

Today is my one year birthday, to celebrate my parents had a party, they said they would have some guests, who are the guests, I don't know, from what I remember since I was born in this world besides my parents my brother and the employees of the house and the doctor at my birth I didn't know anyone else.

Interrupting my thoughts my mother came into my room, "Come here little Jon"

going towards her she picked me up and took me to the shower.

After showering she dressed me up in my party clothes, and then led me to my house's ballroom.

Arriving at the ballroom, it was all decorated, inside it was just my father and my brother, apparently the guests have not arrived yet.

So half an hour spent with me playing with the toys they prepared for the party, until the first guest arrived, he seemed to be a friend of my father, he had brown hair with gray on the sides, besides he has a big mustache, you name is John Jonah Jameson or as he is known, JJ Jameson, he is the editor in chief of the Daily Bugle.

Right after Jameson came many other guests, but none that I know of from Marvel comics or movies, until a man with a child probably the same age as me arrived, they both had reddish brown hair and green eyes, they they were Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn.

This may seem strange to some with Norman, Harry and Jameson are on the MCU, they never appeared in the movies, and even if Harry existed he wasn't supposed to be Peter's age, there's an explanation, when I modified the MCU I changed a little bit the story of the spider man from the movies.

Norman came up to me and my dad and said, "Hi David a long time without seeing us"

Responding to him my father said "true Norman, but I retired so it's been a long time since I see many people".

At my dad's response they both laughed a bit until Norman looked at me and said, "You must be Jon the birthday boy, happy birthday" all with a smile on his face.

As a well behaved 'child' I replied "thank you very much Mr Norman"

Surprised by my answer Norman said looking at my father, "David your very smart son is sure he's only one year old"

Laughing my father replied "yes he's very smart, and he's certainly a year old, and his son there, if I'm not mistaken Harry, when is his birthday going to be"

"Yes, Harry is going to be a year old next month" Norman said with a smile on his face.

"Glad you brought him, little Jon here never had a friend or played with another kid," my dad said looking at me.

"Harry too, so let's let them play, maybe they'll become friends," Norman says with a laugh.

Following my dad and Norman's tip, I walked over to Harry and said, "let's play", Harry looks at me a little confused but nods.

And so the party passed with me and Harry playing, on the party toys that were a trampoline, a ball pool and lots of children's games.

You can say that I became friends with Harry, he even cried a little when he left, it was also agreed that I would go to his birthday party in a month.

My mom looked especially happy, I think she worried that I might not be able to make friends.

------------- POV Norman Osborn--------------------

'That boy is impressive, knowing how to behave and speak so well with only one year, he will probably be a genius, I have to try to make Harry be close to the boy, if he is as promising as I imagine, it can help in the future.

I would like to know your opinion, should I make longer chapters or this size is ok?

guiws16creators' thoughts
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