
legend of the three

three friends went back in time to the night creature and witches era. the will encounter lots of different creature both good and bad. thier journey was not an easy one but they will support always each other .

Daoistr9kVxg · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

OMG: chapter 4

As soon has everyone was settled down on their seats, the mathematics teacher began his sermon to the students which made most of the students dozed off on their desks.

"Everyone of you needs to work harder to get good grades in your upcoming exams , few of you improved one of you all really surprised me," Mr zhao said to the students which made does that had their heads on the desk to look up, curious as to who the teacher was referring to.

Mr zhao called the students in a descending order to retrieve their test results, chubby the class foodie was called in the tenth position and three other boys were called after chubby. The class representative;Rose was called and her closest friends were called before her, seeing this everyone was surprised because Rose has always been in the third and sometimes the second position but with her demoted rank they all started whispering to themselves staring at the remaining students sitting at the back. The teacher cleared his throat as he prepared to call the student in the third position, everyone held their breath nervous as to who their teacher would call. "Cheng". The teacher called out.

Cheng was astonished but he quickly stood up before Mr zhao could scold him for slacking off, he looked at his score and he saw that he was only five marks less to a perfect score, "what the heck" Cheng said in his mind wondering how the last student exempting rui could surpass him, he slumped on his chair when the teacher told liana to stand up, "did she passed or failed",some students began to whisper to one another.

"You did well liana jiang you are only a mark less than our best student Rui", Mr.Zhao stated merrily surprising every students in the classroom. "OMG! did miss unattractive won against Cheng and Rose ", chubby said in amazement.

Rui and liana collected their scripts before going back to their seats. Liana was very glad she passed the test and she couldn't wait to show her results to her family.

After school liana, cheng, and rui stepped out of the school building they saw a brewing storm, cheng who was busy patting liana's head didn't see the trouble ahead and when he noticed that rui and liana stopped in their tracks was starled and when he looked up, he saw the gloomy and the dark clouds hovering over the city which made him to suddenly yelp.

"What in the galaxy his this" Cheng exclaimed seeing the thick darkness in the sky. "We should visit the store to take permission from Mrs.meng if they could skip work that day. They had no umbrella in their hands so they walked has fast as they could to the store, on getting there they saw that Mrs.meng was already locking the doors ready to head home when she saw her employees outside so she immediately told them to go home to avoid getting drenched by the oncoming storm.