
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs

Volume 21 Chapter ( 8-Side Story 1)

Chapter 8, Jewel of Evolution

Kousuke wanted to proceed with the analysis of the Vermilinia Jewel, but when he was about 40% finished, he decided to return to his original goal.

Although he was doing it in shifts, he also had to be considerate of the Vermilinia Clan members, who had to stay with him all the time.

More than consideration, it was more that he realized that if he continued to stay, he might be seen as taking advantage of his position.

He had become too absorbed, but it was typical of Kousuke. In fact, no matter how he thought about it, it was not a good direction for him to continue like this.

When he came back, he was told off by the others about it. Though, normally, since they knew what his goal was and what he wanted to do, they usually let him be.

This time, his retreat to his laboratory did not take so long. However, the 'not take so long' for Kousuke, was in reality, two whole days.

"Is this the divine equipment to be attached to the jewels?"

Peach asked as she looked at the ornaments handed to her by Kousuke.

Most of the divine artifacts made by Kousuke were made in a plain, unadorned manner.

Therefore, Peach was a bit surprised when she first saw the divine artifact he handed her this time.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was comparable to the works of the Ygrite clan, but the Divine Tool this time looked more like a decoration than anything.

"It is decorated more than usual, is this made by Kousuke-san?"

"Ah, yes. When I visited the Ygrite tribe, I had a chance to speak with their craftsmen. I used their work as a reference."

As Kousuke explained, the decorations on this piece were not just for decoration.

The decorations themselves were created with meaning.

"I see~. And this is the result?"

"That's right, I want you to test it out and see what happens with the <Earth Jewel>"

"Just as I have expected, huh~. Okay. I will try it out."

He could have tried it with any Tower's Jewel, since the Jewel series were now installed in all the all Four Attributes Towers, but Peach was the only one who was in the relaxation area at the moment.

If this works, he intended to start working on the other three right away.


Peach inserted the <Earth Jewel> into the Divine Tool created by Kousuke.

"… Nothing is happening~?"

Kousuke chuckled at Peach, who tilted her head.

"That's true. It was made on the premise that it would share the power from the fairies in the first place."

Kousuke said, and called up Noll, the earth fairy.

"Yes. Brother."

"Can you give power to this jewel?"

"Yes. …this should do the trick. I will try."

The moment Noll said that and touched the jewel, the <Earth Jewel> started to shine.

Even so, Noor was pouring her strength into it without paying attention.

"Fuwawa. It's so dazzling~."

After it became so bright that he couldn't even keep his eyes open for a good long while, Noll finally stopped pouring his power into it.

"Now, it's okay. I'm tired. I'm going to rest."

"Oh, thank you. Thank you."

Kousuke said a few words of thanks, and Noll immediately vanished.

The shine of the jewel had already subsided.

"So was it a success?"

"I don't know. If Noll didn't say anything, then I think it was successful."

Kousuke, questioned by Peach, also tilted his head.

Since the purpose was to see if the <Evolution Sprout> would change in the first place, he immediately checked with his right eye.

"Oh. It's changed, it really changed."

It had changed from <Evolution Sprout> to <Evolution Bloom>.

He had accomplished his goal, so he could call it a success.

However, when Kousuke saw the description of <Evolution Bloom>, he fell to his knees.

"What's wrong~?"

"Oh, nothing. The explanation of the insufficient conditions…"

It was a good explanation, but it wasn't an explanation at all.

<Evolution Bloom>

Missing Conditions: Evolution is almost here? Please wait a little longer.

It was not a condition, but just an explanation of the situation…

It would be fine if this was simply a lack of ability on Kousuke's part, but if this was all the information that could be obtained, it would be a completely useless explanation.

Kousuke thought that he needed to have a better understanding of the power of the right eye.


At any rate, it did the job well enough to get him to the next step, which was the goal in the first place…. Now that he was one step closer to the goal of reaching the "Jewel of Evolution"… he decided to think about the next condition.

The Divine Tool that Kousuke created was only for enabling the jewel to withstand the power of fairies, so it had nothing to do with evolution.

He also made various other preparations, but they were not directly related to the Jewel of Evolution.

However, he didn't have anything in particular in mind.

The description was completely useless, so as usual, he decided to leave it alone for now.

As usual when spirits were involved, time often solves things, so he decided that it would be better to wait for a while this time as well.

Meanwhile, he decided to prepare Divine Tools for the other three jewels.

Preparing the Divine Tools for the three treasures did not take much time.

He only needed to duplicate what he had already made, so the only time it took him was to prepare the materials.

The Divine Tools were attached to each jewel, and the corresponding fairy's power was poured into each jewel in the same way as with the <Earth Jewel>.

He had considered the possibility of failure just in case, but he did not fail, and the other jewels were already in the same state.

It was decided to leave the jewels in the same condition as the <Earth Jewel> and see what would happen.

Peach mentioned something curious about the neglected <Earth Jewel>.

"Why do you think the Wraiths are seemingly so concerned about it?"

"Concerned, in what way?"

"It was the same before we put the decorations on, but now they seem to be gathering around it even more."

Before Kousuke could say anything in response, Sylvia interrupted.

"That's true of the slimes as well, you know."

When asked, the other two seemed to be exhibiting the same tendency.

If it was just one of them, it could lead him to think of something else, but if it was the same trend in all four jewels, it must be completely due to it.

"The Divine Tool that you created shouldn't have produced any particular effect like that, right?"

"So that means something is happening because of the fairy's power, isn't it?"

"Maybe, that's all I could think of."

Kousuke couldn't answer that question either.

If he had done something to the Divine Tool, he would be able to answer, but unfortunately, he did not do anything like that.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see after all."

"I guess so."

Everyone present nodded at the same conclusion.

"By the way, what was that work you did on the Divine Tool?"

Floria asked Kousuke a reasonable question.

"No, it's nothing important. It was just to prevent it from being stolen, or to prevent the jewels from being easily detached by the other dependents playing tricks on it."

They all looked satisfied with the safety mechanism.

"So, did you need all those decorations?"

"Ah, no. That was to help it withstand the power of the fairies."


"If the power of the fairies were to leak out of the jewel, the Divine Tool would be able to absorb it."

"So it's like a safety device?"

The power of the fairies was given to the jewel this time, but the fairies do not always emit a constant amount of power.

Even if the power exceeds the capacity of the jewel, the Divine Tool was designed to absorb the excess power.

Incidentally, as for the power of fairies, they firmly found out about it from the girls themselves.

"In short, that was the main purpose, you see? Well, once the power is stabilized, that won't be necessary anymore."

"Oh~? Could it be that this is the condition for evolution?"

""… Ah.""

Everyone looked at each other in response to Peach's question.

As a result, the conclusion was correct: only time would tell.





Chapter 9, Effects of DIvine Protection

The four attribute jewels had been on the waiting list for some time now.

They didn't know how long it would take for the fairy's power to stabilize, but they were looking forward to the results as they waited.

One day, a few days after the Divine Tool had been placed on the jewels, Nana arrived at the Administration Floor with two companions.

"Ah, it feels like déjà vu…"

"Déjà vu?"

Sylvia, who happened to be nearby, tilted her head and asked.

"Oh, no. It's nothing. More importantly, Nana, are you on the same errand as before again?"

He asked in passing, but of course, he didn't get an answer.

But she did wag her tail around.

Looking at them, they seemed to fit his expectations, so he checked on the two wolves that she had brought with her, without needing to summon a fairy.

Then, as expected, both wolves had evolved.

One was a white shadow wolf that evolved from a white wolf, and the other was a black shadow wolf that evolved from a black wolf.

They shared a common skill, <Shadow Stealth>.

Not surprisingly, both had <Kousuke's Blessing>.

They must have evolved smoothly as a result of giving them Divine Protection.

To be sure, he checked with the power of his right eye and found that the <Evolution of~> that used to be displayed was no longer there.

It must mean that the evolution no longer included the information that could be displayed.

They have already confirmed that there were several types of <Evolution of~>.

However, they were unable to confirm whether all the individuals attempting to fulfill the conditions of evolution would follow the same route.

Judging by the names and evolutionary conditions, he would say that the order was that it would sprout, grow, bloom, and bear fruit, but he was not sure whether that was correct or not.

From what he saw, he was able to ascertain what was going on, but it was difficult to confirm because it all depended on when he was looking at them.

In the case of the wolves, this time, he witnessed them in the sprouting state, but he could not confirm anything beyond that point.

They were unable to, but they did evolve, so there was no doubt that the power of his right eye was an indication of the state of evolution.

"Hmmm… I don't think the concept is wrong, but it seems to me that it's an inconvenient power to use."

Sylvia came to refute Kousuke's musings.

"No. Please keep in mind that you usually couldn't see whether they would evolve or not in the first place."

"That's true, I guess."

"The status display only shows the status, too, and whether it grows or not depends solely on the person's experience. Considering this, wouldn't it be safe to assume that the display of evolution is the same thing?"

"Oh, I see. If you think of it that way, the left eye and the right eye are essentially the same."

At the time of the status display, at least for the dependents, the status was raised by providing them with a proper environment (e.g., external enemies).

When showing the evolution condition, it also meant that evolution could be achieved by giving <Kousuke's Blessing> to the dependent.

To begin with, evolution was not caused simply by giving them Divine Protection.

When considering this, we could see that the opposite was also true.

"Then, could it be that what we were able to see this time was only displayed when the evolution was caused by giving Divine Protection, and that we could not see it in the case of other conditions?"

"That's a possibility, yes."

"I see"

The bottom line was that the power of the right eye was imperfect, and what he was seeing now was only displaying some conditions.

The fact that there was only one set of evolutionary conditions in itself was unnatural, so it was a sufficient possibility.

"Well, as far as it goes, I guess I'll just have to master the power of the right eye. I have no idea how to do that, though."

"You don't have anything to refer to, so it can't be helped. You'll just have to verify it slowly."

"That's true. I can't do anything about that right now, so I'll think about it later, but for now, let's go check something else."

"What other things?"

Kousuke replied to Sylvia, who tilted her head while stroking Nana's neck.

"That is, of course, to check if the other summons have evolved."


Sylvia and Collete accompanied him on the survey.

Partly because they had some spare time, but also to see how the dependents were evolving.

So far, he did not give Divine Protection to any of the dependents in other Towers, except for those in Amamiya Tower.

The conditions of each Tower were too different from each other to make a simple comparison, but there was a lot of information that could be used as a reference.

Furthermore, Sylvia and Collete had another motive, but they were not going to mention it to Kousuke for now.

This was because they thought it was unnecessary to tell Kousuke about it, since it might produce unsatisfactory results.

They decided to start by checking with the wolves on the 81st Floor.

Although Nana had brought two wolves to the Administration Floor, there might be some individuals who had evolved differently.

As a result, there were some individuals who indeed evolved differently.

According to Nana, who had Collete translate for her, she originally intended to have them come to this Floor.

She explained that the only reason she brought only two wolves was to let them know that there were evolved individuals.

So, they checked the wolves and found two more black wolves that had undergone two other kinds of evolution.

One species was the Black Wolf Leader.

It was a black wolf version of the White Wolf Leader, and it was able to use magic skills.

The other race is the Black Swift Wolf.

This race had a common skill called <Swift> that they could use.

Not all individuals who were previously given Divine Protection had evolved, so it would be necessary to continue looking for them in the future.

Furthermore, it was interesting to note that the white wolves did not have <Evolution Sprout>, yet they have evolved the same as the black wolves that did.

This proved that the condition "only those who will evolve if DIvine Protection is given", which they thought about before coming here, did not always happen.

"It makes less and less sense now…"

Since it was simply a newly awakened power, it was impossible to determine if it had a narrow range of adaptation or if it was originally that kind of power.

If it were the former, it would still be fine, but if it was the latter, in many ways it would be difficult to know what kind of power it was.

To get this information, he decided to check on the other dependents, except for the Floor where the wolves resided.

The ones that had previously received Divine Protection were the celestial and land foxes, as well as all the other dependents summoned in Amamiya Tower, except for the flying dragons.

As a result, evolution was confirmed in all the species that were given Divine Protection.

First, the slimes, like the wolves, evolved in several ways.

Since multiple types had been confirmed in Southeast Tower to begin with, it was probably to be expected.

The strength of the monsters seemed to be increasing considerably, and at least beginner level monsters were no longer able to compete with them.

It may be time to set up summoning circles for intermediate level monsters.

Next were the mini-dragons, but they had evolved into something different from those of Northwest Tower again.

When confirming their skills, they had the same Divine Power Manipulation skill as the wolves and foxes, so this must have been an influence on their development.

Their race name was indicated as Wing Dragons.

Sylvia and Collete laughed bitterly when they heard the name.

It was no wonder, since a Wing Dragon would take a team of top adventurers to defeat it.

Incidentally, in terms of Tower Floors, it would be strong enough to be on the 80th floor of the tower.

Although it seemed to them that they might have grown too fast, they decided to accept the situation as a fact, thinking that this might be the case since the dragons themselves were strong individuals to begin with.

The Wraiths also followed a different evolutionary path from that of the Northeast Tower.

Instead of the Intelligent Wraiths from Northeast Tower, there was a race called Mad Wraiths, which were demon spirits.

Basically, they had the same magic skills as the Intelligent Wraiths, but with the addition of the <Magic Manipulation> and <Divine Power Manipulation> skills.

Intelligent Wraith were the same as Wraiths, but unlike normal Wraiths, they moved with a sense of intelligence.

They then headed off to check on the goblins, but Kousuke and company were surprised to find that they had evolved in a way that could be described as a major transformation.





Chapter 10, Change of the Dependents

The base where the goblins were located was just a stone's throw away from the gate of the 14th Floor.

As soon as Kousuke and the others had checked the gate, a group of goblins came rushing toward them from the base.

This was not unusual, and the goblins, perhaps having some wisdom, had been showing this kind of movement for some time when Kousuke arrived.

The problem was not the goblins themselves, but the fact that they were acting as guides to Kousuke and the others when they saw them approaching.

In particular, the individual at the front of the group that was waiting for Kousuke and the others had changed so much that it was hard to believe that it was the same goblin as before.

Other than the two horns on their heads and the pointed ears, they looked almost indistinguishable from humans.

He took a closer look to see what changed so drastically and found that they had grown hair.

When he first saw their appearance, he wondered how hair alone could create such a big difference in impression.

The change was not only in appearance, but there was also a big change in the way they interacted.

"Master, welcome."

The goblins were now able to speak, albeit only a few words.

Originally, the goblins seemed to be communicating with each other in their own language.

However, it was a language that could only be understood within the same race, and they were not speaking <Common Language>.

The individual in front of them seemed to understand Common Language perfectly.

When their skills were checked, they had <Language Comprehension>, but they also had <Common Language>.

Perhaps it was this skill that enabled him to speak.

Including this goblin, there were not only the ogres from Southeast Tower, but also new species of ogres, the Great Ogre and the Ogre Leader.

It was the Ogre Leader who was able to speak the language.

The Great Ogre was a size larger than a normal Ogre.

It was apparent from its appearance that it had become a complete power fighter.

Unfortunately, the only Ogre Leader was the first one that came to greet them.

There were several Great Ogres that had evolved, but since there were others that had evolved in addition to the individual who was given Divine Protection, it was likely that they would evolve regardless of the Divine Protection.

It was unclear how the Ogre Leader evolved, but it would be possible to confirm this if the number of Ogre Leaders increased.

The name also suggested a possible further evolution.

The presence of the Ogre Leader indicated that it was a fully led group.

Previously, they were a collection of small groups, but now they were working individually and in coordination with each other.

In many ways, they became an interesting race.


Surprised by the transformation of the goblins, he went to check on the foxes one last time.

The foxes were not so different from usual that it was a surprise.

Of course, there were more individuals who had evolved, but there was no increase in the number of species.

However, for the first time, there were a few individuals other than Wanri that had become multi-tailed foxes.

For now, there were still two individuals, but when these grow up, they may become individuals that could become capable of becoming a humanoid, just as Wanri had done.

"Are there any other individuals of the heavenly or land foxes that have the ability to change and become humanoid?"

So far, there were three fox species, including Wanri, that could be humanoid, but no others have appeared.

"Hmm. I don't know."

Wanri answered Kousuke's question.

No matter how much Wanri understood, she didn't know everything about the foxes.

"I see. Then what race did they become, being multi-tailed foxes?"

"It is from the same foxes as me. It seems that they cannot become Nine-tailed Celestial Foxes or Land Foxes."

At the Yurino Shrine in the Eighth Floor, Wanri checked on the status of the foxes, and found that there was nothing unusual.

As for the many-tailed foxes, Wanri seemed to be watching them carefully and said she would bring them back as soon as they could transform into humanoids.

He came to the Yurino Shrine to ask Wanri about the condition of the foxes, and he took the opportunity to ask Saki and the others about their current condition.

Saki and her friends regularly report back to Wahid, so they knew that no problems were occurring.

It seemed that Saki and Saki's staff were doing a good job with administration on behalf of Cecil and Alisa, who had been very busy as adventurers recently.

It seemed that Cecil and Alisa also came to check on them from time to time.

He had nothing much to say to Saki and the other three, so he was about to return to the Administration Floor when Yuri stopped him.

"Kousuke-sama, may I have your time?"

"Yes. Did something happen?"

"Yes. Recently, we've been able to capture a stable amount of power in this area, so I thought it was about time for you to expand the area."

"Oh, I see. I remember you mentioning something about that."

He had previously consulted Yuri about the possibility that the shrine, serving the same role as the World Tree, would naturally become more powerful as it expanded its area on the Floor.

At that time, he was told that the power was not yet stable and that he should consult again when it was stabilized.

Kousuke had forgotten all about it, but Yuri seemed to remember it well.

"Okay, I'll try to update the Floor. Then, the Floor to combine it with… Wanri."


"I'm going to combine the 10th Floor and the 48th Floor, would that be a problem?"

Both were Floors with foxes.

He was thinking that it would be better to combine them together anyway.

"Hmm. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

"I see. Then let's start with those two."


He told her that he still had enough Divine Power saved up to synthesize the two Floors, and that he would do it as soon as he returned to the Administration Floor.

"Speaking of which, will there be more we can do when we get more power?"

Yuri nodded at Kousuke's question.

"Yes. There will be more things you can do."

"What kind of things will I be able to do, for example?"

"For example, if you give us permission to prepare a branch temple, we would be able to transfer power over there in the event something happens to this place."

"Is this branch shrine to be located at an intersection of the earth's veins as well?"

He wanted to know if it was necessary to set up a regular shrine in the same way that he had prepared the Yurino Shrine.

But Yuri responded that there was no need for that at all.

"No, no. You do not need to do anything in particular. I can prepare the buildings and everything else. All I need is your permission to set it up."

"That's very convenient… Huh? Do you mean inside this area?"

Kousuke realized that there was some discrepancy between his description and Yuri's.

"Yes. Yes."

"Ah, I knew it."

Kousuke was intending to build a branch temple in another area of the Floor.

"Can't you do it on another Floor?"

"That's difficult to do. In the first place, each of the Tower's Floors is like an independent world."

If they were to actually create it in a separate Floor, it would require a lot of power.

"I wonder what would happen if we synthesized Floors?"

"I can't say anything about that until I have actually examined it, but I think it will probably be fine."

"Heh. Why is that?"

"If the power of the earth's veins increases after the synthesis of the Floors, that means that the earth's veins will be physically connected to each other."

The fact that the power of the earth's veins were physically connected meant that they could also be transferred to a branch.

"I see. Should we try synthesizing it for now and see how it goes?"


To begin with, they had not yet performed Floor synthesis.

It was only after the synthesis had been performed, and the power had been increased that the conversation could be continued, as usual, by saying that they should try it out first.


After returning from the 8th Floor, Kousuke immediately performed Floor synthesis.

As soon as the synthesis was done, he returned to the 8th Floor to see how things were going, but there seemed to be no problem.

He synthesized only two Floors currently, but he planned to synthesize more after seeing how it went.

As with the World Tree, the plan was to eventually combine nine Floors in total.

They wouldn't earn as much Divine Power as the World Tree through the Floor synthesis, but the Yurino Shrine would still become a considerable Divine Power generator.





Sidestory 1, Golem, Doll, or Something Else

Schmidt, head of Crown's merchant division, regularly visited the Administration Floor.

Of course, he often conducted official business, but that usually took place during the regular meetings.

The reason why he visited the Administration Floor regularly was because he was looking forward to Kousuke's development of new magical tools.

Of course, there wasn't always something new every time.

More often than not, the meeting ended up with nothing.

For Schmidt, who was busy as the department head, time was precious, but still, he thinks it worthwhile to come visit him.

Although new magical tools only appear once in a while, the ones that do appear occasionally tend to be very useful to Crown.

Unfortunately, the magical tools that Kousuke makes were usually so advanced that the magical tool craftsmen employed by Crown could not reproduce them.

Not only could they not reproduce them, they could not even analyze them, so one could understand how advanced they were.

This was partly for ostensible reasons, but also because he longed for the business dealings he used to have when he was a peddler.

Now that he was a department head, Schmidt was no longer dealing on a personal level, even though he did some large commercial transactions.

It was natural for him to do so, but he sometimes found it lonely.

However, the transactions with Kousuke were one-on-one discussions, so in a sense, they could be described as the personal transactions of a peddler.

It would be difficult to say whether a discussion between a Tower manager and an executive of an organization in the Tower could be called a personal transaction or not.

One day, when he visited the Administration Floor as usual, an unfamiliar person appeared.

The unfamiliar person greeted Schmidt.

Normally, one of the female members would have noticed and responded, but that day was different.

A woman whom he did not recognize was dealing with the situation.

As a side note, the women around Kousuke, led by Kouhi and Mitsuki, were all beautiful.

The woman, who was as good-looking as any of them, was dressed in a perfect maid's outfit.

Generally, daily necessities for the Administration Floor were supplied through Crown.

Therefore, Schmidt was aware of all the goods that were being distributed to the Administration Floor.

However, he had no recollection of wholesaling the clothes worn by the maid.

Not only the clothes, but also the maid herself, he could not remember, but he had never heard of any new people being brought into the Administration Floor.

Inwardly, tilting his head, Schmidt sat down in the chair offered to him.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"Yes. I would appreciate it if you could make me a cup of tea."

It would be impolite to refrain from being reserved here, so he replied that way.

Upon hearing Schmidt's answer, the maid made a perfect motion to respond.

Once that maid left the conference room, she returned with tea.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Oh, thank you. By the way, when did you arrive here? I'm sorry, I don't recall anyone being hired by the Tower."

"Well. I was just created recently. This is the first time we have met."


Schmidt tilted his head at the curious expression, but when he heard the maid's answer, he almost spewed out the tea he was about to drink.

"Yes. I am the first maid golem that was recently completed."


The tea nearly spewed out, but he managed to hold it in.

Schmidt was able to endure, but he couldn't stop himself from coughing.

"What, what did you say…?"

Schmidt's voice echoed through the conference room shortly thereafter.


"… So, what is this about?"

Schmidt glared at Kousuke, who replied with a wry smile.

"Well, just two days ago, Kouhi and Mitsuki completed a new golem as a joint effort. That's her."

Pointed out by Kousuke with his hand, Maid Golem No. 1 bowed her head curtly.

In times like this, she was designed not to say anything unnecessary.

"She's a golem, you say?"

"That would be the case, you see? I didn't even get to see her until she was finished. I didn't expect her to be so perfect."

If he was not informed of this, he would have thought it was a normal human species.

There was some discomfort in assuming it was human, but if I had been told that it was such a species, it would have seemed to be a normal one.

Incidentally, he was allowed to touch her arm, and the feeling was the same as skin.

At first, he thought that they summoned her, just as they did with Wahid and the other members.

From the way the members looked when she was unveiled, Kousuke somehow knew that Schmidt would react in this way.

"…I don't think it's a work of art that can be summed up the way to describe her, I would say she was "overly high-spec" right?"

I don't think it's a work of art that can be summed up in one word, "highly finished," is it?"

"Oh, as I thought?"

No one could tell at first glance that she was a golem, both in appearance and in movement.

She was that good.

Moreover, she also performs the practical work of a maid.

If she were to be put up for auction, it would be impossible to predict how much she would fetch, even if she was not a favored person.

"Of course, she can't be put up for sale…right?"

" Not possible."

At Kousuke's words, he let out a sigh inwardly.

Although it was to be expected, he could not suppress the feeling that it would be a waste.

However, that feeling was dampened by Kousuke's next words.

"So far, neither Kouhi nor Mitsuki seem to be interested in making anything other than what they use here. Besides, can you imagine what would happen if you put only a few of these things up for sale?"


"If you put a few golems with that much intricate movement out into the world… I'm scared just thinking about what would happen."

If the amount of money only hovers without a ceiling, it would still be fine.

In the worst case, it could escalate into an armed conflict… the troublesome possibilities would be endless.

"… What about mass production?"

How was the development department's progress?

"…To be frank, it's not looking good."

In Crown's development department, headed by Isnani, the Golem was also a subject of research and development.

In fact, the department's main focus had become golem development.

However, aside from Isnani, the subordinates were not yet up to speed on the Golem.

That development department referred to the Golem No. 1 a masterpiece, and their works were far too inferior to her.

"Even Golem No. 1's technology is in that situation. It's very, very hard to catch up with her technology. Besides… right, this."

Kousuke held out a sheet of paper toward Schmidt.

"What's this?"

"I knew you would surely ask. I made a list of the materials used for her."

Schmidt was looking at the form as he listened to Kousuke's words, but his face turned pale from the first line and was almost white by the time he reached the last line.

"I'm sure there are people who would want it, no matter how much the price goes up, but whether they can actually afford it? I mean, if you look around the world, maybe there are some, but…"

"… Even if there were, they would probably go bankrupt the moment they paid."

Schmidt, finally recovering, managed to reply.


Even just one of the materials used would crush any average merchant.

Some of them even included things that even Schmidt had only heard of by name.

A large number of materials were used, even if only one of these materials could be used to compete with a whole country.

The reason for the abundant use of such materials was, of course, because the materials were obtained from the monsters that appeared in the Tower.

The monsters that appear in the Tower were the result of Kouhi or Mitsuki's own efforts, so they could be obtained without any problems.

"So, mass production is almost impossible because of the materials. Both Kouhi and Mitsuki said they have no intention of selling it to anyone else. Even if we sold it, it would only cause a commotion, and that's not a good thing."

Schmidt, who understood the situation completely, also shrugged.

"It would certainly be better not to put it out there. It's such a waste, unfortunately."

"I can understand why you feel it's a waste, though. If we put it out there, we'll probably only get trouble, so it can't be helped."

If Kousuke could, he would have liked to show that this kind of golem could also be made, to increase the value of the golem.

However, he did not want to go to the trouble of putting out something that would only cause trouble.

There was no choice, but currently all they could do was hope for the best from the development department.

"That's right… Now then, shall I have you show me something new today?"

Schmidt had completely given up on the maid golem, but he had not given up on Kousuke's tools either.

Kousuke, who knew this was going to happen, smiled wryly as he engaged in dialogue with Schmidt.