
Academy (2)

Yo everyone author this side (^^)!!

After a long break I am finally back on this work and for those who was thinking I got transmigrated into my own novel sadly it didn't happened (=_=).

gonna be consistent in uploading chapter but can't promise the numbers of chapters, it may vary from 2-4 per week and yeah this is a perk of being a newbie author you took a lot of time in your writing.

hoping that you will vote a lot alongside with your comments let's just end my rubbish talk here.....

peace ;-)


(Kalki's POV)


I felt a sharp pain on my face as someone has slapped me but that was no longer my concern because as I opened my eyes and perceived my surrounding I knew that I was fu*ked. 

During the ceremony I slept due to me overworking myself for quite some days but who would have thought that not a fuvking person would awaken me? I looked at my watch and found that 15 minutes had already passed since the first class started. I instantly stood up and ran outside and at this time it hit me that I didn't even know where 1A class is situated. Finding my surroundings almost empty was a clear sign that I won't be getting a direction to help anyone.

While running towards the lecture classroom area,  I instantly used my 'dimensional sense skill' to find the mana signature of 'Ryan' which I knew was in the same class as me. Because I saw him earlier on the podium giving a speech, I recorded his mana signature so that I could teleport near him. Marking different places, people and things with their mana signature was a byproduct of my dimensional sensing which is truly quite useful. In a matter of seconds of awakening my skills I got the information about where my class is situated. I ran towards my classroom thinking of excuses but I knew it was all gonna fail because the one who is my classroom teacher was the coolest and most badass character of the whole series and we knew the moment he moved something good was gonna come. But here I am thinking of ways to trick him *sigh* let's just go with my usual excuse….


Just a few minutes ago inside the auditorium, a man was watching a boy running outside the auditorium. The running boy was none other than Kalki whereas the man who was watching him while carrying a devilish smile on his face was also the culprit of the slapping incident that happened a few minutes ago but got forgotten due to other matters. 

 Zen finds himself very satisfied after slapping his student who should be present in his class at the current time because of his other self taking the class attendance, But on the hand was sleeping here. Looking at the boy sleeping profoundly with a mask on his face which covers the lower half of his face below the eyes he found it amusing because Using his "mana perception" he can easily see through his mask after all "S'' or "above S" rankers can easily observe and perceive almost everything in the surrounding area using mana perception so him wearing a mask was not gonna hide his identity. After Kalki left the auditorium the clone disappeared in thin air.

On the other hand, while all this happened in the auditorium a loud laugh can be heard coming out of the hexagonal academy's principal room.


Inside the classroom, 1A Zen completed attendance-taking work. After piling up all the information and uploading it to his tablet he looked at the class and spoke,

" Before moving to the training field let me ask you a question. What do you think of being a warrior ?"

On the question of Zen, everyone in the class has different opinions. Some were confident in their answers, some were unsure and others had mixed opinions. Zen looked through the classroom and picked up a girl with brown hair and eyes.

" Sir, I think the awakening makes heroes different from normal people. As we know that all humans have mana inside of them but only after awakening they can use it and get access to 'karmic records' also known as a system. But because nowadays almost 99% get awakened so I think getting a warrior license from the association converts a normal awakener to a warrior".


" You are good for most of the parts but there are still some add-ons left on your statement. Does anyone want to add or represent his/her views?"



Zen looked around the class and saw no one trying to come forward and sighed internally. Doing these types of things was not the one he used to do but just to make his students' minds broader on the topic of the warrior and what it means to hold such a position. Looking at the response he decided to let these ducklings feel some pain later on the training field. Maybe it will broaden their minds. While thinking this a smirk formed on his face which subconsciously sent shivers to everyone in the class.

"So because no one wants to come forward let's get it over with me telling you. Warrior was a term used to do...….. looks like a latecomer has finally shown himself".

At this moment Kalki just reached the gate of the classroom. With all his panting it was clear to everyone that he came here running all the way. Zen looked towards Kalki and spoke,

"So what's your reason behind showing this late, little masked man ?"


Kalki immediately bowed halfway showing respect and gave a response, "Good morning sir my name is Kalki Hertz because of the new place I wasn't able to sleep at night and ended up dozing off during the ceremony. I am really ashamed of my behavior and try to not let these types of things happen in the future."


Looking at Kalki, Zen sighed, his response was too upright and there are many times such things happen thus he decided to let him go this time.

"Hmmm… just go sit in your seat and listen to what I am teaching and remember to not doze during my lecture because the results will be quite interesting" 

as Zen completed his sentence even though the temperature didn't change a strange coldness can be felt in the classroom. 

Kalki quietly moved towards the back and sat down on the third desk from the last on the left which was apparently empty. After Kalki sat down Zen once again continued,

" So nowadays warrior becomes a job for everyone just like being a doctor, baker, etc but what warrior truly means are those who show hope and determination to protect and survive and help humanity to thrive even in dire situations. Becoming a warrior by name is quite easy but inheriting the title warrior is not something everyone was able to do so. 

In this job, there will be many deaths. You will see your friends dying one day or another and you may also experience death but looking at you all here means that you are all prepared for what is to come. Before going to the training hall let me tell you one more thing. Being a warrior is not only about entering a dungeon and fighting monsters, it can also be making potions, helping in research, refining mana crystals, etc".


All students reached the training area alongside their teacher and it was quite a scene in the training hall. 1000 students were gathered alongside 4 of their class teachers and other helper teachers, and surprisingly the school principal was also present. Many small groups were formed among the students. Many different topics can be heard in the crowd. On the other hand, teachers were helping in setting up the five big crystal balls on a podium. 

After a while, the preparation was done and the principal came forward and spoke,

"Good morning to all, I am franklos kartin the principal of the hexagonal magic academy. If you have attended the entrance ceremony then you have already known me but nothing goes into introducing myself one more time, isn't it? Hahaha...…"


"...*Ahem* …*Ahem*.... Putting that aside, today we gathered you all here for you to check your potential. It doesn't mean talent after all we have done that already during the academy entrance examination. What we want is to find your affinity, your weapon alignment, your position, and your capacity to grow in different fields. Collecting all these data will help us to make a solid plan for all of your growth.

Hoping you all will give your best let end my speech here"


As franklos completed his speech he instantly blurred from his position which left students in utter shock at his speed which clearly shows that he far surpassed human capacity. The C rank shows maximum human capacity and after that all the ranks shows beyond human strength. 

Teachers made some announcements after the principal completed his speech telling students the procedure of the physical examination and how everything was gonna went for the first day of the academy.

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ps_kronoscreators' thoughts