1 Introduction


Terra-Firma 500

Continent Tremors

Country Jamaat

Neutral Zone Dromio

City Chanel

Population 100,000

Points of interest: To the east, steep cliffs and ocean. To the west – barren wastelands of no value for cultivation – thieves and outcasts roam the area. To the north – mountains and verdant forests are rife with natural beauty and creatures. To the south – swamps filled with life and special herbs. They also have magical creatures that only assist people who're gifted with intelligence, kindness and wisdom.

This is where our characters are settled. The first story told will be Anasai's.

LaRou Siblings

Character Profiles

Anasai Eugene LaRou



Appearance: Curly longish blue-black hair. Light green eyes. 6'6". Lean and muscular, wears loose shirts and sweats when at home. Form-fitting shirts, stretchy jeans, and boots when out and about or at work. Works in a warehouse overnight and babysits numerous younger siblings, nieces and nephews, while his parents work at their office jobs, and siblings work or attend college during the day.

Personality: gruff, very shy and reserved. Doesn't hang out much with friends even when he does have free time. Prefers remaining at home with his younger siblings. Occasionally, he volunteers at the library in the elementary, middle, and high school where his youngest siblings attend.

He's got a protective streak when it comes to his family and siblings. He'll beat down anyone who dares to treat his brothers or sisters as punching bags. He's aware of his bad temper but doesn't bother hiding his disgust for scumbags and other people in that category.

When he does venture outside of the house, he generally visits craft-oriented stores, bookstores, and the local grocery store. Anasai prefers cooking with fresh ingredients and tends an enormous vegetable, herb, and orchard that is located on one side of the house.

Background: The oldest of twenty-five siblings, and one of triplets, Anasai doesn't have much interest in altering his bachelor status. He's a rarity among his family and viewed with disdain and disgust as being content with his dead-end job.

He did have a promising future as an ambassador, but some events killed that dream and he wound up in jail at the young age of 21. He was released six years later when evidence proved he'd been framed. However, he has trust issues and won't let anyone near him even intimately as a result.

Nowadays, he spends most of his time with family, working in the large garden and orchard that he maintains, and sometimes will do other tasks depending on his mood and who asks him for favors.

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