
Life Bank

James Thorne trudged along the dimly lit street, worn-out shoes scuffing against the cracked pavement. The weight of his dreams seemed heavier with each step, pressing down on his shoulders as if they were trying to crush him. His short brown hair clung to his forehead, beads of sweat glistening under the yellow glow of the flickering streetlights. But it wasn't just exhaustion that haunted his eyes - it was the determination to escape the poverty that had defined his life for far too long.

  "Must keep going," he muttered to himself, his breath forming small clouds in the chilly air. "I can do this. For Mom, for Robert, I can do this."

Born into a humble family, James had always fought against the odds. He'd worked tirelessly through university to earn the best grades possible, all while juggling part-time jobs to help support his mother and younger brother, Robert. Now, armed with a business degree and a fierce ambition, he was determined to build a better future for them all, no matter what it took.

As James turned the corner onto his street, the wind picked up, ruffling his jacket and sending a shiver down his spine. It was then that he noticed something unusual on the ground: a small, red book, partially hidden by the shadows of a nearby dumpster.

"Hello there..." James murmured, bending down to pick it up. Intrigued, he brushed off the dirt and dust, revealing the title embossed in gold lettering: "Life Bank."

"Life Bank?" he whispered, curiosity getting the better of him. "What on earth is this?"

He tucked the mysterious book under his arm and continued toward his cramped one-room apartment, the promise of warmth and solitude urging him forward. As he climbed the creaky wooden steps, his mind raced, pondering the possible contents of the enigmatic tome.

"Maybe it's a self-help book," he thought, fumbling with his keys at the door. "Or some sort of financial guide?"

Once inside, James sank into his threadbare armchair, the exhaustion from a long day at work finally catching up to him. He placed the red book on the small, wobbly table beside him and stared at it for a moment, wondering if it held the key to escaping his current life.

"Alright, Life Bank," he said, opening the cover with a sense of anticipation. "Let's see what secrets you have to offer."

James opened the book and the very first page was a page titled 'Agreement'.

I, ____________________ agree to open an account with Life Bank. 

At the bottom of the page was a fine printed note, it says 'Write your name and sign the book with your blood'.

James just chuckled, "childish prank." And he continued to flip the pages but it just looked like a normal bank book except for a line stating the balance of the account, $43,524,765.86.


James blinked, incredulous. "This can't be real," he muttered to himself. Yet, he couldn't resist the temptation to try it out.

"Alright, let's see if this works," he whispered, rummaging through his drawer for a penknife. The penknife punctured the skin of his left index fingertip and he let out a soft grunt. He squeezed his finger to let out more blood pooling it on the table. He grabbed a pencil and dipped it into the blood, scribbling his name and signing onto the page. 

Once he completed the signature, he felt a chill running down his spine and he shivered. He looked at the book, his blood had dried and the fine print at the base of the page changed to 'Write the amount you want to withdraw with your blood onto any blank page." Fear crept into his heart and the room felt a few degrees lower. He dropped the bank book and staggered backwards bumping to his bed.

"Am I dreaming?" James slapped himself and felt the sting burning his cheeks. After a few seconds, he plucked out some courage and picked up the book, the blood on the table has clotted and he repeated the act with his left pinky. He wrote $5000 onto a blank page and waited. 

He stared at the book for a few moments, half expecting something magical to happen. Nothing did, so he picked up his phone and logged into his bank app, only to find that his balance had indeed increased by $5000.

  "Is this... is this really happening?" James thought, his heart pounding in his chest. He allowed himself to imagine the possibilities: a comfortable home for his family, a better job, and financial security. The feeling was intoxicating.


The next day at work, James could barely contain his excitement. His coworker, Liam Fletcher, noticed the change in his demeanour almost immediately.

"Hey, James," Liam said, adjusting his glasses as they stood by the water cooler. "You look like you won the lottery or something. What gives?"

"Ah, nothing," James replied, feigning nonchalance. "Just had a good night, I guess."

"Really?" Liam raised an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. "Well, if you've discovered some secret to making our jobs less soul-crushing, do share."

James hesitated, unsure whether to confide in Liam about the Life Bank. They had been friends since they started working together, often commiserating about their shared struggles and dreams of a better life. But this... this was something else entirely.

"Look, it's not... exactly about work," James admitted, glancing around to ensure no one was eavesdropping. "I found this book last night, and I think it can turn my life hours into cash."

"Are you serious?" Liam scoffed, shaking his head. "James, that sounds like some twisted fairy tale or scam. Be careful, man."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," James conceded, feeling a twinge of doubt. But the memory of that extra $5000 in his bank account was enough to keep him from dismissing the idea completely.

As they returned to their desks, James couldn't help but steal another glance at Liam, wondering if he should have shared the secret of the Life Bank with him. But for now, all he could do was focus on the incredible opportunities that lay before him, and the future he had always dreamed of finally seemed within reach.

The late afternoon sun cast a golden glow over the city as James walked down the crowded sidewalk, the worn pages of the Life Bank tucked securely under his arm. As he made his way toward the hospital where Emily worked, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation. With each step, visions of a new life danced in his head – one filled with wealth, comfort, and most importantly, the means to provide for his family.

"James!" Emily's voice rang out from across the street, snapping him back to reality. Her long blonde hair whipped around her face as she waved excitedly, her warm smile reaching her eyes.

"Hey, Emily!" James grinned, crossing the street to meet her. "What a coincidence! I was just coming to see you."

"Really? That's sweet of you," she replied, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "I just finished my shift. How was your day?"

"Good... interesting, actually," James said, hesitating for a moment before deciding to test the waters. "You know, I might've stumbled upon something that could change our lives."

"Is this about that book you found?" Emily asked, her perceptive nature shining through. "I saw your text earlier."

"Uh, yeah. It's a bit... hard to explain," James admitted, feeling a warmth in his cheeks as he struggled to find the words. He wanted to impress her, but he also didn't want to seem foolish.

"Try me," Emily encouraged, her blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Okay," James said, taking a deep breath. "This book – the Life Bank – it can turn my hours of life into cash. A hundred dollars an hour, to be exact."

"James, that's… unbelievable," Emily said cautiously, concern etched on her face. "Sounds dangerous. Be careful."

"Trust me, I will," he assured her, his determination to prove himself evident in his voice.

As they continued talking, a silver-haired woman with piercing blue eyes watched them from afar. Sensing the time was right, she approached James and Emily.

"Excuse me," the woman said, her voice silky yet commanding. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. My name is Cassandra Warren, and I must warn you about the powers of the Life Bank."

"Who are you?" James asked defensively, immediately sceptical of this stranger. "How do you know about the book?"

"Let's just say I have extensive knowledge of the supernatural world," she replied cryptically.

"Supernatural? It's just a book," James retorted, his initial excitement now tinged with doubt.

"Ah, but it is much more than that," Cassandra warned. "The Life Bank has been known to bring great fortune, but at an unimaginable cost. Your life will be shortened with every dollar you withdraw."

"Are you serious?" Emily interjected, her concern growing. "James, you can't use this book."

"Is there a way to reverse the effects?" James asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Perhaps," Cassandra replied enigmatically. "But I suggest you think long and hard before using the Life Bank."

As James stared into Cassandra's unyielding gaze, he felt a chill run down his spine. For the first time since discovering the Life Bank, he began to question whether the promise of wealth was worth the potential consequences. And as he glanced over at Emily, he realized that what he truly desired wasn't material riches, but the love and support of those who mattered most.


Despite Cassandra's ominous warning and Emily's concerned plea, the allure of the Life Bank was too powerful for James to resist. He rationalized that he could use it just once - a small withdrawal to test its capabilities. Surely, such a minor transaction wouldn't bring any disastrous consequences upon him.

"Emily," James began as they sat in his old apartment, the book lying ominously on the worn coffee table between them, "I understand your concerns, but I have to try this. Just once. It could change everything for us."

"James, please!" Emily implored, her blue eyes filled with worry. "Cassandra warned you about the dangers."

"But this is an opportunity, just like we sell our time to work for money, I just used it to get instant cash."

Emily kept quiet. 

"Look, I promise I'll be careful," he said, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll only take out a few hours, and then we can figure out what to do next." He hoped to quell her fears, but deep inside, he knew he was struggling to convince himself as well.

"Fine," she relented, though clearly still uneasy. "But please be cautious."

With trepidation mingling with excitement, James opened the Life Bank and withdrew a mere five hours of his life, converting it into $50,000. As the money appeared in his account, his heart raced with exhilaration - the power at his fingertips was intoxicating.

"See?" James exclaimed, waving the cash triumphantly. "Everything's fine!"

"Let's hope it stays that way," Emily replied cautiously.

Over the following weeks, James became increasingly obsessed with the Life Bank. He found himself withdrawing more and more hours, blinded by the potential wealth it offered. His once-humble apartment transformed into a lavish sanctuary, filled with expensive furnishings and extravagant décor.

The sudden influx of money didn't go unnoticed by those around him. Robert, Liam, and especially Emily grew concerned as they watched James distance himself from them, consumed by his newfound fortune.

"James, you're not the same person anymore," Liam remarked one evening after work. "You used to be focused on what truly mattered - friends, family... Now all you care about is money."

"Look, I'm just trying to secure a better future for all of us," James retorted defensively, his once warm brown eyes now cold and distant.

"Is it worth sacrificing your relationships?" Robert chimed in, his protective nature kicking in as he observed the changes in his older brother.

"Guys, you just don't understand," James insisted, unable to admit that maybe they were right.

"James," Emily pleaded softly, her voice cracking with emotion, "Please, let's just go back to the way things were. We don't need this wealth if it's tearing us apart."

But James couldn't hear her over the siren call of the Life Bank, its promise of wealth drowning out the voices of those who cared for him most. As he withdrew more hours, more money, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that festered within him. The world he envisioned - one filled with luxury, success, and admiration - was slipping further and further away, replaced by a gaping void of isolation and doubt.


A deep, throbbing ache spread through James' temples, as if someone had taken a vice and tightened it around his skull. It was an unfamiliar sensation, one he couldn't quite place, but it persisted day after day, growing more intense with each passing hour. As the pain worsened, so too did the strange occurrences that seemed to follow him like a shadow. Objects would move inexplicably, doors slammed shut on their own, and whispers filled the air when no one else was around.

"James," Robert said one evening, his voice heavy with concern, "You don't look well. Have you been sleeping?"

"Of course I have," James lied, rubbing his temples in an attempt to ease the pain. In truth, sleep had become elusive, a luxury he could not afford as he continued to withdraw hours from the Life Bank.

"Seriously, man, you should see a doctor or something," Robert insisted, his protective nature shining through. "This isn't normal."

"Stop fussing over me," James snapped, brushing off his brother's concerns. "I'm fine."

Despite his protests, James couldn't ignore the uneasy feeling that lingered in the back of his mind, whispering that perhaps there was some truth to Robert's words.

It was at an extravagant charity gala that James first encountered Clara Whitmore. She stood out among the other guests, her long red hair cascading down her back like a fiery waterfall, and her high cheekbones giving her an air of untouchable sophistication. Their eyes met across the crowded ballroom, and for a moment, the pain in James' temples subsided.

"Clara Whitmore," she introduced herself with a confident smile as she approached him. "And you must be James Thorne, the man everyone's been talking about."

"Guilty as charged," James replied, his charm momentarily overpowering the discomfort he felt. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Clara.

"Likewise," she purred, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. "I've heard so much about your meteoric rise in the world of finance. You're something of a legend already."

"Maybe we could help each other reach even higher heights," James suggested, partly fueled by desperation to escape the pain and strangeness that plagued him.

"Perhaps," Clara mused, before beckoning him closer. "But first, allow me to introduce you to someone you simply must meet."

As they weaved through the crowd, James caught sight of a tall, well-dressed man with slicked-back hair and a smug expression. His gaze sent a shiver down James' spine, as if he'd just walked into a predator's den.

"James Thorne, meet Thomas Aldridge," Clara announced, her voice dripping with anticipation. "He's one of the most influential players in our world - and perhaps your biggest competition."

"Thomas," James said, extending his hand and trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his head. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Likewise," Thomas replied, his grip firm and unyielding. "I've been watching your progress with great interest, Mr. Thorne. I do hope you can keep up."

As their rivalry took root, James felt the pull of the Life Bank grow stronger, urging him to use its power to secure his place among the financial elite. But with each hour he withdrew, the pain intensified, the whispers grew louder, and his relationships crumbled beneath the weight of his obsession. The price he paid for wealth and status was becoming increasingly clear - but would he be able to turn back before it consumed him entirely?


James awoke one morning, his body wracked with pain. The once-dull ache that had taken residence in his bones now screamed with every movement, making even the simple act of drawing breath a Herculean effort. As he hobbled to the bathroom, he caught sight of himself in the mirror - the gaunt figure staring back at him was barely recognizable. His face was hollow, dark circles framing sunken eyes that shone with a feverish light.

"Enough," he whispered to himself. "I need to see a doctor."

The sterile white walls of the doctor's office seemed to close in on James as he awaited his diagnosis. The doctor, a middle-aged man with a kind but concerned expression, finally entered and cleared his throat.

"Mr. Thorne, we've received your test results," he began hesitantly. "I'm afraid it's not good news. You have cancer. It's aggressive and advanced, which means we'll have to start treatment immediately."

James' world came crashing down around him. Cancer – it was a word he'd only ever heard in hushed whispers, something that happened to other people. But now, it was happening to him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this was the price for his reckless pursuit of wealth. Despair settled in the pit of his stomach, filling him with a sense of helplessness that threatened to swallow him whole.

"Is there anything I can do?" James asked, his voice barely audible.

"Start treatment, hope for the best," the doctor replied gently. "We'll do everything we can, but you should prepare yourself for the possibility that it may not be enough."

As James left the doctor's office, clutching the prescription for his chemotherapy, he felt an inexplicable pull towards the Life Bank. He'd sworn he wouldn't rely on its power again, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Perhaps I can make a deal," he muttered, hope flickering like a dying candle in the darkness. "Perhaps there's a way to beat this."

That night, as James opened the Life Bank. He stared at the balance with disbelief. How could the balance be less than a hundred thousand? He didn't withdraw that much money.

"He he he," a dark cloud emerged from the Life Bank and soon a sinister figure emerged. "Let me introduce myself, Allan Blackwood, the previous ower of Life Bank and your service." His red eyes burned like embers and a grin that sent shivers down James' spine, Allan towered over him.

"Ah, James Thorne," Allan purred, his voice dripping with malice. "I've been waiting for this moment. You've been quite the source of entertainment, watching you squander your life away for mere paper."

"Can you help me?" James demanded, fear and desperation clawing at his throat. "Can you cure my cancer?"

Allan chuckled darkly. "Oh, I can do much more than that, my dear boy. I had granted you everything you've ever desired – money. But know this: the price for such gifts is steep. When the balance comes to zero, I will claim your soul, and you will become the next demon bound to the Life Bank."

"Nooooo, this is not true. I didn't withdraw so much. This is a scam." James muttered, "a scam."

"Don't you know that smoking, drinking and staying up late shorten your life?" As the weight of Allan's revelation bore down on him, James felt the cold grip of terror tighten around his heart. He'd always known there was a cost to his actions, but never in his wildest nightmares had he imagined it would be this.

"Is...is there no other way?" he stammered, tears welling in his eyes.

"None," Allan replied, his grin widening. "But don't worry, James. You'll find that being a demon has its own...perks."

As despair threatened to consume him, James knew he had to choose between two impossible fates – succumbing to his illness or embracing the darkness. Whatever path he chose, there would be no turning back.


James locked himself in his small, cramped apartment, shutting out the world as his health continued to deteriorate. The once cheerful wallpaper felt oppressive, and he drew the curtains closed, plunging the room into a twilight gloom. Every breath he took was a laborious task, each inhale a sharp reminder of the cancer eating away at his insides.

He lay on the worn mattress, his thoughts consumed by the terrible deal he had made with Allan Blackwood. Despair clawed at his chest, tearing through any hope that remained.

A soft knock on the door roused him from his dark reverie. "James? It's Emily. Please, let me in."

"Go away," he croaked, his voice barely audible.

"James, I'm not leaving until you open this door. You can't shut me out like this."

Reluctantly, he dragged himself off the bed and unlocked the door. Emily entered, her blue eyes filled with concern.

"Look at you, James" she murmured, sitting down beside him on the bed. "You're wasting away in here. We'll get through this together, I promise."

"Em, I..." He hesitated, torn between wanting to confess everything and fearing the consequences of the truth. 

"Whatever it is, James, you can tell me. I'm here for you, always," she said, her hand reaching for his. 

"Emily, I can't...I just need time to think," he replied, pulling away from her touch. She blinked back tears, hurt by his rejection but unwilling to give up on him. 

"Fine," she whispered, standing up. "But please, James, don't push me away. You don't have to face this alone." With those words, she left, closing the door behind her.

As James listened to her retreating footsteps, he realized he couldn't keep wallowing in self-pity. A sudden wave of determination washed over him; he had to fight back against Allan and the cursed Life Bank.

Cassandra Warren, the enigmatic woman who had warned him about the dangers of the Life Bank, was his only hope. He reached for his phone, his heart pounding with renewed purpose. 

"Hello?" Cassandra answered.

"Ms. Warren, it's James Thorne. I need your help."

"Ah, so you've finally come to your senses," she said, her voice a mixture of amusement and sympathy. "Tell me what's happened."

James recounted his encounter with Allan, his health, and the terrible revelation that awaited him if he didn't break the curse.

"Very well," Cassandra replied after a moment's silence. "Meet me at the old Oakwood Cemetery tonight at midnight. Bring the Life Bank. We have much work to do."

"Thank you, Ms. Warren. I'll be there."

As the call ended, James felt a flicker of hope ignited within him. Whatever it took, he would break free from Allan Blackwood's grip and reclaim his life. The journey ahead would be fraught with danger, but with Emily's love and Cassandra's guidance, he refused to let fear control him any longer.


Under the eerie glow of a full moon, James stood in front of the looming gates of Oakwood Cemetery. He clutched the Life Bank tightly to his chest, as if it were an extension of himself. As midnight approached, he sensed a shift in the air – the energy around him crackled with anticipation. 

"James," Cassandra's voice echoed through the darkness, her figure emerging from the shadows. "It's time."

"Is there really a way to break the curse?" James asked, his voice trembling.

Cassandra nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Yes, but you must be prepared to face Allan Blackwood one last time." She extended her hand towards him, offering guidance and support. "Together, we can end this nightmare."

As James took her hand, the world around them contorted and twisted, plunging them into a realm where the supernatural reigned. In the center of this distorted reality stood Allan Blackwood, his sinister grin etched across his face.

"Ah, James, so you've come to challenge me?" Allan taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

"I won't let you take any more of my life!" James shouted, clutching the Life Bank tighter. "I'll destroy this cursed book and sever our connection!"

"Bold words, boy," Allan sneered, "but do you have the strength to back them up?"

With a guttural roar, James charged at Allan, fueled by anger and desperation. Their battle raged on, each blow landing with the force of their unwavering resolve. The air crackled with supernatural energy, as the very fabric of their reality threatened to unravel.

"Enough!" Cassandra cried out, raising her hands toward the sky. A surge of power pulsed through her, casting a blinding light upon the battlefield. 

Seizing the moment, James hurled the Life Bank into the air. The book burst into flames, its pages disintegrating as the fire consumed it. Screaming in agony, Allan Blackwood's form wavered and dissipated like smoke on the wind.

"NO!" Allan's voice echoed one last time before vanishing completely.

As the last remnants of the Life Bank crumbled to ash, James felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over him. He had won – but at a great cost.

The world around him shifted once again, returning them to Oakwood Cemetery. With the destruction of the Life Bank, James' wealth had vanished as well. He stood among the tombstones, penniless and broken, but alive. The money that disappeared increased his life.

"James," Emily's voice called out, her silhouette appearing at the cemetery gates alongside Robert and Liam. She rushed towards him, tears streaming down her face as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Emily," he whispered, his heart swelling with love and gratitude.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes searching his for answers.

"I am now," James replied, smiling weakly. "I've lost everything, but I've realized what truly matters."

"James," Robert interjected, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "We're here for you. You don't have to face this alone."

Liam nodded in agreement, his usual sarcasm replaced by sincerity. "We'll get through this together."

With his friends and family by his side, James committed himself to rebuilding his life. No longer blinded by greed and ambition, he understood that true wealth lay in the relationships he held dear. And though the road ahead would be challenging, he knew that he was never truly alone.


James stood in the small, sunlit kitchen of his cozy apartment, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Emily sat at the wooden table by the window, her fingers drumming on its surface as she spoke animatedly about her day at the hospital. Her laughter was like music to his ears, a reminder of the simple joys that now defined his life.

"Hey, James," Liam chimed in, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. "Did you hear about that new job opening at the firm? I heard they're looking for someone with your skills."

"Really?" James replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. But as he looked around the room – at the framed photographs of his loved ones adorning the walls and the potted plants that Emily had brought to brighten up their home – he couldn't help but think that he already had everything he needed.

Robert entered the kitchen, holding a board game under his arm. "Fancy a game night, everyone?"

"Absolutely!" Emily exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

"Count me in," Liam added, grinning from ear to ear.

As they gathered around the table, setting up the game and laughing over shared memories, James couldn't help but marvel at the contentment that had settled over his life. Despite the challenges he had faced and the sacrifices he had made, he knew that he had emerged stronger and wiser than before.

"Your turn, James," Emily prompted, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she waited for him to make his move.

"Alright," he said, focusing on the board before him. But as his hand hovered over the pieces, he found himself lost in thought, reflecting on the journey that had led him here.

He had once believed that wealth and power were the keys to happiness, but now, as he sat surrounded by the people who meant the most to him, he understood that the true measure of a life well-lived lay in the bonds he shared with others. It was a lesson he would carry with him always, a constant reminder of the importance of valuing relationships over material wealth.

"James?" Emily's gentle voice brought him back to the present. "Are you okay?"

He looked up at her, his eyes brimming with love and gratitude. "Yes," he replied, a warm smile spreading across his face. "I've never been better."

"Good," she said, returning his smile. "Now make your move. We're not getting any younger here!"

Chuckling, James moved his game piece forward, his heart full of newfound happiness and the knowledge that he had everything he needed right there, surrounded by those who truly cared about him.


Hi everyone, this book is adapted from a story of the same title "Life Bank" by Magus Tor. You can find the book on Amazon or some other ebook sites. I liked the story and thus wrote a short story based on the same settings. Hope you all like it. Thank you.

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