

Saints lisanna academy is one of the best high school in Nalmoteap Nation which every student gets its admission here, they have bright future ahead. Saint lisanna academy campus is huge, it is located at almpto country second-biggest city, yorkahem.

At the entrance of High school one particular student enter, seeing her every student who sees her mesmerize by her look the beautiful deep blue eyes that looks like deep as ocean, black that seems like dark night and her face that is emitting glow like light with youthful appearance and a bit of maturity, her name is Larissa.

" This is a new day, new start with the strong resolve. I must not lose my site from my goals."

" As expected of top-notch High school of our country, my class will start from 8 am and I have to find class 11 a it's already 7:39 am."

Larissa stood in front of her classroom when she looked inside the classroom see could see everyone from the class siting on their bench talking to one another as they introduced themselves making new friends in class.

When she enters the class everyone diverts their gaze towards her looking at her all students have one thought in mind beautiful, ignoring everyone gaze see choose to sit on last raw right side window bench.

When Larissa looked at the students who are looking at her, some give her slightly smile then mind their own business but some students still looking at her, but she didn't give them slightly attention to behavior.

When time reach 7:58 am all students' can hear footsteps sounds approaching near their class, standing at their classroom door is their home room teacher He's mid-age man with gentleman look and clean nit clothes.

He looks at the watch when time reach 8:00 am he starts introduced himself to students" Good morning students, I will give you brief introduction about myself, My name Jason white, I'm your this year homeroom teacher and I like discipline in my classroom and I really don't like students who cause troubles and didn't pay much attention to their study..."

While professor Jason white was midway to his sentence, everyone can hear the running sounds of echoing footsteps arrive at their classroom, a girl panting and covered in sweat stood at the classroom door. She looks around the classroom and finally saw professor." Sorry sir, Academy Is huge, so I just lost my finding the class 11 A."

"May I come in sir"

Looking at her professor, Jason said, "This time I'm allowing you to sit in class because this is your first day, but there will be no next time, I don't like people who don't respect time and always late at everything."

"Now don't just stand there, go take a sit on that empty bench."

An empty bench is left side of Larissa, then girl sit on her bench.

"Now that everyone is in the classroom, I want every student to introduce themselves."

1st student :" My name is David shade"

2nd student" My name is Ben benjamin"






The girl who is late to enter class stood up," My name Luna proklyataya and nice to meet you all."

Now hearing her name everyone focus is on her because of her name proklyataya surname not many people use in their country and use common in another nation, seeing that everyone gaze on her, she became a little embarrassed, and she seats down.

Now only two students are left in class who didn't introduce them. The boy seating on the front bench of Larissa stood up to say he's name, "My name is Edward Redsnow."

Now every student in classroom looking at him with bit complicated emotion and start whispering each other "Hey, I told you didn't He look familiar he's Edward Redsnow I saw on the news few months ago that his entire family massacre by werewolf."

"I heard it to only he and his little sister survived from the werewolf attack."

"Those damn werewolf only know one thing that is to kill us humans we must eradicate their race than this world going to see peace."

"You are right about that."

Edward heard what everyone is talking about him but he didn't pay much attention to them, his gaze is lower he look depressed but his mind is field with revenge towards Werewolfs.

Hearing whispering sound in class, Mr. Jason get angry a said," Silence in the classroom, if you want to talk, then go outside not in my class."

Mr. Jason white look towards Larissa. Seeing that professor looking at she stood up," My name is Larissa Martin".

"Now, that everyone has introduced themselves I will begin the class and before that, I have to tell you that your first assembly will be taking place Saturday in the morning and everyone must have familiarised by their hostel room and anyone has problems with their room must say it now and those who just arrived today can go to hostel and talk to their warden about their room."

At the 12:00 pm their high school end Larissa get to her hostel room and decided to get fresh when she came out from the bathroom there is girl standing in her room she looks at Larissa gave her smile" Hi, we meet again as already know my name, but I will say it again if by chance you didn't remember my name is proklyataya Luna nice to meet you Larissa I hope we can become good friends."

Larissa looks at Luna who has cheerful nature her long brown hair and good vibes that she gave make people want to talk more with her.

after Larissa look at her and said " We can get along well scenes we roommate."at that time Luna phone started ringing seeing number on phone she gets annoyed, and she didn't answer the call seeing that Larissa looking at her" that my father he's really annoying person whenever I'm not around he keeps calling me how if there is any problem if I'm okay or not if I need anything my location etc…"

"My parents don't give any personal space at all and already old enough to take care of me, when am around them, its feels like am inside cage."

" you know that how its feels right, so how is your parents are the annoying like my or to give you more freedom. Why you so quiet and look a bit sad."

When Luna mentioned parents Larissa remembered the time she spent with her family and happy moments they share together but all that fade away and nothing is left now.

"I don't have my parents, they passed away few years ago."

"I'm sorry for your all loss"

"it's okay Luna"

Seeing Larissa sad face, Luna regret asking about her parents, Luna left room for a while so Larissa can have some time alone for herself."

Larissa still clearly remember when that tragedy happened room covered in blood and dismember body parts horror that can't be said to anyone window glass that complete dye with blood.

That was her first time seeing blood-red moon.


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