
Knight of Paris

Knight of Paris is a Webnovel by Peter Abak casting Petrelli Knight a Royal Heir Knight mystic. Born by King Aiglestar and Queen Batistas, Knight of Paris involves chapters such as: The Land of Carmosa; Before the birth of Petrelli Knight; The King's eerie tale;A case of delirium; Queen Batistas' vision; Petrelli Knight's birth; Gifts for the awesome Prince;A war rages on East Paris;A Trainer for the Prince;The Soldiers and Knights Templar; Homage for a Remarkable King; Petrelli Knight's Armours and Shields; Gifts from the Fairy Magician; A strange ordeal;The quest for a Bride and Lover; The Prince's novel journey; A tingling numb sensation; Party for the successful Prince; Battle of three cities;A case of Divine Armoury;A funny dream;The Prince's most treasured Griot;Life and fun; The Royal Magical Ring;The Dark Knight's Tale;An Auspicious Visit; A Royal Hullaboo and Brouhaha;The Mane of Lions; A Fly Horse Demotrion; Music of Bands of Flutes and much dance;A Royal Escapade; Sons for the Prince; Building a Kingdom;A Dragon Sword; Light on the Hill; A Royal Wine;The King's fierce breath; More Lands to conquer;A mesmerizing Genie and his fiery Lamp; The Guards of the Temple; Prince Rematura's strange vision; A competition for the twin Princes; A starry night; The real life of Petrelli Knight;A fortress of solitude; A Divine and Sober solace; Knights Remosa and Rematura; The magic codes; Up the Madongo hill; The Vintage Seer; A fortress for God; Three years of dryness and drought; A penchant for Guidance; Made of metallic brains;The botched iniquity; The sterile encampment; A real Fugitive; The Grey Lord Rejuvenated; A centillion quids to earn; A Royal bantam dance; A tale by the camp fire; No scissors on their hairs; The toughest Knight; A Royal Pendulum; Security from wildlife; Two Vintage Brides; A hunt for the finest wines and pearls; A narrow escape; Writing Royal Folklores; A rehearsal of wisdom; A riddle for a milestone; A party of Merry Men;An opium cup of potents; Pierced by two arrows; A suave for the wounds; A recovered Knight; The Knight reintegrated; A Solvent Tyrant; The Fleeting Sire; A mistaken identify. The End. The Knight of Paris is of much importance to the world of literature and is a much read.

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54 Chs

51. The Vintage Seer.

Petrelli Knight was blessed with great personalities that existed in the Carmosa Kingdom. There was much proficient Counsel possessed by King Aiglestar and his Son, Petrelli Knight. Amongst these categories of renown personalities was the Fruit and Vintage Seer Samule.

In the Carmosa Life there was need for a Seer, a great Diviner to all the gods capable of divining and see the future possible occurrence of things as a Seer or Soothsayer.

As the land of Carmosa was a well treasured land of greatness such that possessed great Leaders, it could boast about possessing a Seer of great Calibre, the

Vintage Seer Samule.

Samule was a very auspicious Seer to the Knights and kingdom of Carmosa, he was well patronized to Divine into the future and life of the Carmosa personalities.

On the issue of eternal existence of the Carmosa Kingdom, Vintage Seer Samule made a positive prediction of the fact. He saw Carmosa Kingdom as one that would strive and exist from one generation to the next.

The Seer, Vintage Samule also saw Petrelli Knight's establishing and building of a place of worship for the Almighty God. Petrelli Knight feared that the God they worshipped was much greater than the Sun God Lord Seign. So he made a Temple for the worship of the Almighty God whose name was yet unknown. The fortress was mighty and exclusive incapable of Burglary, Carnage and

Damage. The greatest fortress of worship that ever existed.

Seer Samule was also able to foresee three years of dryness, famine and drought in the land of Carmosa. He saw the people of Carmosa worried as they suffered thirst and hunger for the skies did not give rain for the growing of crops. But due to the fact that he was a Seer, he advised that Petrelli Knight and his Father King Aiglestar drilled Wells and trenches for water and saved much crops in store or Warehouses to last for the period of the years of famine. Grains and food was stored which could last past five years of which the famine was for just three years.

Seer Samule also in his vision was able to see Petrelli Knight's penchant for guidance of both his Children and Knights of the Carmosa Kingdom and peoples as though his whole life depended on it. Petrelli Knight was a very benevolent Guide more than a reclusive Sage. He was up to the task and was like a strong shield, fortress or pillar of the Castle of the land of Carmosa.

The auspicious Seer also saw the vision of the Petrelli Knight's possession of acute, witty and wistened brains. The brains which he said portended to some sort of metallic brains such that they were able to produce ideas for manufacturing of goods, fighting of wars, building of fortresses and solving of problems. Petrelli Knight was filled with replete wisdom and audacity of the gods that he could apply all the knowledge of the gods to the day to day life of Knighthood in the land and the kingdom of Carmosa. The brains of Petrelli Knight endeared him to all and sundry even to the point that they consulted him for positive solutions and vital solutions to their daily life problems.

Seer Samule also saw Petrelli Knight possessing an iniquity which was such that had little or no impact or effect on his life. Petrelli Knight was therefore happy that the iniquity foreseen by the Seer was the only iniquity in his life and had little or no relevant significance.

There was also a sterile encampment seen in part of the visions of the Seer Samule. This camp which was being situate close to the Madongo Hill was so useless that the brainy Petrelli Knight wished to furnish it for the use by the Carmosa Kingdom for respite by the Carmosa Warlords on camp on their way from war. This sterile encampment was so planned and beautified by Petrelli Knight to much array and perfection. You see, what seemed to be useless to man was useful and of much importance to the gods which Petrelli Knight was reverred as one of the mighty gods that ever existed.