
Life in Fairy tail

Just a random fan fiction which popped out from my head. I am a noob in writing so please forgive my mistakes in grammar or my writing style. Hope you all like this book.

CrystalAngel · Khác
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7 Chs

The Beginning

A royal family like scene.. Everyone is sitting on a Dining table. Everyone look like they are some high ranked people. This house belonged to Koheron Family, One the richest family here. Mr. Koheron has two daughters. One daughter was from his first wife, and the other was from his second wife. Ya, Sarah was the first child and she was considered as a burden in the house. Especially when her stepmother used to make her do housework. She would do it quietly. Ya now you might think why she was like this. Bcoz she was scared of her dad. If stepmother complained about her to her father, her father would get angry and would lock her up in a dark room and ya she gets scared in darkness or claustrophobic.

Sarah.... Come and serve our guests. Don't make them wait for food.... Ah you know she's a simple girl without any good things in her. See my daughter, she such nice looking, well mannered. Sarah, come with food.... Ah...Give me a second, I'll go and see what she's doing. Excuse me.

SARAH.... Where are you..Come fast you idiot..

Her stepmother calls her to bring food to the dining room as some guests had arrived. She was preparing food until she found herself too exhausted as she couldn't sleep well last night. She sat down for a while and could hear her step-mom shouting. She wanted to answer but found herself more weaker. She couldn't speak. She heard someones footsteps coming near. It was her step mom. She came and caught her hy her hair and started shouting, what happened to you? Can't you see guests are here. What would they think of us after they see you like this. It's so embarrassing. She made s

Sarah get up, and dragged her to the same room.. That small dark room.. Sarah got scared and started apologizing. But her step-mom did not want to hear even a word, and pushed her in the room and closed it saying, you need this right now.

She started crying and said to herself, wish that she was not born here, wish that she was born to people who would take care of her like their precious daughter, wish she had someone to love her and be with her when needed, wish that there would be someone who understands her and tries to help her. Thinking about this made her cry more.

Crying crying made her more weak and with that she fell asleep.

(Sorry this chapter also I kept quite small and it's like something else instead of fairy tail. I know but it's just a way of starting the story in my head-my imagination ?. If you like it then please do continue to read my chapters which will be coming soon, and Ya do comment because I need loads of suggestions. Thank you everyone.)

CrystalAngelcreators' thoughts