
League of Supernatural

Precious, a young pretty orphan found herself in a love triangle with three different supernatural creatures, a mermaid, a vampire, and a hybrid of a werelion and a werewolf. All three supernatural creatures had the conviction that they were destined for each other. Thank God for her friend who was a witch, she helped her to understand and make her choice wisely, and through this, she realized the cause of her parent:'s death. They never died a natural death. Together with her league of supernatural she took up her arms and went against her sea of troubles.

Onyeka_Rossi1 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Mark the Playboy

As all these went on, Jasmine who has always had her suspicions and fears about that very same body of water now had enough reason to be, before now, her fear had been baseless, but now she has gotten a reason to be scared. She managed to pick herself out of the water, and like a flash, she fled, she sprinted like one breaking out of the jaws of a murderous wild cat. But as for the night crawling boys, they wish they could fly as she did, it wasn't like they made no efforts, they strived, but it seemed that the water itself had some lesson for them, a lesson to never taunt a beautiful lady because they feel she is vulnerable or alone, she could be the secret crush of the merman in the little stream.

Well, the body of water that materializes into the shape of a man was the merman of the little stream, something which had been long spoken of, a myth to the people of Rossville. His name was Abijam, and he was not alone, he was there with a couple of mer-people who had pledged their allegiance to him. He was not really like a king to them, there was one who was called King, but he do not reside on the little stream or any stream where Abijam dwells, he was in the Atlantic Ocean with his wife the queen who happened to be a superior ruler to him. Abijam the merman was the chief in charge of the little stream in Rossville.

As the Merman Abijam unleashed punishment against the boys who had evil schemes against Precious, Daemon lurked in the dark corner of the woods watching the whole incident play, he had sensed Precious' fear, so he ran over to help, but was too late because one who seemed like a potential rival had already emerged from the shallow water and was already fulfilling that which he saw as his responsibility, so he just had to stand there and watch, but he made sure that there was no need for him to show up. He just couldn't show up at the moment, because showing up will result in a power tussle between him and Abijam who he had obviously seen to be a merman, he had once had a clash with a merman when he and his Sire we're together, and ut doesn't turn out fine, so he had to be wise, and make sure that he needed to show up before he eventually did, also, he will not want Precious to see him as a vampire, at least not yet.

That night, Precious ran like never before since she just saw things she had never seen, not even in her wildest dream. She got home so scared, she came home to her brother Mark, and her workaholic grandmother Mrs Ruth Chokwe. The grandchildren of the old lady never called her by her name, they rather call her Nne, which could be translated as a mom. Nne had been the one burdened with the responsibility of her two grandchildren after the untimely and unexplainable demise of their both parents. Both couples, Mr And Mrs Raphael and Happiness Chokwe slept very healthily at night but never got out of their room the next day, after a long while of waiting, their children Precious and Mark who is Markswell in full, decided to go knock on their door, but there was no acknowledgement, the boy and the girl were quite young during the time this incidence took place, Precious was seven while Mark was five, she was older than her brother. Since they can't break open the door, they had to raise alarm, the called on neighbours to come to help them wake their parents, the neighbours banged at the door numerous times, but could not get any response from the people who were presumed to be inside, so they had to result into breaking the door. When the door was wrecked, they found a very scary scene, Mr And Mrs Raphael and happiness had been burnt to death right in their sleep, which made it surprising and confusing, and which also made the whole people believe that it was a supernatural because of the manner and way by which the fire carried out its activities. The couples were roasted to an unrecognizable condition, but nothing else in their room was burnt, not even a smoke stain was found on the bed, the whole thing was the talk of the town for quite a long time. It was almost fifteen years already, but the whole thing was still fresh to the siblings.

So that night as she ran like one being chased by wild animals, she ran into the compound only to find her brother Mark with one of his numerous female folks in an undignified position, he quickly pushed the girl so that she could get up from his leg as he ran to his sister and held her, she was visibly scared, ut was conspicuous that the poor girl was scared of something, she also appeared to be weak, she could no longer hold her legs, he quickly carried her off the ground and took her inside the house, the young beautiful teenage girl who was with Mark wanted to go inside with them but only got a negative bite from the tough jaws of Mark's words, he asked her to leave most rudely.

"Hey, hey! Where do you think you are going?" He asked her stopping her by the door, the girl looked round to see if she was the one that he was talking to, this was the same guy who was just kissing and grabbing her soft little bumps even mixing the juice in the pot under her legs with his finger.

"I wish to come inside, you don't expect me to wait outside alone." She responded to him in shock.

"Common, will you go home? No one is expecting you to wait, because I have no plans of coming back for you. Go to your parents, what is it by your time now? Look at the time that you are you are still outside, commonly get out of this place. At your age, you are already keeping a boyfriend." He said looking rather disrespectful at her. She never expected that from the dude, it was only but a few seconds ago that he was so sweet and nice to her, professing his undying love to her, she just couldn't believe that he could be that rude to her, so, the poor girl turned and ran off with tears gushing down her eyes as she cried like the little kid which Mark had just called her.