
Konoha Seven Taste House

Rumor has it that such a restaurant has existed since the beginning of Konoha. It is open from early in the morning and closes at dawn. The fragrance permeates the small space, which is intoxicating. People call it Qiweiju.

daoistestt · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Chapter 14 What is Perfect

The perfect egg?

Jian Jian glanced at Zhen Xiu strangely.

You are embarrassing my fat tiger, no, embarrassing me.

"How about? Brother Jianjian, can you fry a perfect egg that everyone is satisfied with?"

Zhenxiu said with a smile, that smile was like a little fox.

A cold snort in the door.

"I am not good at cooking."

Seeing Jian Jian deflated, both Zhu Jian and Mito were laughing.

A glance passed, and the two immediately recovered their serious faces.

Don't dare to look directly.

Speaking of majesty, as long as it is not on a big occasion, the door room is really far more than the pillar room.

Even Zhujian was a little afraid of this younger brother.

Of course, there is brotherhood in this fear.

It's more spoiled in it.

It is said that members of the Uchiha clan are younger brothers, but in fact it is also between the pillars.

Not anyone can reprimand between the pillars.

After all, the god of ninja also wants face.

But it does.

Zhu Jian was often scolded by Shu Jian and had no temper at all, so he could only smile.

"Then the big brother can't do it? I can."

Zhenxiu laughed into fox eyes.

Fei Jian's gaze was focused on Zhen Xiu's face, as if he wanted to see the truth in his words.

"How can there be fried eggs that satisfy everyone in this world. Some people like to eat old ones, some like tender ones, and others like heart-wrenched ones. An egg is impossible to satisfy everyone."

Said coldly.

This is indeed very reasonable.

An egg really cannot satisfy everyone's taste.

Such an egg cannot be called perfect.

It is like the soft-boiled egg made before the real cultivation, it is really delicious.

But for those who cannot accept the sweetheart, they may still be reluctant to import it.

Zhenxiu did not explain, but put his hand behind his neck, and then he held a pan in his hand.

Between the pillars and the door room were all a moment of stunned.

Why did this guy hide a pan in his back?

I didn't see it just now.

Is it space ninjutsu?

No, there is no room for fluctuations.

Just hide it well?

Faijian, who is good at space ninjutsu, said: "Brother Feijian, the so-called perfection is just a definition. In my opinion, this is the so-called perfection."

The right hand holds the handle of the dragon pattern, the fire attribute chakra is injected into it.

The scorching temperature caused the whole dragon pattern to be slightly hot.

The left hand did not know where he took out a small bottle of oil and gently dripped it into it.

The yellow oil spreads out in the pot, showing a round shape.

When the oil became slightly hot, Zhenxiu held the egg just taken out with his left hand, tapped it on the table lightly, and then beat it into the pot.

The eggs collided with the oil, making a sizzling noise.

The omelette slowly formed, and the aroma of the egg gradually diffused.

An egg is a good egg, but how can it be called perfect?


Shijian and Mito are equally puzzled.

At this moment, Zhenxiu said with a smile: "Brother Feijian, as you said, everyone has different preferences for fried eggs.

Some people like tenderness, some like old age, and some like heart-wrenching. One egg cannot satisfy everyone's needs.Now, the egg is slowly fried here, if you want some salt or vinegar, you can add it right away.When it's fried to the point you want to eat, the egg is perfect."

A word, let Jian Jian's heart shake.

The moment you want to eat is perfect?

Jian Jian looked at Zhen Xiu meaningfully, waiting for his next words.

"Brother Feijian, the ninja school system is the same. No school is perfect from the beginning. Even if you think it is perfect, it may not be suitable for everyone. Because you are a genius.

You may think that learning a D-level ninjutsu only takes a few minutes, but for others, it may take months or even longer.

Genius does not understand the learning process of ordinary people.

The existence of schools is to adapt to the existence of ordinary people.Every ordinary person is different.This difference can only be discovered in the process of learning, and then change.

When every student enters the Ninja School and graduates smoothly, then this school is perfect."

"Good point! Real cultivation! Ninja school should be like you said!"

The pillars were overjoyed, looking at Zhenxiu's eyes full of appreciation.

He listened to the thoughtful and true cultivation words.

This is an angle he hadn't thought of before.

Being preached by a junior is really surprising.

"Huh, what if it's someone who doesn't like eggs? How can you be called perfect as an egg?"

It's like coriander, celery, zhe ear root and other side dishes, no matter how to deal with it, people who don't like it still don't want to eat it.

Although there are not many people who don't like eggs, they definitely exist.

Perhaps it was for the sake of face, I couldn't help but say.

"Big Brother Feijian, such a person should not be named to eat eggs at the beginning. Just like people without ninja talents should not be ninjas at the beginning. The existence of the village is not to protect these civilians who cannot become ninjas. ?"


"Jianjian, Zhenxiu is right. Ninja school can start, and any system can be gradually improved during the implementation process." Zhujian persuaded.

There was a moment of silence before finally nodding.

Zhenxiu smiled with satisfaction, and with a light movement of his right hand, the fried egg in the dragon pattern flew up and landed in the cleaned lunch box.

This egg is not wasted.

With the lunch box, Zhenxiu and Mito left the Hokage office together.

"Xiaozhen, where did you hear the words you just said? It's not like what you said."

"Sister, in your eyes, am I so unlearned?"

Really repair Tucao Dao.

"Are you? A person with a brain full of food can come up with such philosophical words?"

Mito expressed disbelief.

"Sister, what you said is wrong. Every industry reaches a certain level, and it is a philosopher."

"So you really thought of this?"

Mito was surprised.


Mito had such an expression as expected.

"I knew it. Did I tell you?"

"I met a chef before and he told me such a story."

"Sure enough. In any case, it can be regarded as helping Zhujian solve a problem. Just aim at this. Later when father comes over, my sister will help you to speak nice things."

"Then thank you sister."

"Little meaning."

The siblings chatted all the way, and when they returned home, they had time to open the system when they really cultivated.

"Ding! Complete the task, get praise from Qianshou Zhuma and Qianshoujian, and reward a three-star recipe experience card: Guo Shi Wushuang Alkali Water Surface (01)."

"Alkaline water noodles? This dish is a bit interesting. Have you started to have unscientific recipes?"

In the system space, a dark stone suddenly appeared, lying there quietly.