
Peace is costly

Today was the day, father and mother along with their trusted aids meet with our rival clan for a peace meeting, although none, both my clan and our rivals, trusted each other which we both clearly showed when we all showed up with a lot of military force, it actually was unnecessary. Turns out the vipera clan was feeling the same as us. We were both tired of the war and tired of our loss, none of us want to loss any of our people again, especially the vipera clan, their loss was far greater than ours, in fact their loss was so much everyone feared they would go extinct, but now that the war was over and attacks on their clan will be no more they can focus on breeding and growing in population again. Everything was going fine until the demands were to be made, while father asked for fellow control of power concerning the border the vipera clan asked for me, now it's not like the marriage proposal or anything like that but as a slave, away from my family and clan men although father said no along with the uproar of our aids, Devon asked my father to think about it and that that's the only thing he can think about as a compensation.

When we made the day journey back home father gathered his aids and our family members, everyone of the ruling family except me and discussed for long and decided they will send me away.

I told them if they can't change me with five or ten children of our people.

And they told me

"Clara, our people are as important to us as family, what do you think will happen if we do what I just told us? "

"I don't know, cry like am doing now but later get over it"

"No my child, they will sense that we don't care about them, and who will want to be ruled by someone like that? They'll rebel, the peace that has been maintained by our people will be disturbed because some will support us for saving our daughter and others will not"

"But I don't want to go, I'll die, father you know the process"

"I know dear but peace is costly when you loss it, especially for a long time"

That day, my father bite me and the venom was one that hurt me so much that even now that am inside the caged wagon I still feel dizzy and absent minded. I will forever hate him for sending me away with so much pain, physically and emotionally.

It took me three days to get to the vipera kingdom and another two days in prison. The morning of my shredding I was bitten once again and I thought "how much biting do one snake has to take just because they're now slaves" The pain I went through was undescribable and although I was crying and screaming in pain the guards took me back to my cell. Only a week of suffering later I was given rages to wear and appointed to work in the kitchen and I was bad at it but I learned, although I was suffering a lot I remember that my father said if I can do anything for peace that I am a good snake woman and I wanted to be one for my people and the snake world. Although I still don't understand why I still remember my family and people because the process was suppose to make me forget anything I knew before I got here.

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