
Chapter 15: Who the hell are you??

"JUST LET ME QUIT...YOU OLD MAN" shouted Isaac from top of his lungs, he had had it already from Rose and her family, "Although Turner's couple who is rose and williams mom and dad hadn't done anything....yet. But who knows what they do with me in future, so i have to be careful of them." mumbled Isaac.

When God heard his second in command said that his is an "Old man" he was shocked and depressed at beyond recovery , although he is old but his not that old to be called old by someone who is just few thousand years younger.

Sofia had just returned after her mission given by God and she was planning to give her report directly, heard what Isaac said and felt pity to their lord who was sitting at the corner drawing circles. But she also can't help to helplessly smile at this situation.

" Sofiaaa!!! you came at right time, listen to this ungreatful brat, he called me an old man" said the God just like a kid who is complaining to his mom that his candy is being stolen.

Most of the God and Goddess have strict and uncomfortable servant and master relationship but they don't, which Sofia and Isaac is greatful for. Isaac is a halfling and sofia was a human but she was consider as monster, they both were shunned by their own kind. They both were lucky to be accepted by their lord and saviour which is why they do their works without asking a single question.

" You shouldn't you say like that to our lord Isaac otherwise he will have a heart attack." sofia said playfully.

"No!!! Sofia not you too!!....." said God as he felt betrayed by this subordinate and proceed to draw circles in the corner.

"*sigh* ...so, your lordship why you are not letting me quit? asked Isaac in a defeative tone.

" Hahaha....you see...the ...thing..is...i just remembered something i gotta go....see ya.." God said as he trying avoided those question and was going to close hologram, Sofia at the right time caught his hand and asked nicely which made both Isaac and God hair stand " Ara~Kami-sama where are you going ? You should shoulder your own problems rather than throwing those toward Isaac, don't you agree Isaac?"

Isaac nodded furiously, he felt if he didn't then his head will be off his shoulders which he didn't want. He don't know why this kind of things always happens to him, first with Rose herself , then her crazy- ass brother and her parents too. He had his life smooth going until he met Victoria Rose Turner which made his life a roller coaster ride.

" And please tell him so, he can be prepared for what future will hold him if his not with Rose" she added with a serious voice.

"Ok... i will..." replied the God in defeated tone.

Isaac who was confused and lost didn't understand why they so...serious about this topic...until it became clear after God explanation which made him shout out loud throught out the turner mansion, fortunetly Isaac had planted silent barrier which made it difficult to hear their conversation more over that scream came from him.

After listening to the coversation his eyebrows couldn't helped to twitched in irritation." So....your are telling me that that child wasn't a human to begin-with in her previous life and she was cursed to lived like a human and forget about being her being a non-human until she redeem herself and you were the one who accidentally killed her and you gave her chance to redeem your mistake, AND MOVE OVER... you made a freaking promise to The Goddess of moon and revenge Selena to look after her, so that's why you chose me from all of the capable angels" said Isaac in full irritation." i can accept this all but i can't accept it that this lazy woman Sofia knew before me" Isaac added annoyed tone.

"Well, it can't be help now can it...after all I am his first in command and i have right to know about the mission my cute juniors would take right kami-sama~".Sofia said playfully.

" The hell with your worrying about your cute juniors, First of all you had send me to a gather a intel of an organization who can even kill a freaking angels....i almost died by their hands." yelled Isaac.

" well.. I saved you too..didn't I?. And move over you didn't died too."

"You!!!!! That's why i don't like working with you" retorted Isaac

" Mutual..feeling." added Sofia. As they were bickering certain someone was planning to run away. Until he got caught by Sofia." Ara~ kami-sama planning to run away after creating a mess." said Sofia with a kind smile which made chills send to The God spine.

" Ahahaha....it's not like that little sofia i was just going to take a stroll, you guys seems to having fun...so, i didn't dare to disturb you guys."

" So,....kami-sama what kind of non-human was she and what kind world she came from that she was able to manifest mana inside of her body..at such a young age...The hell she is not even a years old." asked Isaac.

" What she was able to do that....everyone calls me a monster but she is bigger monster than i am." Sofia said as she was baffled at what Isaac said.

" Sofia...she is not a monster before you say anything...lemme complete my sentence" Isaac said calmly and added "SHE IS FREAKING SHE- DEVIL...NO MOTHER OF ALL DEVILS....YOU DON'T KNOW HOW I AM SUFFERING BECAUSE OF HER..." as Isaac was complaining she couldn't help to smile at this...Isaac was someone with a heavy past..and right now he was opening up to everybody. she was glad...he was opening up which she couldn't do even she was order to.


At Rose's room,

Rose was having a restless night, as she was dreaming of someone who is precious....but who she can't point finger to. She wasn't able to see face of that person but she was able to hear their voice clearly. "Listen, my dear child...this curse that i am going to give you is not going to harm you but protect you. You can only break it if you are able to control your power, until then please forget about us and live a beautiful life we alway love you..my dear child."

Rose suddenly woke up from that nightmare... and cried out loud which made Anna hear her cries and made her to come near her and console her. Rose on the other hand can't remember what kind of nightmare she had but had one question ligering to her mind " Who the hell are you?." as she proceed to fall asleep with the help of Anna.

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