
Thursday - Story Idea


It's raining this afternoon, and you're alone in your room, staring at your laptop screen, trying to come up with a truly horrific horror story.

"I don't know how many times I've thought about it, but I can't think of a truly horrific and original horror story, a story about someone who is alone and finds himself with some creature?"

"How about a horror story about a woman who was murdered by her dead lover because she had found a new love?"

"Oh, that's normal, not scary at all."

"What if you're a foodie and you go to a foreign restaurant, and what you eat is delicious, but what you don't know is that the food is human flesh, and you're the next item on the menu?"

"Who would want to read such a disgusting story?"

"How about a story in which you and three friends explore a haunted house?"

"Then one of them is a ghost?"

"No, but they never showed up in the first place."

"It's pretty impressive, but it's not the best story."

"Okay, this one, you're writing a horror story on your laptop, and then someone communicates with you despite the fact that you're alone."


You quickly looked around and found no one.

"How is patient number three doing?"

"Well, still as usual."

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