
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Thành thị
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50 Chs


7 years ago...

Since Leylah told Suraj that she had gotten an admission into the university of California,they have been quarrelling and haven't talked since then. She hated the feeling of not talking with him for days,so decided to not leave and go to the states anymore.

Besides the whole idea of studying in the states, was half her dream and half because she didn't like the course she was given to study here in Nigeria.

Suraj didn't like the fact that Leylah was planing to leave him willingly. He couldn't handle her absence in his life, he can't even start to imagine having to spend several years away from the love of his life.

The first day Leylah told him about travelling and that she had asked her uncle that stays there to arrange her visa for her,since she already has her internal pass port.

She will be staying with her Uncle in California,until she is done studying,because her mum won't allow her go to a foreign land and live alone. Suraj didn't like the idea and so they argued and didn't speak for 4 days.

"I guess this is part of the sacrifices you make when you are in love. I can't lose my boyfriend and my relationship. I rather give up my dream than lose my Suraj". Leylah told her self as she has already decided to pick Suraj and their relationship over her dream of going to the states to study.

She was going to meet up with Suraj after her classes that day and tell him since she has been calling him and he wasn't picking any of her calls.

She went to the spot he normally goes to when he was done with lectures for the day and just wants to relax. His lectures just ended and she was sure he hasn't gone home because he always leaves the school campus after 7pm.

She went to the spot and after looking around for a few minutes she finally saw him sitting with one of his friend. they seem to be talking about something important because Suraj's friend kept a serious face while Suraj was talking with so much seriousness on his face.

As leylah approached them slowly not wanting to interrupt them rudely from the back,she couldnt help but hear their conversation.

"I am going to keep ignoring her like this until she comes to her senses and realise that its better for her to stay here in Nigeria"

"Leylah loves me too much she can't afford to lose me. What....long distance relationship my foot.....she either stays here or I'll break up with her" Suraj said with all seriousness.

"Really Suraj,you love her too much you can't just break up with her over this small matter" his friend...said.

"Oh you think so,sorry to disappoint you Abbas but I can break up with Leylah if she continues to behave like this. My love for her isn't up to that level where I can behave like a fool and obey her every wish"

"I envy you o,you have so many girls crushing on you in this campus. You can't just get any other girl when you break up with her"

"You see,so no need to bother too much about Leylah leaving me".

When leylah heard all these,her legs grew weak,she stood there for a few minutes before she ran home crying. When she got home she started packing and asked her mother to book the flight to California for her for the next day in the morning.

She wanted to leave as fast as she could,she cursed herself for loving Suraj so much that she was about giving up on her dreams. because of a guy who could break up with her anytime and get another girl when he wants.

Her mother was surprised and asked her why she wanted to leave so soon when she was suppose to travel in the next three days.

" I broke up with Suraj.....I don't want to stay here again,I can't bear to see his face again"

"Why you fought with him again?what is it this time?" Mrs Karina asked. She knows Leylah has only been the one to always fight with Suraj and he will still come beg her and apologise even though she was wrong. Suraj pampered Leylah a lot and indulge her childish behaviours a lot.

"Mum Suraj said he.....can break up with...me anytime and get himself another.....girl whenever he likes. Because all the girls in campus likes him" Leylah said as she hugged her mother crying her eyes out.

Present day...

Leylah was in Ibraheem's room talking with him and telling him about all the fun she had at the Georges'. She brought him some beautiful and nice flowers which she put it in the vase in he room.

It gave the room a pleasant and nice smell. Ibraheem's conditions was starting to improve because he has started showing some response and it was quite encouraging.

"I missed you my darling friend. Hurry and wake up Ibraheem, I have alot to share with you" Leylah said smiling at him.

"And you know that...." She couldn't finish what she as saying because she was interrupted by a sudden intrusion. The door was flung open abrupted and she saw Mrs Fatima,ibraheem's mother come in with haneefa. Her expression was full of rage and she was fuming in anger.

Leylah was taken aback by Mrs fatima's expression,she stood up slowly from the chair she was sitting on and greeted. "Hello Aunt,you look...."

"What are you doing here?" Mrs Fatima asked ignoring Leylah's greeting.

"Huh?" Leylah asked in confusion.

"I asked what you are doing in my son's room?" Mrs Fatima asked Leylah again and moving closer to where she was standing.

"What...I....I mean what type of question is that aunt? I am Ibraheem's....."

"Ibraheem's what? Fiancée?" Mrs Fatima asked and laughed sarcastically.

She took a deep breath and tried to control her anger before she asked Leylah in a calm but firm voice.

"Why did you lie?what was your reason?how long did you think you can keep up with the lies and pretense?"Mrs Fatima interrogated Leylah.

"What....Aunt...I....dont....Understand what you are talking about?" Leylah stuttered.

"You don't understand Leylah? Alright I'll help you",Mrs fatima said and gestured to haneefa to pass her her phone, which she did. She tapped a few times on the phone before she brought the phone to Leylah's face and asked, "Do you now understand what am talking about? Or are you going to deny that you are not the one in the photos and also this videos?" Mrs Fatima asked looking at Leylah in wonderment.

Leylah was utterly shocked when she saw the photos and videos, "Aunt I can....."

"Don't call me Aunt ever again" Mrs Fatima snapped,anger written all over her face. She had thought Leylah would give her a reasonable explanation when she met her but seeing the guilty expression on her face,she confirmed her suspicion about Leylah.

"How could you Leylah? Why did you do this? You did not only abandon his love for you but you went ahead and married someone else. Why?...Because he is in this condition and you don't think he will ever recover? How can you be so heartless?" Mrs Fatima shouted.

"Why didn't we see through you,you've done a pretty good job in fooling us to think that you are someone you were not but not anymore. I won't let you get away with this betrayal Leylah....I promise you" She threatened Leylah .

By now a bunch of people have rushed to the scene,when they heard the noise coming from Ibraheem's room.

The director was also at the scene,he was shocked when he saw Mrs Fatima getting mad at Leylah. Leylah just put her head down in embarrassment while Mrs Fatima continued.

"What is going on Mrs Fatima?Did something happen?" The director interrupted.

"Oh thank Goodness! Please director Abbas,send this person out of here and tell her never to ever come into my son's room again. If not I won't be this nice the next time I see her in my son's room" Mrs Fatima said trying to control her anger.

As soon as Leylah heard those words she dashed out of the room without waiting to hear anymore. Her face was full of tears and she used her small hands to cover her tearful face which was now red.

She made her way to her office and banged the door before she slouched down on the sofa in her office and cried loudly. She couldn't suppress her emotions anymore.

She felt hurt and at the same time she felt guilty,she should have found a way to tell ibraheem's parents and not let them find out like this.

Suraj was on consultation with a patient in his office and he didn't know about the commotion. But when he was done with the consultation and the patient left,he suddenly heard a banging sound and next he heard as if someone was crying.

He got out of his office and the voice became louder,the sound was coming from Leylah's office so he went into her office without even knocking. When he saw Leylah crying uncontrollably on the sofa,his heart broke.

"What's wrong Leylah? Why are you crying like this?" Suraj asked,his expression troubled,his heart ached and his eyes were seeking answers urgently from Leylah.

Leylah raised her head when she head Suraj's voice. She looked at him with her red and teary face. Her nose was also running and she abruptly went into his embrace and started crying even loudly.

She hugged him tightly as if she was scared and she broke down completely in his arms. Suraj just held her in his arms and continued to soothe her patting her back gently and whispering calming words in her eyes.

"They....found out.....Suraj".

"she....said....that....am....heartless and she thinks I abandoned...him because.....because he.... is in this state" Leylah said in between sobs as she wiped her nose still in Suraj's embrace.

"What?found out what? Who?" Suraj asked confused as he brought her out from his embrace and looked at her in the eyes.

"What happened exactly Leylah please tell me so I'll understand" he said holding her face in his hands.

"Ibraheem's mother...I don't know how she found out.....that....that we got married or even got photos of us at the Gorges" Leylah said trying to figure out how it happened.

'Who was it that took photos of them at the hotel? and how on earth did it get to Mrs Fatima and how did she find out that her and Suraj are married?' She wondered.

"She said so many hurtful words to me and the worst of all is... She said I shouldn't be allowed into Ibraheem's room ever again" Leylah said and hugged Suraj again as she went back to crying in his arms again.

"This is crazy Leylah,how..."

"Its okay, just calm down okay. You need to stop crying like this,that's enough now Leylah" Suraj said as he continued to console her.

They were still in that same position when they heard a knock on the door,Leylah answered "come in" after she came out of Suraj's embrace and wiped her face with her hands quickly.

Its was Abdul,the intern. He entered and when he saw Leylah's appearance and also the way Suraj's shirt was all crumpled and tear stained,he sensed what was happening in the room before he came in. 'Is doctor Alkaseem the husband that she got married to secretly?'the intern thought inwardly as he creased his brows.

"What happened Abdul?" Suraj asked when he saw that the intern wasn't saying anything and was looking at them suspiciously.

"Oh! The director asked for the both of you in his office. He said I should tell you both to see him immediately" Abdul said.

Leylah gave Suraj a knowing look which suraj couldn't decipher. "Does the ....." Suraj stopped and looked at the intern "if that's all you can go now" .

"Oh okay doc." Abdul said and excused them.

"The director was there when it all happened" Leylah said confirming Suraj's curiosity.

Leylah andLeylah and Suraj entered the Director's office and they also saw the chief seated and he had an angry and disappointed expression on his face.

"Am just going to go straight to the point,because we don't have that much time to waste" the director said after Suraj and Leylah were seated.

"Are you both married? Like are you a married couple?" The director asked.

"Yes Director,we are married"

"When did you get married? For how long have you been married?"The director asked intrigued.

"Recently,its been a month and a few days now". Suraj answered again calmly.

"Really? And you didn't think its right to inform Us about it. You work in this hospital and got married but we don't know about it?" The chief shouted as he was surprised seeing how calm and composed Suraj was about the matter.

"My apologies,it was all my fault. I wanted to have a small wedding and...." Suraj was saying but got interrupted.

"No it's my fault" Leylah interjected.

"I asked Suraj to hide the fact that we were married because I wanted to avoid a situation like this" Leylah explained plainly.

"You wanted to avoid what situation,I don't understand doc. Maleek" the director spoke. seeing how angry the chief has become, he thought to handle the situation gesturing to the chief to calm down.

"You were engaged and supposed to be married to Ibraheem,your fiancé,Mr Omar mustapha's son. So how did the whole situation change ?" .

"Its a very complicated issue director,I ....."

"Make Us understand doc. Maleek,because ibraheem is like a son to me and I don't understand why you'll leave your fiancé you've been with for years now for someone you have just known for a few months".the director said trying to reason with her and make sense out of the situation.

"its not true that I abandoned Ibraheem,I never did and I never will".

"I've know Doc.Kaseem way longer than I've know ibraheem. We were childhood friends and we lived in the same neighbourhood and grew up together".

"We feel in love for each other and started dating. but because of my selfishness,I left Doc.Kaseem and went ahead to the states for my studies and that was when I met ibraheem".

"We became good friends as we got to know each other and I told him about my relationship with Doc. Kaseem and he also shared his problems with me and how his parents were desperate in getting him married".

"Along the line,we developed feeling for each other and we started dating. But our relationship was more of a friendship than a relationship,and we both know that".

"On few occasions I talked to his parents on phone and I don't know how they got the perception that we were engaged and they were eager to welcome their daughter in-law home as soon as we came back to Nigeria".

"when I met with Doc. kassem here,I knew that I still loved him and I couldn't continue my relationship with ibraheem. So I told ibraheem about it and I asked for a break up. He wasn't happy with it but he accepted and respected my decisions but he told me he needed some time to tell his parents about it. They were already making plans for our wedding and he needed to find a way to tell them not to hurt them".

"I agreed with him and that was the plan until when he got into an accident. I had thought he had told his family about the breakup already.

Leylah told the director and chief everything,from her love story with Suraj and how she left and went to the states. Met with ibraheem and started dating,returning home to find out her true feelings. How she broke up with Ibraheem and their plan to tell his parent but couldn't before of his accident and how she got married.

"Wow!this is a lot doc. Maleek,how comes so much happened within a short period?" The director was thrilled when Leylah finished.

"Although I don't know how you youngsters live your life these days,but you shouldn't have pretended to be his fiancé with his parents for any reason in the first place" he said as a matter of fact.

"If you had told them the truth from the beginning,we won't be here now." The Chief said he took a deep breath and continued,

"When the deed has already been done and you got married. you found out that ibraheem hadn't told his parents about it,you should have told them yourself. I know they won't be happy about it but they'll understand"

"I've known the mustapha's now for quite some time now and they are quite understanding and lovable people".

"Now his mother is very angry because she thinks she betrayed their love and trust for you. Isn't this worse than whatever you had feared in the beginning?". The Chief said honestly without sugar coating anything.

"Yes,I agree with Chief Ahmed. marriage isn't something you can keep a secret for a very long time" the director said nodding in understanding to what the chief had just said.

"I'll try to talk to my friend,am very sure he'll understand. but in the main time,just stay away from Ibraheem. His mother made it clear and I will appreciate if you just do as she says for now, please". The director concluded.

" okay director,thank you Director,thank you chief". Suraj said,he was glad that everything turned out okay.

"Its fine,you both can leave now but you know you have a lot of explaining to do to your colleagues in the department right? seeing as almost all the staff in the hospital witnessed the commotion earlier".The chief said.

"We will do that chief. Thank you really for your kind words and overlooking our faults" Suraj replied .

"Its okay doc. Al-kaseem but nothing of the sort should ever repeat itself again" the director warned them in a light but firm voice.

"InshaAllah director,thanks".they both said and made their way out of the office.

'This Leylah is sure interesting,I hope her mother will be too when I get to know her' the director said inwardly to himself,smiling as he watched Leylah and Suraj leave the office.