mine and there went a real princess's virginity. I told her it'd best not cause a war and she said it wouldn't, she wasn't engaged. Once thoroughly fucked, she went with Daisy and Jessica to wash up while I went to a random room and grabbed a shower. I heard a knock on the door and Malinda May opened it when I said I'd be out in a minute.

She said I was in her room and shower. I apologized saying I didn't know or really care. She huffed and rolled her eyes before watching me shower. I saw her eyes on me and asked. "Did you need something or are you going to join?"

She shook her head before saying she thought I'd never ask. Yup, balls deep in the Calvary was how my day ended. She made sure I climaxed outside all over her face and breasts. She said she wasn't about to have kids from a one night stand even with the hottest Avenger.

We took it to her bed and I left her content but otherwise rather empty. She asked where I was going and I told her I wanted to talk a bit of science with Fitz and Simmons. She said it was Fitz-Simmons as in they were a duo or something. I shrugged and stood up after my boots were on, asking if she was good because I didn't like to leave a lover however temporary unsatisfied.

She had hooded eyes as she told me she was tingly and very good. I covered her and said goodnight before leaving. I met Coulson who said that we'd be at afterlife in five hours or so. I shrugged and went to see Fitz-Simmons but found Jemma Simmons alone.

She said Fitz was getting some sleep after their last mission and she was just finishing up. I discussed microbiology with her and opened up a whole new world of understanding for her. She felt like she was back at class again getting schooled. I chuckled and she said at least the Professor this time is a much finer specimen. I raised an eyebrow and she spoke in biological terms and basically said it was up to the best specimens to mate and make more genetically evolved offspring.

I sweat dropped and ten minutes later I was balls deep in Jemma Simmons who really didn't want me to pull out. Over and over again she milked me dry until she couldn't stand much. I left her in her compartment and shook my head calling it a weird day. Daisy pulled me back into her quarters and private time was acquired.

She said she wanted to be one of my permanent lovers. She blew me and I took her against the wall, floor, bent over and missionary on her bunk. I told her she'd have to learn magic which she agreed to. She nestled me in her overflowing depths and laid on my chest saying she'd learn anything if it meant having this, even as just sex.

I didn't say anything and instead an hour later we showered and dressed. We eventually made it to Afterlife if however after a long ride. I watched Daisy show Crystal around a bit while I met with the elders of Afterlife including Daisy's mother. I told them of Attilan and of the coming danger as well as how we planned to survive it.

I showed them the hologram and let them decide for themselves, telling them that they're welcome to come with us or choose to join Attilan if they decide to stay on the moon or leave by ship. Gordon, a blind teleporter, asked what I wanted of them and I shook my head. "Nothing. I have no expectations or desires to interfere with you or your people. I simply came because an Inhuman dog teleporter dragged me aboard the plane. I'd originally intended to have Coulson here warn your people and leave the decision making there."

I shrugged and told them. "Take that however you like. Hydra is dead, Aim, the Hand, the Ten Rings, every enemy that could or would come after your people besides the governments are dead and buried. Stay, go, do whatever it is you please. I'm merely here because I'll be dragged back to here by Lockjaw the giant puppy if I try to get away. Teleporters are a pain in my ass."

Gordon smirked and teleported which I cursed him out for. I grunted and left the council room while Coulson played the diplomat. He said I'd been under a lot of stress the closer the coming war got to our doors because I had four kids and a wife with many lovers and friends. I began teaching Daisy magic until it was time to go.

Crystal stayed with Natasha and I at the ranch and for a time she joined us in bed. I helped her expand her understanding of her elemental powers. Lockjaw loved the kids and pool and when I took them to see the celestial, the Wakandans were there already doing their tests. Lockjaw whimpered seeing the huge celestial as big as a city.

I petted him and told him it was dead and not the biggest celestial I'd seen. I told them I killed Ego the living planet who was literally a planet with a brain at it's core. Crystal asked how I killed it and I told her of All-Black. I explained why I didn't just kill the one about to be born and she agreed that it could get messy.

She left with Lockjaw a few days later and came back when a civil war broke out amongst her people. Prince Maximus the mad declared himself king and demanded the serums with a group of inhumans beside him. Jason called me and one fired a face beam at me. I roared and changed before clapping his head into a bloody pulp.

Maximus and his people fled, though few survived long enough to escape. Their civil war lasted months and Attilan was destroyed in the final stages with the inhumans joining Afterlife on earth. Maximus was dead and their moon city was wiped out by Blackbolt. He agreed to live as humans do and join us when we move to the new planet.

He saw the dead celestial for himself and knew I hadn't been lying, all of us were in great danger. He and his people agreed to fight in the war as well to face Thanos's armies that would be coming. As for Crystal, she was happy to be back though sporting a baby bump on her. She told me so there was no confusion that it was ours.

I didn't question it and she alongside Lockjaw joined Natasha and I on the farm while Blackbolt and his people lived in the mansions and safe houses I had all across the country with their own ability to move back and forth to Afterlife when needed or to see the royal family. Shield helped keep them off the radar for now while time passed as always. When the new year came, not more than three weeks passed before it happened.

I sat bolt upright in bed as Natasha, Jessica, Daisy, Maria and Crystal asked what was wrong. I looked to the window and sighed. "The Ancient One is dead. Her time as the Sorcerer Supreme has passed and she's passed her mantle onto Dr.Steven Strange. The sanctums are being destroyed and earth is vulnerable. Dormammu of the dark dimension is coming to try and consume all of earth."

Daisy slid off of me and I got up, telling them I had to go and I'd be back later. Natasha asked if I needed help and I shook my head. "If Dormammu wants a war, a war he shall get. I'll collapse his region of the dark dimension into subspace and wipe out all of his followers after turning him into another battery for mystical power."

I put my clothes on and opened a portal before telling them to get some sleep. I walked through the portal to the Hong Kong sanctum and closed the portal behind me. I waited outside until the idiot disciples of Dormammu came. They destroyed the sanctum and began summoning Dormammu as Strange and Mordo got there too late only for Strange to use the eye of Agamotto.

When he went to bargain, I freed myself from the time magic and flew up there as well, telling him to go back as he's still much too new to face a being like Dormammu. He asked how I knew and I grunted. "I spent a full decade mastering everything the Ancient One herself had to teach and I'm a far quicker study than you are kid. Trust me, once one done Dormammu won't exist anymore and the dark dimension will have folded in on itself a great deal because of his death and the loss of his territory. Go back Strange. Tell Mordo and Wong who is dealing with things."

He nodded slowly, putting his arrogance aside knowing what I was capable even without magic. I flew into the dark dimension portal and met with Dormammu who refused to back down. He fired his energy at me and my ring absorbed it all before I encompassed himself in a time barrier. We battled for centuries in a moment until I walked out and he vanished from existence.

I sucked his region of the dark dimension's energies into my ring and collapsed the portal as I flew out, causing the zealots on the ground to try and flee as they lost power. I waved a hand and magic whips caught them by the necks, breaking their necks and killing them. I turned to Strange as I landed. "Restore the sanctums. Dormammu is destroyed and soon all of the multiverse will feel the ripples of power I used to kill him."

Mordo asked how and I held up All-Black. "This blade is the first artifact after the infinity stone that Agamotto found. It fell to earth over a million years ago back when a being known as the god slayer died. It is a dark and insidious weapon that tries to corrupt my mind and get me to become an unstoppable killing machine. It kills gods, celestials and anything immortal up to and including Faltines like Dormammu."

Wong asked. "There are more of his kind?"

I nodded. "The multiverse is vast. Dormammu is a species of living energy called Faltine and yes, there are more like him though most aren't evil dicks and don't reside in the dark dimension."

Mordo asked if I was to become the next Sorcerer Supreme as I had the power and knowledge. I shook my head. "No, though there's something all of you should know about what's coming."

We headed to the Hong Kong sanctum where I showed them the necklace and book on the infinity stones origins. I showed them the hologram and told them. "It is the only path forwards now Strange. You're to fight and do whatever you have to, but the stones Thanos collects will only work once before they're destroyed, that includes the stone you carry. Once we've moved our people and the celestial is born, the time stone will be returned to the sanctums to protect our new world from threats like Dormammu."

Mordo said it goes against everything and I grimaced I set the necklace down. "Then we do nothing and watch as all of humanity is consumed and destroyed by the birth of a celestial? Or we kill it and when the host of celestials come we fight and the world is destroyed in the drawback?"

He grimaced. "There must be another way other than breaking the laws of nature."

I growled and told him. "Seven hundred and forty-two million nine hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and eleven outcomes and all of them except one ends in all life on earth being wiped out. You tell me the odds of finding another way in time even with the time stone or all the stones. If I wipe out the celestials then no more life will be made in this universe and we all die out. If I wipe out those that come with the stones they'll send more until they're all dead or we are. If I use the sword the hall come at once along with every deity that still lives and we all die screaming. Every outcome, every solution, all of it ends in our deaths except one. We abandon earth or we die."

Strange looked and grimaced, getting a headache after only eleven thousand outcomes. He said he couldn't get far but I was right about the deaths to come. Mordo left in a huff and I turned to Strange. "The Ancient One chose you as her successor and I've no interest in spending my life like a monk protecting the planet. If you disagree with any of it you can tell me at any time."

I put my necklace on and sighed. "By the god, I wish I was wrong and there was another way, any other way. Even appealing to the Eternals fails and the Deviants will just consume all life on earth themselves."

I turned to Wong. "Teach him and don't hold back. The more he knows, the stronger he becomes and the better chance we have of surviving."

Wong nodded and told me that I was in fact a sorcerer supreme by rank even if I chose not to stay with the order. I grunted and turned to Strange. "When you're ready someday, I'll need your help unbinding All-Black from me so that it's influence can no longer sway me. It will need to be returned to the vaults."

He nodded seriously and I left, heading home exhausted. I grabbed a shower and joined the women in bed. Their cold feet made me stiffen as they made me their furnace. I told them what happened over breakfast and they were relieved that another threat had passed.

I told them of the millions of ways I'd died until Dormammu could no longer kill me easily. I told them I'd taken him into my ring as pure energy after some special swords killed him. I told them his evil and dark power was sealed in the swords. The year passed in a blur as Castle's crap was taken care of ending in police in kinetic body armor bringing down the assholes responsible.

IGH, the company that revived Jessica and her mother was shut down for good and her mother was put in a padded power dampening cell thanks to her murderous tendencies from psychological trauma of the accident. Tandy and Tyrone were brought before me as Roxxon and the council of mine behind them were shut down. I closed the portal to the light a dark dimensions in front of the two and told them their powers didn't make the superheroes or vigilantes.

I tapped their chests and told them. "The will to do the right thing regardless of powers or risk to your own life is what makes someone a hero."

I flicked Tandy's forehead. "Stop robbing rich dumbasses. One day you're going to get cornered and your power won't save you unless you're willing to kill."

I turned to Tyrone. "Your brother's murder is being looked into, the cops involved arrested and I'm told you and your mom will likely be rich afterwards."

I sighed and looked at them both. "You both need to be careful. Three beings from the dark dimension I just closed up have come after you. I've protected you over the years and I can't continue to do so from now on. I've my own problems and soon I very much expect I'll be dead. Now, you can learn to master your powers and help protect the world or you can run off and play vigilante until you get yourselves or someone else killed. The choice is yours."

They said they wanted to help so I nodded slowly and sent them to Wong through a portal. I told them he could teach them to master their powers and prepare them so that the next dark beings that will inevitably come will find they aren't so easily tricked. Tyrone asked about his mom and I told them. "Your parents are being informed and the first thing you'll learn is portal making like you see now. Then you'll be expected to learn as you go in your free time."

I waved them through and Wong complained but I pointed and told him their powers. His eyes lit up and I closed the portal. Next was a bunch of shit with the KingPin of New York's crime syndicates, Wilson Fisk. His and his fiancés crimes were well documented by the time they were caught and they went to prison for multiple murders on top of so much more. Half the crime in New York went away because half the criminals were locked up with them including Shades, Cottonmouth, Mariah Dillard and the whole syndicates.

Luke Cage was happily married to the female doctor he'd met in Seagate so there was no issues there. Matt was working double duty as a high powered Lawyer with Foggy Nelson and a sometimes vigilante as the Daredevil. The Triad and the Yakuza outside of their respective homelands were shut down as the US cracked down on all criminals. Any hint of corrupt politicians or cops was cracked down on immediately while the biggest issue was the Manhattan Accords that Secretary Ross had drawn up trying to gain power over the Avengers and all powered individuals.

Natasha dragged me to the meeting and after hearing the proposal, I promptly told Ross to go to hell. He told me that it wasn't up for discussion in my case because of the things I carry around my neck. I grunted. "First off, I never joined the Avengers, I only helped because I was asked to by my wife. Secondly, without me you will all literally die within a year, six tops and finally, I have my own god damn space ship so I can leave your asses to die if I so choose."

He smirked. "Luckily you won't do either because your wife has already signed in your stead."

I turned to Natasha, hurt and she went to speak before Ross continued saying. "And the only reason I'm not taking those things off your neck right now is because my scientists have assured me the power would kill me or any self respecting and God fearing human."

I turned back to him. "And I would be what then?"

He sneered before refusing to answer. I stood up and told him coldly. "Seeing as how you think this piece of paper means squat to me, let me tell you something now. If for any reason you or anyone tries to order me around, I will take my family, my friends and my wife whether she agrees or not and I will leave this planet to its fate while taking these stones to the nearest black hole to toss them in. Unlike your power hungry ass, I don't covet them and I certainly don't give a fuck what you or the rest of your so called God fearing humans do."

I went to walk away and Tony got up. I growled. "Step aside kid. With or without your armor you won't survive a single blow from me right now."

He flinched and moved aside before Natasha got up in my face. I narrowed my eyes and made a portal, sending us home. We had a very long discussion about my desire for freedom and my lack of caring about what any government or people thinks. I told her I retired for a reason and she said we needed their cooperation while they needed our assurances that it was a very serious matter we weren't going to screw them on.

We went back and forth but it all came down to her lack of willingness to tell me herself that she'd signed over my freedom with her own. I told her that if we helped anyone from then on without prior approval we'd be considered traitors and terrorists by the world. As the year came to an end, I gathered and told the group the dates relevant. Thor was off world and Asgard was gone with Odin and Hela dead.

I told the group. "May thirtieth Thanos will send two enforcers after you, Strange. You, Tony and a dumb kid will go up in the ship. You will be captured, I don't know how, but Tony and the spider boy will try to save you and from there my knowledge is limited but Thanos gets the time stone and comes to earth for the mind stone."

I turned to Vision sighing. "By then he'll have all except that stone. We have to face his army and end them before or after the snap. Banner will return somehow, I'm not entirely sure, just before Strange is taken."

I touched my necklace and sighed. "I'll leave this sealed with Natasha. If Banner and I both are killed in the snap, Natasha will hold out for Thor or the Asgardians. You'll have five years to the day to complete everything. May God help those remaining if we fail."

They all agreed and Fury said he had a dozen planets lined up. I looked through the data and chose the planet, telling them. "This one will work. The terraforming ship will be completed a month after the war. It'll be automated and once this is programmed in it'll take three years to fully finish. The portals-"

Fury waved me off. "They're fully tested and ready. My ships have their orders to continue on without me if I'm dead. They know the score."

I nodded and grunted. "If this works, we just might survive an event no other species in the history of the multiverse has."

They all grimaced and I turned to Wong. "Make sure the order is prepared and warned. If Thanos survives to gather an army while half or all of us are dead the world could be fucked if he comes back and searches it for the real stones."

T'Challa, the king of Wakanda now, said his people are prepared for the war his father agreed to. I nodded and Blackbolt told us his people are prepared as well. I sighed and Ross asked what I was bringing to the table. Jason grunted. "A hundred pissed off immortal sorcerers who know more about magic and combat than any other living soul here or that walks the earth. What, did you think Lebeau industries stayed clean of spies because of interviews? Fuck no, we have mind readers and necromancers, elementals capable of wiping out armies alone and beings more powerful than any Asgardian or Inhuman."

He looked to me and frowned before asking for the scroll. I took it out and handed it to him without question. He asked to bond with it and I opened it up, making a sharp bone appear from my hand. I pierced my wrist and bled into a bowl before writing as blue magic whirled around the brush I used.

Ross demanded to know what I was doing and Jason told him to wait and be quiet. When I finished my body glowed before I fell over coughing up blood and groaning. Natasha helped me up and Jason told them. "The scroll is a mystical portal to a dimension filled with immortals and several deities and I'm not talking Asgardian. Im talking about omnipotent all powerful capital G Gods that hate to be bothered by mortals. It's where so was born and those immortals in the company. Inside may be safe from the snap so I'm taking it from Ryan so that the children and families of those here can be made safe before the war."

They looked to me and Jason told them I was a reincarnated soul. He told them that two of the gods inside were really just pieces of my soul made divine by realities and worlds that would kill them if they thought about it too hard. He told them I didn't remember much of my past lives because each new life I started over, but the creature that became apart of me is in part at least from another reality which is why the serum from my blood affected Blonsky and Banner differently.

He told them it truly was unkillable as it keeps coming back and even the gods had to seal it in me before I was born because it waged war when it broke free in the immortal world. He shrugged saying that by then it was immune to their powers so sealing it out here was the better option by far with how things turned out. I growled. "Fuck you."

He smiled. "Sorry boss man. You may be scary out here, but now that I have this you won't dare kill me. They hate your creature side more than they like you which is saying a lot when you think about just how many of them in there are your past lives. Do you even know anymore?"

I fired off a heat vision and he stopped it with a freezing spell before shaking his fingers. I growled coldly. "Take it and leave now before I recover or I'll kill you, damn the consequences."

He snickered before telling Ross. "Best keep a tight leash on him. I'm the only way your families are going to be safe now. He was so desperate to be free he didn't even notice the compulsion spell in my voice."

Tony was up holding his gauntlet as he told him to leave earth now and take his immortal assholes with him. Dr.Strange went to use magic and was bitch slapped back before Jason looked from them to me. "Very well. It's not like this reality was worth a damn anyways. I'm sure one of his past incarnations will take up the role now that they're not tied to the monster. Have fun facing Grimace the sour grape without our help then. Here I was prepared to go before the council of immortals to bring an army to defend this world."

He teleported out and I fell on my side as I leaned against the wall. I grunted. "Soul magic. That thing has been leaching off my soul since I was born. It's almost freeing albeit soul screamingly agonizing now that I no longer carry it."

Steven asked. "Anything else you'd like to drop on us?"

I shook my head. "I don't remember my past lives, not really. Vague impressions like deja vu and weird dreams. All I knew was I was cursed and fucked from the start with no say in the matter. Then one day I'm looking to hire people and a voice in my head told me how to pull them out. Figured they must be loyal if they came from something that was tied to me."

I waved a hand to Vision. "Rupert was a mind scan personality of one of the immortals, Jason's father. British accent and a bit stuffy but a decent guy from what I could tell from the scan. I was never allowed into that dimension because they didn't want a temporal cascade failure to happen or so they said. Now I'm thinking they were afraid I'd go Doomsday and kill them for screwing me up."

Bucky asked what the failure was and Tony said it was theoretical and only mentioned with time travel because it would normally only be possible then. He told them. "Two objects of the exact same frequency and mass can't occupy the same space in a stable reality for long. If you went forward in time or went to another parallel reality you'd have a day or two before tidal forces tore you apart assuming your future or alternate self was still alive. It's all theoretical-"

I shook my head. "Not theory, fact. They brought all the knowledge my past lives had gathered over on a crystal repository. Hundreds of millions of years of technological advancements, magics, chi, ki, soul power techniques, every bit of knowledge the immortal world had was copied and brought here for me to learn so I'd stop bothering them and they didn't have to return through the portal."

I stood up groaning. "Whatever happened in there it was bad enough they didn't like being near me for long. I made them nervous so I stayed out of the company and left it to Jason who was their defacto leader. He promised to help advance this world's knowledge in increments and protect it. I was raised to believe a man by his world and he used it against me to get what they wanted. Now that they have the scroll they have no use for this world or reality. They have the technology to travel to other realities at will, time travel and wage intergalactic wars."

I sat down and Steve asked. "Will they?"

I shrugged. "Maybe, but not here. They'll leave if only to get as far away from me as possible. They know I won't use the stones, but whatever the creature did, it scares them more than words and they want rid of me. They can't kill me even with all their fancy technology and magic so they'll leave. Still, you may want to send people to be sure. The last thing we need is a world destroying bomb to go off."

They paled and Ross called me while Strange used the time stone and checked. He said they were gone and Lebeau industries is practically empty. I turned to Stark. "Care for a merger? You can keep the technology and knowledge so long as it's all science based. You'll have to make adjustments and it could take you ten thousand years to go through it all to learn everything."

He grinned. "Deal, let's make it happen. I'll have my people call your people."

Wakanda wanted in and so did Blackbolt and everyone really. I told them the magical knowledge would go to the magic users, the rest was up to Stark on how he wanted to disseminate it. Ross was pissy and Strange made the repository and laptop appear through a portal. He passed me the laptop before telling Tony that the repository was filled with so much knowledge they needed the laptop to decipher it and the laptop was coded with soul magic and DNA to prevent anyone except me from accessing it.

I typed up the screen, put on the external link and grimaced as I closed my eyes. One full download later and I told them as I passed the link to strange. "I've broke the soul magic and encryption before separating the files. Touch it to your temple like I did and all the magical knowledge inside will be directly downloaded into your subconscious safely."

He did so and passed it around to the magic users before I took it back and closed the laptop, sliding it to Tony. "Be careful kid, regular human minds can be overwhelmed by too much at once and there's enough in there to wipe out all minds on earth. I took it all because it can't kill me and even if it does my mind will evolve to accept it all. Even the magic parts were only a small percent compared to everything else in there."

Strange groaned as he used the time stone to speed up he learning. When he came out of it he looked to me in wonder before thanking me. "I've learned more about magic in the last few minutes than the Masters of the Mystic Arts ever knew. It is truly mind boggling the amount of spells, types of magic and ways to channel it- there's just so much."

He helped Wong and the rest one by one until even Crystal had mastered them. Natasha told them. "None of this helps us now. The magic while varied and plentiful, doesn't help in dealing with celestials or surviving the snap. We stick to the plan, finish the ship and get it done. The knowledge while useful in other things isn't so useful against the cosmic energy the celestials use."

I nodded grimly so they stuck to the plan and we dispersed. Five months passed with baited breath and when the ship arrived, Fury cloaked. I told him to send half his ships to follow in case something goes wrong to save Stark and the kid because Banner arrived and Tony ended up going with spider boy to save Strange. The rest of us took Banner and headed to Wakanda to prepare for battle.

I killed those sent after Vision and Fury blew the ship to hell so more came a day later and all hell broke lose when they landed. Ships, satellite weapons, troops on the ground, war and battle cries. We fought to kill them all as quickly as possible. When Thanos arrived, the last of his army fell and he faced an army.

Reality went wonky and he captured Vision before Vision released the stone, having it pried from his hand now. Thor interfered and nearly killed Thanos with his Stormbreaker axe. He planted it in Thanos's chest and Thanos told him he should've gone for the head. He snapped and I grimaced as I began a terrible regenerating process.

Blackbolt got in Thanos's face and screamed roared. The purple ass clown was blown into bloody chunks while the stones he had shattered. Seeing Banner was fine, I grabbed the glove Thanos had and tossed it to him. My hand vaporized only to regenerate and vaporize again as if my body just refused to die.

I fell as my legs were affected and Natasha ran to me. I told her I needed sunlight and she told Fury to beam me up. Fury was dead so Maria Hill did it, beaming me close to the sun into space. Now, dying from exposure to zero atmosphere was horrifyingly painful, but it literally stopped me from dying by infinity stone because ultimately the process was to kill me either way.

When I was beamed back to earth, I was half frozen stiff but alive because I didn't need to breathe anymore. My body now depended entirely on photosynthesis to live, but I could still breathe and survive without the photosynthesis while on earth. Natasha and I were a wreck because all four of the kids were gone. Clint's entire family except himself was gone. There were so many that were just gone and now.

Crystal was gone, Jessica, Daisy, and even Wanda, all gone. Pietro helped us stabilize things as the truth came out from all the governments or what remained of them. It didn't help that seismic quakes under the ocean revealed the celestial was stirring over the next five years as we moved the rest of the animals that survived and a good portion of the cities, countries and everything to the new world once it was done being terraformed three years in and seeded for a year. The massive stargates helped us set everything up while the ships ferried containers of capsules filled with buildings, materials, resources and everything.

The Asgardians joined us in our endeavors looking for purpose, I think. They were adrift without Asgard and it was worth their time because I promised to help them build a new Asgard once the Celestial problem was over. Most of the world had evacuated before the bigger tremors started, but Hill kept us up to date on everything because the sensors were picking up the Celestial's movements.

The Deviants hadn't gone free yet, but the Eternals tried to stop us and sabotage our efforts. Several were trapped or frozen while one is outright killed. The Masters of the Mystic Arts moved the sanctums and without Tyrone, Tandy had ended up in my bed after the fourth year.

Natasha, Maria and I were strained because of the kids being gone, but all the humans that remained had been given the super soldier serum and Extremis in that order. All of us had jobs to do and all of us worked constantly. Even Carol Danvers helped to keep us up to date on the universe as thousands upon thousands of worlds had been affected by the snap. When Tandy became pregnant, Natasha came to me seeing another chance and hope that we might pull it off.

More ships had been built including another terraforming ship for Asgard which was now underway for being built. With so much gone, the five years came to a clothes with Tandy giving birth to a boy named Tyrone Lebeau after her old friend and Natasha heavy with a second child. Maria had rejoined our bed and with Extremis she hadn't aged a day. I however had used the time stone to understand all I'd forgotten.

I died several times before my brain was able to handle the overwhelming knowledge. I ended up building a mind scape, a more advanced version of the mind palace, to compartmentalize all I'd gained. Tony had learned a great deal from the the repository, but he was more focused on raising his daughter he had with his wife Pepper Stark. Clint was impatient the day it was time, but I changed into Doomsday, put on the glove and put each stone in the slots.

Banner stopped me saying he should do it, incase it disfigures me like it did Thanos before he was killed. I shook my head growling. "I made this path, I walk it."

I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers, groaning as the power surged and burned my entire left arm. I slid the glove off and groaned before telling them. "It's done. All those Thanos killed in his mad quest are revived. Asgardian and all."

Thor lost his voice for the words he'd been about to say before thanking me. I grunted. "If Loki comes after the stones or earth-"

He shook his head. "He won't, I swear it."

I nodded and winced before shrinking as I fell to my knees. The pain redoubled and I growled as my eyes turned red. I panted. "Get Strange, Fury and the rest. We need to move fast. We only have a few months to reinstate law and order before finishing the evacuation. If we don't do it soon they're all dead again and we are too if we're here when it happens."

Natasha said I wasn't going anywhere with my arm deep fried. Pietro went and found Wanda and the others while Tony doused my arm in medical nanites. Soon the whole world knew the score and I had my children around me and in my arms, sort of. My burned arm was ruined so horribly that it was unusable and Thor helped me out by removing it at the shoulder with Stormbreaker.

A pure boosted healing pill, nanites and a chi pill I totally stole the idea from later and my arm regrew slowly and with great difficulty over the next few months. The first thing I did was get my children to the new earth. I sent Wong to warn those in the village I sent the original owner of the ten rings to. Soon all those brought back on earth were moving to the home world prepared.

Many dumbasses stayed if by stubbornness or simply because they didn't believe the words of a freak like me. I shrugged and told those who refused to leave that ships would be cloaked in orbit monitoring the situation if they changed their minds, but the gate would be taken away for use on Asgard I waved and a ship came down, taking the small super gate.

Those in the governments asked why there wasn't more time and Strange told them it was because I'd survived the snap when I wasn't supposed to. He said my immense unending immortal lifeforce fed the celestial and compounded over time to now when it was nearly waking. It didn't matter so much because everyone was evacuated mostly and those that weren't crazy had boarded the ships.

Strange told me to keep the sword for now because we just may need it. We watched the Celestial's birth while beaming up all those that we could. Those that remained were sucked of all their lifeforce and killed. It was broadcasted to all those on New Asgard and New Earth.

Tiamut the communicator was born and in the wake of it's birth, the seventh host came with armor. Ross and Tony both asked me if they could see us. I shrugged. "Maybe, but if they attack Carol and I will kill them while the rest of you flee in hyper space. The shields are boosted by zero point modules so they'll hold until you get where you're going. Carol will leave after those who can recognize her are dead and the rest that follow will begin a war that hasn't been seen in a million years or more when the godkiller Knull waged war across the cosmos."

I drew All-Black wearily and even Carol felt the danger from it. I told Strange. "Take the time stone. Give the space stone the Asgardians to protect. Put the soul and power stones back and give Vision the mind stone. The reality stone can be left here in the ruins of the planet once the war begins."

Ross asked what I was talking about because they might not see us. I shook my head and pointed to the one at the side. "That's Eson the Searcher. He's the one who seeks out habitable planets to plant seeds and he's starring right at us. They know we're here, they're just waiting for the new celestial be fully armored."

I turned to Carol. "Ready for this?"

She shrugged. "I was born ready."

I smirked and turned to Natasha. "I love, always and forever. Tell the kids I went away and I won't be coming home."

She shed a few tears and kissed me before backing up. I turned to Fury and nodded as he beamed Carol and I out. I tossed the ball with the reality stone to Carol and told her telepathically to leave it in the planet when they're dead and flee. I did a spell and grew four hundred meters tall, nearly equaling them in height before telling them in a booming magic personified voice. "Take your friend and-"

A beam tore through my side and I roared before chasing into a seven hundred meter tall Doomsday. I told Fury to flee or die. The ships uncloaked and the Celestials swarmed us but I drew All-Black, beheading two and cleaving one in half. That was all the easy kills I got as the last twelve began shooting holes in me.

It became a dog fight as gods of all kinds senses the presence of All-Black and Knull. I was exhausted and injured pretty badly by the time they were dead. Carol asked me to come with her and I shook my head. "It's no use. I can't break free of the blade by myself and they can sense and follow me now that they know what to sense. Go, leave now or die with me. Hundreds of thousands of gods, immortals and celestials will be here within a few minutes."

She looked unwilling but I smiled serenely. "I made my peace with death long ago. I knew my fate the moment they sensed us. Just go and…tell my family I loved them more than life itself."

She barely left in time while the reality stone was left in a collapsed bank vault in an orb like the power stone had been in. Portals, wormholes and dark matter bridges formed as thousands of alien immortals, gods and several dozen celestials came to end the biggest threat to all life…little ole me. I waved a hand as House of the Rising Sun by five-finger death punch blared through space despite the vacuum.

You just gotta love magic for that. I stood up from the corpse of Tiamut and asked. "Before we get started, is there anyone here who doesn't want to be here?"

There was a ruffle, but I nodded. "Very well. Feel free to flee when you think it's appropriate then."

Those precious few seconds allowed my body to finish healing as much as it was going to. I stayed small this time and the war drums sounded before house of the rising sun ended. The moment things went quiet, all hell broke loose. I moved as fast as a Kryptonian and killed a great many.

I was aware I was being watched, but after my fifth revival when over two third of the beings were dead, I hadn't known how bad it was. They realized the only way to kill me for good was to render my body into nothing. My arm ghat had been carefully grown back before was now gone. I was there missing an eye and arm, bound by those that'd captured me and insisted on torturing me when the Faltines arrived followed by Thanos's brother, the Eternals and even the lady death I could see through my hollow eye.

Demon hordes, angels, pretty much ever being up to and including Galactus had arrived to watch the fall of the unkillable pissant. Galactus ate what was left of the moon while watching me get pulled apart and incinerated by cosmic energy. All-Black had broke the connection and fled like a meteor the moment id been captured. The last sight I saw before I was rendered into ash entirely was the one above all sadly looking at me.

All I could think was that I hoped everyone was safe and it was worth it in the end. I woke up in a void without a body and stood before the abstracts, but more importantly the old man I'd seen when I died. He smiled lightly and asked. "Do you know who I am?"

I nodded. "Who, what and even where. I just don't know why."

He sighed. "You saved your world against impossible odds and the celestials still managed to revive their dead with the help of some of the immortals there and the reality stone on the planet. Some immortals died permanently, but that's not important right now. What is important is you. See, in all my infinite power, I'd never dreamed of such a hero like yourself."

I grunted. "I'm not a hero. I just did things to protect those I cared about and because I wanted to."

He nodded. "Still, you saved trillions of lives, billions of which were slated to die. You made an entire billion odd semi immortal humans with which many will go on to learn to become truly immortal through the knowledge you shared. You fought a monster inside you for most of your life and managed to shoulder the burden of a weapon that should've driven you insane. You are by far a paradox young man."

I grunted. "I did what I had to to survive. Nothing more or less."

He smiled. "Quite modest. Still, you're missing the point. I didn't make you, I didn't dream you up and as a result you're many children, congratulations by the way, now are beyond my sight. I truly have no idea what's to come next for this multiverse and that is the most excitement I've had in all my existence."

He chuckled. "Even those who took your immortal dimension are beyond my ability to calculate. Though they'll not be leaving this multiverse I think. Consider it my gift to you-"

I waved him off. "I don't care about them or their fates. If you want to give me a gift, tell me my wife, lovers and children survive."

He nodded slowly before sighing. "They're safe and someday they'll grow up as far as I can tell. The planet was new, the star young and far away from other inhabitants. It is unlikely they'll be found easily and with their new advances, they'll know your fate soon."

I sighed and winced before thanking him. I asked simply. "So, are you here to throw me in a hell dimension? Or am I to serve as entertainment?"

He chuckled lightly. "Neither. I'm here simply to thank you before you go wherever you were meant to. This much even I cannot see."

I nodded and willed my soul to pass on, somehow knowing it was key. I couldn't stay here forever and the glare Lady Death was giving me said there was no way I was going back so moving on was all there was left. I knew I stood no chance against such beings as they made up the very laws of this reality and the literal fabric of it in some cases. I faded and the old man asked if I'd like something to remember this reality by.

I shrugged and he grabbed my arms, making ten rings appear and binding them to my soul. A familiar necklace appeared and I wavered as I faded out in agony. All I heard was his voice saying good luck to me for wherever I went. I didn't know where I'd end up now, but I knew one thing, things were going to be different and harder from now on.