
Lawful Goddess

Once a gifted Goddess, favored by her superiors, she was given the opportunity to create and rule over her own world. As she watched her creation flourish and advance at a rapid pace, her fascination with them grew stronger. Driven by a desire to experience life as one of her own creations, she reincarnated as a human and embarked on a journey to explore her world. But her journey took an unexpected turn when she fell deeply in love with a human who betrayed her and ultimately killed her. The young goddess's death enraged her superiors, who punished her for breaking the sacred rule of never interfering with her creations. She was cursed to live again in the world as a human, stripped of her divine powers and forbidden from returning to heaven until she regained her lost abilities. The only way for her to recover her powers was to remember all of her vassals from her previous life. As she navigates this new life, the young goddess faces numerous hardships and challenges that test her resolve and strength. But with the memory of her former life slowly returning, she begins to piece together the puzzle of her past and unlocks the key to regaining her powers. Will she be able to overcome the obstacles in her path and recover her divine abilities, or will she be trapped forever in the mortal world? Only time will tell.

Stepin · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs


" What is this? Why do my hands look so tiny? "

Crashhh!!! Glass breaks into pieces and makes the people trembled in fear

"It's all your fault If you did not offend your father I won't lose my business, why do I have to marry a such useless woman ?"

" No I'm sorry Eden, i-i- just want to be with you that's why I left my own family just so I ca-"

" That's why you are so useless! Rose! I can't believe you're so stupid! "

* Man and woman arguing with high and loud voices *


" Who that voice is? I wonder "

Suddenly, I heard a young lady's voice which distracts my deep thought.

" My lady, please don't mind them, are you hungry? " A very warm and kind girl who is wearing a maid attire is talking to me.

" Buu abu Nabu? " * who are you ?*

"Pffttt haha my lady your so cute "

" Aabuuu naaaa bbfftt huuu " * wha what the hell *

The maid smiled and laughed and she went out probably to scoure food.



"So I'm reborn without my memories and power? How could you do this to me Godfather?"

" Okay, first I need to access the situation I am in "

Suddenly, I heard a sound.


*Sound of the door opening harshly*

A young woman is rushing towards me.

" My child, I am so sorry, do you feel frightened? Mom is so sorry child, let's see how is this lovely daughter doing. "

She said While holding me and her tears and smiling happily.

" So, she is my mom. But why do she smells like a demon? And it's even high demon?" I ought while carefully seizing her.

" Awww! my baby why are you staring at Mom like that? Haha, am I so pretty that you keep fall in love with me? "

" Aabuuu Bubu naa buuuu " * well yes your beautiful *

" Pfftt so cute " she said as she smiled and hugged me tightly.

* Knock knock knock *

" Excuse me, madam, I brought the food for the lady "

" Yes Mary come in "

The door opened as the maid is coming towards me and carrying a tray.


The maid brought the food and handed it over to her mistress.

The lady started to feed the baby carefully while smiling. When she turn over to maid and saw a wound on her face she was dismayed.

" Mary! Wha-what happened to your face? " She asked worriedly to her one and only maid while leaving the baby in cradle and start to search for first aid kit. She hurriedly put ointment on Mary face.

" No, no! it's okay madam " Mary answer Madam's worries with a bitter smile while meeting her apply ointment in her face.

" Mary it's my fault. I'm sorry, if I'm didn't cut my family ties you won't be treated this was " the lady started to cry and mummer over and over again.

" My baby, I don't know if you understand but I am sorry for all the troubles you'll face in future, if only mom wasn't a demon " The lady started to cry and her voice started to break as she painted a picture similar to a person whose heart has been broken.


* I wonder what happened with her to be able to break her to this extent*

" Aaaahhh " *My head feels like going to explode*

" Baby? My baby, are you okay? "

My vision started to become blurry as I heard someone calling demon king.


" Your Highness, Demon king ,we should close the realm "an unknown voice that heard before kept asked.

" Yes or else more will befall "


My eyes open wide as the dream felt real l, I wonder who is demon king.

" My baby! "

" My lady! "

Both mom and Mary are rushed towards me and started hugging me tightly as if I was gone for a long time.

This is interesting, Godfather challenged me, but this isn't about the challenge, it's about how worth while this challenge be.

2 Days passed, since I was reborn in this Era, still, I haven't seen the face of my father and the reason that they had a big fight.