
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Where are you hiding?

-No! They can't compromise! - Countess Lucille Williams screamed

Everyone stared at her in intrigue and surprise. The king and queen were speechless to see the countess act hysterically upon hearing the prince's proposal.

- Countess Williams, could you tell us what is bothering you? You should be happy with the upcoming union of our children, but instead expresses herself with rude concern- Erix rose from her throne angrily

-It's just ... if she's not ...- Lucille was speechless

Her husband and her daughter glared at her as they witnessed her obvious reluctance to marriage and the nervousness with which she expressed it.

-Countess, do you know why I have not considered the opinion of the emperor and taken the initiative to vote to arrest his daughter in the dungeon? Until the pope arrives we will not know if Lady Williams is really a saint or not and if she is, I see no problem in putting them together. Until then you shouldn't be upset-

Oscar urged his wife to sit down as internal mockery was about to break out in both of them. Erix only frowned and bit her lower lip to contain her laughter but to those present she seemed to be furious with the countess.

-Your majesty, I beg you to have consideration for my wife. She has been under a lot of pressure lately and learning about her daughter breakup left her dismayed- Luke tried to turn the situation in his favor

-If so, she should take a break. She can't act like this on a day like today. In order not to end on bad terms, this meeting ends here waiting for the 27th to arrive. The session is adjourned, good afternoon- the kings got up to leave the room

The queen was scowling and they understood that the comment angered her enough to be led by her arm to her room by the king.

The kings chose to continue acting and see the direction that Henry's commitment to Luciana would take.

-My Lucy, I will escort you to your room- Henry took her hand

-It will be an honor, your highness-Luciana followed him thinking that when she got to her room she would take out her fury


-Hahaha I can't handle this ... it's too much- Erix buried her face in a pillow to stifle her laughter

-Mother, you better control yourself. Now there is something more serious to deal with. I don't want those plagues at my wedding or at my coronation- Bal looked out the window as his brother tried to win more allies among the nobles

-I suggest sending them as representatives to the land of the dwarven lords in Thyr until then. What do you think? So we get rid of those people until you ascend the throne. We have to prepare the documents- Oscar was sitting reading

-Whatever it takes please.-

-I will take care of preparing the transfer papers, as for Rigel, he will handle himself as planned- Seth stood waiting for the king's orders

-I know you'll do it perfectly. I'm glad to have you on our side Marquis Lennox or should I say Prime Minister? - Oscar was smiling brilliantly

- I will take care of the position that has been granted to me and I will fulfill my duties. I withdraw, your majesties and royal highness-Seth left the room for his new office

-The day after tomorrow I will announce that the new prime minister is Quentin's son. With this we ensure that that bastard stays out of here to take care of his wife and daughter-

Oscar imagined the Count's face of horror when he finds out that he was removed and in his place they placed Seth who recently took the title of his father and that excited him.

But as Bal had said, the wedding was the matter to be dealt with urgently.

They had to come up with a way to convince Henry to willingly agree to go on a trip and drag the Williamses with him, so they got down to business.


Why do I feel empty? There are times when I want to go very far away but there is something that worries me and until I solve it I will not be calm.

Rigel doesn't stop threatening everyone and Scuti seems fascinated by this twisted way of acting. Even my Aunt Scala asked me to keep practicing my spells and curses to forget my sorrow but it is difficult.

To top it all, that idiot Seth is here teasing my little emotional stability. Every time I see him I want to kill him, he is unbearable just like that bitch Luciana and her cheap prince.

I just want to go home ...

-You are still angry? Stop worrying about those pests. Soon they will fall like flies- Scuti lay down on the bed next to her sister

-It is not only anger, it is something else that I cannot describe. Sadness ... or maybe longing? I don't know exactly and that bothers me- Siri hugged Ether tightly

- It's because your husband is still missing. Rigel said she lost track of her at the border. He will soon be here and you will remember everything again-

-Antares ... I don't think that's it, it's something else. Your husband made me charge the watch to find him but it was still defective in my hand so he concluded that his brother had not really woke up yet-

-The watch, that's weird. It must be some kind of restriction for the Jasonys, If not, it is not explained-

-Let's forget about that and better take a nap. My head hurts- Siri closed her eyes to sleep while Scuti hugged her


Rigel drank tea with Erix and Olivia. He was furious at not being able to find his brother and after pressuring Seth, he obtained some clues that led him to Erix.

-Everything is going smoothly. Soon we will get those snakes out of this palace. Although I wanted to know why the insistence to see us- Erix remained calm

-Oh! That's because you have something I want.-

-And what could it be? What you ask will be given to the extent of the possibilities-

-I heard that Diana Lennox was her companion and confidante- Rigel showed a slight smile

-Yes, the late Marchioness, she was. Why does she suddenly pull that out? What does it have to do with his request? -A feeling of fear was brewed in the queen

-Well, that bastard Seth told me that his mother mentioned to him that she had a distant cousin and this she had a son who hid from the church. I think you know where those people are or am I wrong? - A disturbing and macabre smile was drawn on Rigel

The queen gulped. Terror washed over her as she remembered Rigel's hatred of the Lennox.

-I ... I knew there was a cousin and a child but I don't know anything else, Diana hardly talked about it-

-Are you sure?-

-Yes. But why bring up this topic now, why are you looking for it? What are you going to do with her and her son? -Erix trembled

-You don't want to find out, or maybe ... don't do that.- Rigel grabbed her wrist tightly to stop her nervous tic from breaking her nails.

-If you know something, it is better that you open your mouth so as not to end up worse than Diana hahaha-

The bloodcurdling laugh made Erix doubt that she didn't know how to react to the terror Rigel expounded at every move.

-I don't know where they are, I swear! -Fearing for her life, she answered

-Well, I just wanted to be sure. Olivia, cure her- Rigel returned to his peaceful self

Olivia began the healing. Erix looked and caressed her wrist that had she not answered, it would have been ripped off. The man in front of her sought to liquidate any variable factors in his path and would find a way to track down the whereabouts of the late Marchioness's family, or so she believed.

Rigel was desperate to find his brother, wherever he had gone and the only reliable clue, was another descendant of the Jasonys that did not appear in the family tree of the Marchioness Diana and decided to hide for fear of persecution.