

Hey, hurry up and massacre those bandits!” “No way, I don’t want to work…” Spending my daily life in leisure, that was my pastime—until I was summoned into another world and met a blonde loli introducing herself as Dungeon Core No. 695. “Save my dungeon. By the way, if the dungeon core is destroyed, you’ll also go down with me as the dungeon master.” A dungeon with a single room. Moreover, one already controlled by bandits. This is a [Checkmate] no matter how you look at it. Guess there’s nothing to do but somehow get out of this situation so that I can [Not Work]!!

um_pouco_diferente · Du hí
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40 Chs


Meat returned, carrying the clay and breathing heavily.

"Welcome back Meat. Good job, excellent… now then, time for an experiment."

Since Meat brought the lump of clay, I accepted it and used [Cleanup] while patting her head.

It was a simple apology, but right now I want to try something out for a bit.

While thinking that, I used the [Wow] magic, [Create Golem].

I poured in magical power while kneading the clay.


"… Well, is it finished?"

"What, this?"

I created a golem the size of my palm that 'only' had three arms of different lengths.

Inserting a shaft into the center of a palm-sized bowl-like container, it was a golem with three needle-like arms stretching out from the axis.

"No no no, how is this a Golem? No way, eh, what's with its shape?"

"It's a [Clock], a [Clock]."

Right, this is a [Golem Clock]. After assigning numbers to each of the three arms, I ordered each of them with [One rotation every sixty seconds] to the first arm, [One rotation every sixty minutes] to the second arm, and [one rotation every twelve hours] to the third arm.

… That won't work. She can't see anything but the future of her Goblin Paradise.


I mended the hand of the clay golem (mini).

I turned one of its hands into the form of a shovel made of stone since it was specially made. It was pretty easy after giving it a go. After changing the shape of the clay and pouring enough magical power into the stone, it quickly took the shape of a shovel.

… Revised clay golem (mini), ver. shovel hand!

It made sense that the clay required less magical power to process than the stone. If it was a human-sized golem, it'd probably be fine to just give it a pickax if the Golem was made from clay from the start.

After experimenting with this clay golem (mini) as a prototype goes well for a while, I'll probably make a human sized version of it. Though it was long and tedious to call it clay golem (mini) each time, I didn't know if it was even a clay golem anymore since its hand wasn't made of clay anymore.

So I decided to name it. Since it was a golem made for trial purposes, an experimentation-like name would be good.

"Alright, you are Tester. Tester is your name. Got it?"

Tester, formerly known as clay golem (mini), understood what I said and nodded.

I then ordered Tester to fetch clay from outside of the cave again.

It'll probably come back with about a basketball's worth of clay. I wonder if it would bring enough materials back before I wake up from sleeping?

… It won't stop moving inside the dungeon, but I wonder about how long it'll last outside of it? I should look into that.

(Hi, I'm a little different here. I'll post five chapters a day, every day. And for every ten power stones you give me, I'll post five extra chapters during the day.)

Hi, I'm a little different here. I'll post five chapters a day, every day. And for every ten power stones you give me, I'll post five extra chapters during the day.

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