
Kushina Uzumaki is mine

A boy get's reincarnated in the world of Naruto. "hey tomato! your hair's so ugly just like tomatos hahaha" "Shut u-" "isn't her hair more like apples" listen kids it's not ntr if the other party hasn't even been in contact with her (no Ntr/No harem)

Ternya · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

"Now where shall we go..."

After I left the orphanage I began to search for the hokage. Who didn't even told me where I will meet him so I just walked in front of academy gate

"Took you long enough kid"

The man in white said as he patted my head

"Well it wouldn't have, if only someone had told me where I would find him"

I said with a bit sarcasm and a bit annoyence,

"*Ahem *ahem so today is the first day of your school how are you feeling?"

The man diverted the previous conversation with his question

"Hmm I am excited! To learn"

"That's the spirit!"

Hiruzen said while smiling with his eyes closed. But soon interepted by my question

"Why did you make me leave the orphanage and where will I stay from now on"

I don't really care about staying in the orphanage or not but I am concerned where I will stay from now on

"You didn't wanted to leave?"

Why would he ask that?

"I don't really mind... And you didn't answer my question at all"

"Since you decided to be a shinobi, you have to live alone and for where you are staying... I will take you there after the classes ends"

Hiruzen said as he walked away before waving me

'noway that's the reason'

Well whatever that doesn't matter to begin with. For now let's go inside the ninja school




"Hmm... But where is my class..."

As I said that a yellow haired boy tapped on my shoulder and asked

"Who are you?"

[Name: Minato Namikaze





It was non other than the father of the seventh hokage.

Quickly going into my act i replied after I jumped a little showing i was startled by him

"Ah I am Tsumisuru... A new student... but I don't know where to go. ca-can you help me kiiro-san?"

(for those who don't know kiiro means yellow)

After hearing his nickname Minato chuckled a little and grabbed my hand as he started to speak

"Come with me"

To which i nodded and as he saw my nod he started to take me somewhere, while we chatted a little on the way

He tooked me inside a room which I assume is the principal's office

"What brings you two here?" The principal said while looking at us

"Umm I am tsumisu-"

I tried to introduce myself but was blocked by the principal's.

"Ah Tsumisuru i remember you, lord hokage himself made your admission"

Minato stared at me as he heard that the hokage himself admitted me to the academy

"Minato you can go to your class and Tsumisuru wait here i will call a teacher to introduce you to your class"

"Yes" both of us said

As Minato walked away before side eyeing me once, as he whispered

"Let's get along"


I don't have any parents and no family but that doesn't mean I am sad or anything because I have a goal that I will fullfill no matter what

'To be The Hokage'

This goal was given to me by the Sandaime-sama who helped me by giving me food and shelter to live and recommended me to this academy after founding out that I had talent


It has been 3 weeks since the start of school and i as usual I was walking towards my classroom

I wore my usual outfit white jacket and blue pants

I just entered the academy building, to my surprise i spotted a boy standing there hands on his waist

"Now where shall we go..."

Aparantly he was a new student and didn't know where to go, so being me i took him to the principal's office

I was quite surprised when the principal said he was also a student who joined because of the sandaime hokage

I started to leave because the principal had asked me to go

"Let's get along"

I said before I left because I knew he must have some kind of talent which is recognised by the third

I entered my classroom and sat on my usual seat

Soon the sensei entered with the new student I just smiled as I saw him



A man with blue bandana on his head wearing chunin vest and darkblue long sleeved shirt and a dark blue pants

"Do you understand what you need to do?"

"Yes XX"

Then the man asked me to follow him which I did and he tooked me to a classroom

'that's it that's being a ninja, i am coming'

To my surprise i found a waving Minato who was also smiling at me

'are there only one classroom for one age group or something?'

"Well,This is our new transfer student"

I then smiled confidentially and said

"Hello everyone I am Tsumisuru but you can call me eighter Tsumi or suru I hope we all can get along"

Not bad of a introduction for a bunch of background characters hmph

"Why do you have purple hair? It looks just like brinjal eww it tastes do ba-" a background character who will bully Kushina in the future and get bullied instead them call his brother and they both will get beatten up by Kushina said which was quickly interepted by me

"Do you not my hair colour It's very pretty though"

The background character started to back out a little but still said

"And your face it's just like a girl!"

"You think my face is like a girl? Got a crush on me or something?"

The boy blushed as I said that which made the class suspect on the boy's sexuality

The boy not knowing what to reply just sat down

'his brother must be still in academy'

I finished my introduction and if it was a coincidence or not there was an empty seat on the second last seat near the window of left side

'talk about being a main character hehe'

I sat on my main character seat

And the class went by

The bell rang and we were given a break, children started to surround me asking about where i came from and about my hair for some reason as well

As such the first day of school ended




The classes were over and I was leaving out of the academy, then a person leaning against wall with white hair said

I immediately recognised who he was

"Hello Tsumisuru-kun, lord hokage wants me to take you to your new home"

The man was non other than 25 year old sakumo hatake

The man gently smiled at me as he gestures me to follow him

"So how was the first day Tsumisuru-kun?"

"It was fun I made some friends"


We talked about small things, and soon we reached to our destination

'thi- this? What are the chances?'

It was the building where Naruto lived until married hinata. And in which kid Minato currently lives in.

We came in the top most floor and then he said

"You are living here from now on, here's the key and monthly you will be given a certain amount of money"

Sakumo handed me the key of my apartment as he left after saying goodbye to me

I unlocked the door and went inside the room which was

"Isn't it too small?"

The apartment only contained one room where bed was a corner probably for kitchen and another door probably for bathroom

"Well what can I even do..."

I smiled thinking about what was coming in future


