
Starkom Forest Dojo

After a few hours of going through the forest non stop. They finally managed to reach Starkom. Once they reached, the first thing they saw was a few small dojo s all inside a big property surrounded by fences. The twins brought everyone in. Taking out a set of keys and opening the gate and going in. They were amazed when the twins have the keys to this big property and were even more amazed when they realized that the whole property belongs to them. Since the sign board in front of the gate showed.

'Forest dojo'

When they went in, they were met with an old man. When the old man saw the twins. He bowed to them.

"Young An and Young Han. Welcome back.", said the old man

"Hello old man Min. Where the others?", ask Han

"They are busy teaching their students right now.", said old man Min

"Well, it's okay then.", said Han

"Old man Min, who's go n a fight with the idiotic no 4?", ask An

"Well we were still thinking on who. But since you two are here, why not you two choose then.", said old man Min

"Okay....", said An

"Well I guess these guest must be you friends?", asked old man Min

"Well only three of them are friends. The rest are our cousins.", said Han

An then introduced everyone to old man Min.

"We'll bring them to our place first. Call us when the others are done old man.", said An

As she left with Han and the others. Han and An lead them out of the property and to the city 2km outside the property. They then brought them to a big two storey house. An then took out a set of keys and open the door. She then let everyone in.

"You guys can choose to stay in any room. But this house only have 5 rooms. Only one room bigger than the others. Should be able to fit three people.", said An

"An can share room with Adriana. Since their the only two girls.", said Han

"Then I prefer to share with Ken.", said Liam

"Okay then Liam with Ken.", said An

"I'll be with Aden.", said Matthew

"I'm with Percy", said Leo

"I want to be with little Zacky.", said Zen

"But my room can only fit one more. So little Zacky have to be with me. And Zen you'll have to go with Matthew.", said Han

"Why me?!", ask Matthew

Zen look at Han with the same question written in his face. Han saw and immediately knew what he wanted to ask.

"Because you're not reliable enough and Aden is still new to this family. So we only have Zen left to help us keep an eye on you.", said Han

After hearing that, Zen was satisfied with the answer and nod his head in satisfaction. But Matthew just got annoyed

"What do you mean by I'm not reliable enough?!", ask Matthew

"It means what it means.", said Han

"If you can open a business like Zen Zen then we'll say your reliable enough.", said An before Matthew could say anything.

When Matthew heard that, he was even more annoyed but he couldn't refute. So he kept his mouth shut. After that An and Han lead the twins to their room. Matthew, Aden and Zen's room are the right side nearest to the stairs. Han and Zacken's room beside. Then Liam and Ken's right next to Han's and then across is An and Adriana's room and beside is Leo and Percy's room. They then unpack everything and went down. When An and Adriana was done, they went downstairs and saw that the boys were already done and waiting on the sofa, some exploring the house.

When they reach down, Liam went to her

"Why is there another room down here?", ask Liam

"What?! There was another room?!", ask Matthew when he heard it

"Yes... there's another room. But it's lock.", said Liam

"Why?!", ask Matthew

"Because it's all me and Han's precious things. Didn't you see that it's security is complicated?", said An

"You first must have the key to unlock the barrier protecting the part where you have to use fingerprint. Then after you unlock and did the fingerprint and pass, there is still the face scan and eye scan. Then there is still another passcode then the last one is to insert another key to unlock the door.", said Han

When they heard it, they were all shock and were wondering what's inside that the twins will put full protection for it. But only the twins will know what is inside.

Later, all of them went to the dojo and trained. Old man Min helping to teach them. After awhile, the other masters were done with their lessons and went to their usual place where they always rest. They then notices, a small group of people training nearby. They noticed three of the people there, that then went towards them. When they saw the twins, they smiled and bowed towards them.

"Welcome back young An and Han", said the masters in union

The twins heard what they said and look at them

"Hello old mans.....", said the twins cheerfully

"Well I already thought of who to send for the challenge.", said An

"Me too...", said Han

The twins look at each other and nod, then they turn back towards the masters.

"We'll go Kungfu with taekwando.", said An

"Since it's almost the same just a bit different.", said Han

"But it's really the same thing... almost..... a little vet little bit different.", said An

The masters think for awhile then smiled and agreed with the choice.After that, it was almost time for dinner. The twins decided to bring everybody to the town to eat their dinner.

They went to the five star restaurant that they know really well of. Since they always went there to eat most of their tome when they were still in Starkom.

When the waiter at the counter saw the twins, they bowed at him.

"Long time no see, young master An and Han.", said the waiter

The others except for the masters got confuse.

"Young master...?", ask all of them

"Yes... they are really good friend to our restaurant young master and so young master told us to treat them like young masters too.", explained the waiter

"Oh... so that's why...", said the others in relief

The waiter than brought them to a private room and they went in. They say down and ordered their food. They then chatted together asking each other questions. Even when their food has came, they still continue chatting while eating at the same time. Wh

When they were done, they went to pay for their food. An then stood in front of the waiter,

"Is your young master not here?", ask An

"No he's not. He's busy at the moment.", said the waiter

"Okay then. Tell him that the twins came today.", said An

"Yes... of course. Have a nice night", said the waiter as he bowed to them.

They then went out and went back home to bathe and sleep.

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