
1Totally different (meet lola)

you can't just continue like this Bryan... news is everywhere and these people won't stop.

without a word he sipped a glass of wine acting like he couldn't hear a thing, this was the second time he was aired on the internet about been a brutal heartless man, but he really didn't give a darn.

You're not saying anything Bryan, Joshua said in frustration

Do I look like I care, he finally said with a deadly stare

Thats the point! you don't care but your name is been dragged in the mood infact your whole career is at stake and you know dad will not take this from you, you better find a way to fix this sh*t that you put yourself in, common man this lady is going way too far, I can't watch my senior bro being insulted, fix that b*tch man.

Bryan clenched his fist in frustration, Sarah has done more harm than good in his life, its been 3 months since their breakup and she's all over the media with her fans saying sh*t, he never believed she could think so immature, like spreading fake news of him been a cheat, heartless and abusive man.

Sarah couldn't take the pain of leaving Bryan as she was so obsessed with him, but he kept all of her rowdy lifestyle a secret, she was a drug addict and a crazy lady too, nobody knew her well until she entered the Howard's family, even picking fights with Bryan's sisters, he had to let her go.

I think I've got an answer to this, that was Joshua's voice coming from the door, he raised up his head swimming away from his thoughts, he saw a lady Standing close to Joshua looking down on her toes.

meet Lola she's totally different from that psycho lady Joshua said smiling,

does this look like a joke to you josh.


His eyes are fiery, is it really true what they say about him 😐

enjoy my readers😋

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