1 Prologue

So I seem to have died, that's it. No seriously, that's it. I mean there's no god or goddess here to tell me I died and I will now be given some op skill or power and that I will be reincarnated and I will be able to get my own harem. Nope none of that, just some blank void staring right back into my now nonexistent eyes while I contemplate my life and how it all led to my untimely death.

(timeskip of about three days)

I think it's been about two hours since I got here and began my staring contest with the void to see if the saying that if you stare into the void for a long time the void stares back at you, I mean I'm so why not try and see if its true, I what can it do, kill me? Laughing a nonexistent laugh at my own joke I go back to focusing most of my attention to staring at the void.

(10 years later)

So I think it's been about a month since I came here and in that time me and the void have come to an agreement that this staring contest had ended in a draw, oh and also I have been thinking my past a lot since there is not a lot to do around here, wish I could spruce the place up but that's hard to do since I don't have a body. All in all this void ain't all that bad I got my bestie the void and all the time and quiet in the world to myself

(100 years later)

Friendship ended with void. Now I'm my best friend.

(1,000,000 years later)

It's been more than a year hasn't it?

(about 90 0s later)

This is hell isn't it, I didn't think I did anything to deserve to end up here, maybe trying to believe in all gods and deities didn't help me at all.

"Mister @#$@%!& I presume." A calming yet powerful voice asks from the void.

"Void is that you? Did you finally gain sentience because if so, I'm so grateful conversations now won't sound like I'm talking to a brick wall." I respond back cheerfully to my ex bestie.

"No, I'm not your imaginary friend, I'm an employee to what you call God." The voice which I now know is an employee to God. Wait, God?

"Hold up, you mean to say you're an employee to God? That's crazy talk, do I need to take you back to the hospital sir?" I say to the clearly insane person.

"No, I don't need to go anywhere, it's you who needs to go. Also why would me saying I'm an employee to God sound insane? Haven't you been stuck in a void for longer than the average human, hell a dragon lifespan would have already ended a long time ago." The employee answered back with a statement rather than a question.

"Sigh, I guess you're right, so what business do you have with me for you to barge into my humble abode." I ask in a joking manner.

"Humble abode huh,enough with the jokes, I should get to the reason why I came here in the first place." The employee says.

"And that reason is?" I ask

"For you to be reincarnated of course." The employee responded.

"Wait, reincarnated? Why wait till now to come here and tell me this?" I ask.

"Waiting time, you would be surprised how many people are waiting to get reincarnated." The employee responded once again to a question he has probably heard so many times before

"Wait, I thought only people who were saints got reincarnated." I say, confused about how this usually goes.

"Well, that was how it was before, but both heaven and hell have gotten full, instead of fixing the problem, God decided to allow everyone to be reincarnated, of course as long as they weren't in hell or heaven." The employee responded.

"But wouldn't that create more problems like two reincarnated people meeting each other?" I ask.

"I don't see how that would be a problem but God already made it so no two reincarnated would meet each other by making complete mutiverves for each reincarnated person using aspects of their lives to make such mutiverves." The employee responded.

"Okay so do I get any benefits with reincarnating?" Asking to see if I can become some op character.

"You will be given benefits with reincarnating, but I will tell you what they are due to it not being part of my job, but what I can tell you is no one will be able to tell you're reincarnated unless you tell them yourself, oh and you have also been given the ability to understand any language if you want to understand it." The employee said, telling me the package I would be getting with reincarnating.

"So, when do I reincarnate?" I ask.

"Right now."

"Wait I'm not don….." before I can finish my sentence, my consciousness fades and I finally fall asleep for the first time in years.


Word Count-856

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