

THE THREE decided to spend the whole night (and morning) drinking from the bottle of wine that Sawyer brought with him earlier and from the other alcoholic beverages that they had stocked inside their refrigerator.

"Why'd you break up with the Amethyst Lee, Vincent?" Yule asks once they had finished the entire bottle of wine. He was holding the glass in his left hand while he rested his head on his right hand. "She can't be that bad, right?"

"Were you two-timing her and your other girlfriends?" Luka inquires as well. His cheeks were already red from all the drinks that he had.

He had a low tolerance when it came to alcohol even if he denies it, after all.

Samuel shook his head. It made him dizzy in the process. "We already broke up before I was thrown to Germany,"

"What do you mean by thrown?" Yule poured himself a glass which he drank in one go. "I've always wanted to ask you that but you just get so angry when I bring that topic up..."

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