

Rioa(Ri-o-a) woke up tired today. She didn't get much sleep last night because she was compiling files of the Imperial Era. It wasn't easy, especially trying to find every file that had mentioned in passing or otherwise the Auxious Fiels. The Auxious Fiels was a Great Mystery to scholars around the known galaxy. It wasn't talked about but all well known and accomplished scholars knew of it. Rioa, only being an intern to her professor had learned much more than what her college taught her. It was most likely because the knowledge itself was deemed unimportant.

"Rioa!" said Rioa's Professor Awutwn(Aw-to-win) bursting through her room. "We have arrived and not a moment to soon. Get up you lazy bones it's time to get a move on. You look tired did you stay up late. You probably did no matter you can sleep after we are done here"

Rioa couldn't even get a word out of her mouth before another sentence sprouted out of Awutwn's mouth.

"Let's get moving, oh and transfer those files I asked for my PD"

`After spewing a few more excited utterances Awutwn left Rioas room. Rioa could only sigh this side of her professor wasn't new to her. It happened every other month and usually lasted for at least a week before he got bored. It didn't matter. It was just another day of this internship nothing she couldn't handle. Rioa packed up her essentials some extra cloths her PD a camera. When she started this internship she wanted to record her "adventures" with the professor. It really just turned into her recording his monthly outbursts that came from any sort of news he received.

After she finished packing up she headed towards the exit of there transport ship. She didn't bother to take a shower since she knew she wouldn't have the time to. The transport was already landing and other passengers mostly soldiers were gathering near the exit. She stood beside Awutwn who was still smiling and becoming more and more impatient. When the transport finally landed and the exit ramp was lowered Awutwn rushed out pulling Rioa with him.

As usual, Awutwn was impatient and couldn't wait a second longer. The trip itself took a week so the professor is a little more excited than usual.

"Well be heading towards the bridge to meet up with the Admiral advise us to be cautious while inside the Auxious Fiels of course. Then we will enter and begin a simple but surely exciting Field Study."

The transport they were on landed inside the hangar of a cruiser. It acted as a forward operations base. With the ding of the elevator, Rioa and Awutwn had arrived to the bridge. The room itself is what you would expect from a temporary command center. The room was crowded with multiple people moving to a from each side of the bridge. Others were pressing buttons or turning dials. In the center of the room was a display showing a live feed of the Auxious Fiels even though you can see it just fine in the window at the front of the bridge.

A woman wearing a bright blue military uniform with medals on her chest was walking towards them. "Professor Awutwn I presume," the women said

"Yes that is me and this is my temporary assistant Rioa, If my guess it right you are-"

"Admiral Aria(Ar-ri-a) captain of this carrier and fleet commander of the 3 cruisers currently guarding it," Aria said gesturing around the room. "If you would please follow me, Professor, I need to talk to you"

Awutwn and Aria walked a distance away Rioa. She couldn't hear what they were talking about due to the hustle and bustle of the bridge.

"You probably don't know this Professor but it wasn't our Kingdom that found the Auxious Fiels," Aria said

"Well, then who made the discovery they should be awarded the highest honor a scholar could have" replied Awutwn. He was surprised that the Great Royal Scholars of the Remnant Kingdom didn't find the vessel.

"We didn't find it, in better terms we received its distress signal. Although weak it still leads us here. As we speak the distress signal is still being broadcasted"

"Then that means that the people on board have survived for 1000 years"

"Yes and No. The distress signal isn't coming from the Auxious Fiels. It was being relayed from another location."

"Then what-"

"Stop I know what you're going to say next no we can't find it's the source. From what we could gather it is being relayed through neutral space into every other kingdom being continuously bounced around to end up here. Not only would it take years to find the source we also don't have access to most of the areas the signal is being relayed from. So Professor when I advise Extreme Caution I mean it"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Your mission to find the source of the signal using the Auxious Fiels. Whoever is broadcasting that signal wanted us to find it so as a secondary objective you are to find what we're supposed to be looking for. As an escort, you have Prince Ornyx and his Entourage."

"What do you want me to do when we find this secondary objective"

"You don't have to worry about that the Prince will handle it. Now head to the hangar before trouble arrives"

Sorry about the wait. I was stressing over this prologue for a while and I was trying to get the main direction of the book inside without giving any plot away. But it's done and I like it. Chapter 1 will, of course, be longer than this. I wanted to make the Prologue as long as a chapter but decided no to since the Prologue is just there to get other people to read the Novel. Anyway, expect another Chapter Friday every Week starting now.

Black_and_Whitecreators' thoughts