
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · Khác
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

I already had this chapter written.


Time skip

400 years later.

"Pearl, when is my next mission?"

"In 1 month, 5 days and 6 hours my master" she said respectfully.

"Perla as I have told you to call me when we are alone".

"S-sorry my platinum"

Platinum was the name I had told him to call me when we are alone.


"As punishment"

"Sit" I said as I pointed to my legs.

"B-but" she protested embarrassed.

"It's an order"

"You only give me orders when it's things like that, it's unfair" she whispered as she climbed onto my legs.

Once she got on, we were facing each other her legs were on either side of my waist.

Seeing her beautiful face up close I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it, to which she closed her eyes and just enjoyed my touch.

As my other arm I wrapped it around her waist.


After being a few minutes caressing her I stopped, she opened her eyes as she felt me stop, no one said anything and we just kept looking at each other our eyes and at some point we brought our faces closer until our lips touched.


Even though we didn't know what we were doing, every time we do it we feel happy and warm, so we kept doing it.


Pov pearl

As I enjoyed our lips meeting I couldn't help but remember the day I met my master.

400 years ago.

I opened my eyes confused, I was just created so I'm a bit disoriented and stumbled, but before I fell to the ground big arms held me, I immediately recognized him as my new master.

I broke away from my master.

'What an idiot I am' I thought embarrassed and frustrated.

I had just been created and I had already made a mistake, I wouldn't blame her for considering me defective and changing me for another.

But she only smiled slightly, she showed no sign of displeasure or annoyance.

'How charming' I thought as I saw her smile.

'I'm so sorry master' I said as I apologized and ducked my head.

Immediately I noticed he frowned, I thought I had done something else wrong, before I started to apologize again he said:


"Uh" confused I tilted my head slightly.

"Call me Platinum"

"But" I knew it was rude to question her.

"At least when we're alone call me Platinum."

As if she knew I wasn't going to give up on this issue she easily proposed a solution.

"I understand mast-Platinum."

When I called him that, he changed his face to a more cheerful one and definitely the face that would become my favorite for the rest of the days.


Once we left the room.

He introduced me to the diamonds, who didn't really care about me at all.

My master was definitely better than them silly and stupid arrogant diamonds.

Although my master didn't notice, I knew that deep down each of them looked down on all the gems, the only bearable one was pink diamonds.

'How dare they look down on him as inferior to them.'

Anyway once we got back to his room, I received the biggest surprise since my creation.

My master had undone his shapeshifting.

'So what do you think' he asked me nervously.

'Hyaaaaaaaaa!' I screamed in my mind.

'HOW BEAUTIFUL!' was all I could think, if I thought it was lovely before now it was 100% times better, no 1000%, no more 100000%.

Even though I was thinking all that on my face you could only see my stupefied face with a small/big blush.

Maybe because I didn't say anything he just sighed.


"I knew he was just a defective."

"¡¡¡¡NO!!!!" I quickly shouted not wanting him to misunderstand my silence, even though I knew it was rude to raise my voice I felt it was necessary seeing the most perfect being, my master belittle himself like that.



"¡¡¡¡¡EVEN DIAMONDS!!!!!"

After unloading everything I had, I immediately ducked my head, not only had I yelled like that in the presence of my master, I had even said that about diamonds and even if I had no loyalty to them that didn't mean my master didn't.

So I lowered my head expecting a scolding or worse, but to my surprise I only heard him laugh.


Hearing him laugh I raised my head and again I was charmed by his beauty, without realizing at some point he stopped laughing and started gently stroking my head.

"I'm glad you think that about me" he commented with a smile, as he continued to stroke me.

Once he stopped, to my bad luck, he said in a serious tone.

"But remember where we are."

I immediately recognized my mistake, we were in a building inhabited by other gems, if anyone heard what I said we would become criminals.

"What do we do?" I asked, as tears threatened to fall from my eyes, if anything happened to the master because of my guilt.....

Before I started to think the worst he just laughed lightly, as he stroked my head again which for some reason calmed me down.

"ha ha ha ha calm all the gems that dwell here are at the party."

Once I heard his words I calmed down, but started to apologize for all the mistakes I made today.

"Well, we all make mistakes, but that's what we're going to be there for each other for, right?"

"Yes!" I replied excitedly, even though I felt unworthy of this position.

'I have to prepare myself after all I serve the most perfect gem, correction the most perfect being, needs the perfect servant.

'I will become the most perfect servant for the master'.'

Meanwhile the master was confused by all the emotions I was showing while having this internal monologue, only to end up with a great determination on my face.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Universal_01creators' thoughts