
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

A way to stars

Rigel had been on the roofs for two weeks, sunny, rainy, or stormy. When his father watched him through the window, noticed that he was vigilant and expectant of something or someone. He refused to come down unless it was to sort out their mess.

He was always looking for something in the sky and the horizon. Archibal missed Dion, but Rigel brought him up to speed on his situation and now he knew that he lost his son a long time ago.

He had a hard time processing it at first but then he realized that something had been wrong for a long time. He forced him to shut his mouth about what he would hear and he swore he would, because if he didn't do it, Rigel he would execute him along with his people without mercy.

He tell him about the "Judgment of Time", a way the gods found to maintain the balance and flow of life in each world that the stars visited. Time would restart when the gatekeeper at the entrance noticed that they transgressed the barrier or the stars died leaving the world at the mercy of interdimensional vermin.

The gatekeeper would be forced to send the Collector first, and if he still didn't fix it, then the Black Knight and finally Moonchild, to grant an escape route, protection, and designation of a new world for the stars.

The level of madness in each of the brothers varied according to the assigned stars, Moonchild being the worst of the three, since although the first two could exterminate a country or a continent, the third brother could make the world disappear at will, only to request a new one from the creator god.

Rigel's presence implied that the Collector would already be somewhere waiting, and this gave him the possibility of going to look for his beloved so that she could give him the key to his chains and start an excessive carnage. .

Archibal was in denial. The young man was a lunatic.

- Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you yet, you're very useful. But ... hahaha-

-What is so funny?-

- That my younger brother and I would arrived first is a sign that you should start praying, because the older one will set foot in this world soon. They will be erased along with those bugs-

-Moonchild ... then it's not so bad to have you here. You can stop it ...-

-Haha no. No one can stop his thirst for chaos and destruction, only Aldebaran can but ... he is not in this world.-

The answer chilled Archibald's blood. He felt that the apocalypse would come soon and those who wielded the scythe of death only wanted to go out and play with the people of this world.

-Maybe they only see us as mere insects. They are supposed to help us stop those monsters and not use us as bait for their greedy pleasures-

Circe was hidden in the secret passage and only came out when she finished hearing Rigel's macabre plan.

-Wow, but if it's Circe! You took your nosy girl pills. Who gave you permission to stick your nose in other people's conversations-

-I'm not interested. You can't do this to us!

-Shut up!. If you don't understand why, close your snotty mouth- Rigel watched as Circe ran towards her father.

-Dad! Please, if that bastard hadn't hurt him, my brother might ... still be here- Circe started to cry

A chill ran down Circe's spine causing her to fall to her knees. Rigel gripped Circe's chin when she wanted to look away from him.

-What do they want from us? I still don't understand it. They were given the privilege of being treated as equals and what did they do? They tortured and hunted us to death-

-I don't ... just ... you know where the star is, bring it. She sure she can help us ... I beg you, we don't want ... I don't want to die ...-

Tears overflowed without stopping at Circe. Rigel stood up and looked at Archibald with a crooked smile.

-How blind you are ... if we cannot stop Moonchild, who gives you the assurance that others will be able to persuade that monster. Who do you think you've been talking to. Girl I'm also a star hahaha-

Rigel assumed the appearance of a translucent and brilliant blue being that projected the same universe inside of him. The shape of him was that of a faceless humanoid and his limbs were slender. A creature whose appearance was so overwhelming and his nature radiated warm energy with its light.

Circe admired the creature that gave the impression of being a crystal so thin, delicate and sublime that it could be broken into a thousand pieces at the slightest touch.

-Don't be disrespectful to whoever interceded for you so that you continue to exist. The survival or not of this world was already decided before it was created. - An overlapping voice echoed in the room that began to collapse into the black hole that appeared on the ground.

Rigel's hand came up to Circe's tearful face. All three of his fingers wiped away the tears and seemed to offer her comfort. The light inside him began to shine brighter until he finished, throwing a beam of light in an expansive way that blinded them.

This caused all the windows and buildings in the mansion, the town and the nearby cities to break or crack from the impact. The starlight performed the same miracle as seven years ago but with devastating intensity.

Rigel and the room returned to normal. Archibald and a petrified Circe stared at the disaster in terror.

-Ahh the owner of this body is very annoying, he keeps begging for you. Let's do this, when you die, you can reincarnate with your brother so they don't bother me, it will be a form of payment for the services received-

They both looked at the young man who did not care to make others suffer while outside, chaos and despair took hold of everyone.

At the same time, from the top of a tree, Scuti looked terrified towards Bellafiore. She has just witnessed the unfolding of the force of a very violent and at the same time very familiar star.

For an instant she visualized next to her someone similar in spiritual appearance, who called her by her name. Took her by the hand in the direction of a door in the middle of the sky. The person was very nice and she did not want to let him go, but when he said goodbye, he vowed to come back for her.

She opened her eyes and was crying. The nerves made her forget to hold on and she ended up falling into the void. Siri arrived on time and with the owls she was able to avoid a misfortune.

-Scuti, did you feel it too? -

Siri did not come out of her amazement when her sister jumped to hug her ending in uncontrolled crying.

On her side, Ellen ran off in terror towards Crystal Clouds, leaving her grandchildren alone. Her worst fear came true. She went to see the gatekeeper to ask for an explanation, but he refused to listen to her complaint.

-God! Why now ... this world ... with Rigel is enough! Ashtar for what you want most do not send Moonchild! -