
Knight of Paris

Knight of Paris is a Webnovel by Peter Abak casting Petrelli Knight a Royal Heir Knight mystic. Born by King Aiglestar and Queen Batistas, Knight of Paris involves chapters such as: The Land of Carmosa; Before the birth of Petrelli Knight; The King's eerie tale;A case of delirium; Queen Batistas' vision; Petrelli Knight's birth; Gifts for the awesome Prince;A war rages on East Paris;A Trainer for the Prince;The Soldiers and Knights Templar; Homage for a Remarkable King; Petrelli Knight's Armours and Shields; Gifts from the Fairy Magician; A strange ordeal;The quest for a Bride and Lover; The Prince's novel journey; A tingling numb sensation; Party for the successful Prince; Battle of three cities;A case of Divine Armoury;A funny dream;The Prince's most treasured Griot;Life and fun; The Royal Magical Ring;The Dark Knight's Tale;An Auspicious Visit; A Royal Hullaboo and Brouhaha;The Mane of Lions; A Fly Horse Demotrion; Music of Bands of Flutes and much dance;A Royal Escapade; Sons for the Prince; Building a Kingdom;A Dragon Sword; Light on the Hill; A Royal Wine;The King's fierce breath; More Lands to conquer;A mesmerizing Genie and his fiery Lamp; The Guards of the Temple; Prince Rematura's strange vision; A competition for the twin Princes; A starry night; The real life of Petrelli Knight;A fortress of solitude; A Divine and Sober solace; Knights Remosa and Rematura; The magic codes; Up the Madongo hill; The Vintage Seer; A fortress for God; Three years of dryness and drought; A penchant for Guidance; Made of metallic brains;The botched iniquity; The sterile encampment; A real Fugitive; The Grey Lord Rejuvenated; A centillion quids to earn; A Royal bantam dance; A tale by the camp fire; No scissors on their hairs; The toughest Knight; A Royal Pendulum; Security from wildlife; Two Vintage Brides; A hunt for the finest wines and pearls; A narrow escape; Writing Royal Folklores; A rehearsal of wisdom; A riddle for a milestone; A party of Merry Men;An opium cup of potents; Pierced by two arrows; A suave for the wounds; A recovered Knight; The Knight reintegrated; A Solvent Tyrant; The Fleeting Sire; A mistaken identify. The End. The Knight of Paris is of much importance to the world of literature and is a much read.

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54 Chs

46. A Fortress of Solitude.

Petrelli Knight was a very tactical and gifted lot. A man who possessed the delicate ability to develop, grow and reason. He was able to think out and solve the problems which confronted him on a daily basis and schedule.

Petrelli Knight was able to mentor many people and coach many but he conditioning and ensuring that he thought out and reasoned solutions to life's problems as they disturbed him at various times and intervals.

Petrelli Knight like every other Knight and though a Prince was daily confronted with problems which left alone would have had a consistent debilitatingly or made him feel beserked. But the multivarious trouble-shooting techniques which Petrelli Knight utilized in solving his problems in life as they earmarked him as a Solomon which was one of the principal ways of direction and motive in life.

Just as Petrelli Knight wrote intelligent and wisdom books, quotes and parchments, he also knew how to think out and reasoned out solutions to his life's problems. The major injunction of his Fortress of Solitude was the art imbibed by Petrelli Knight in solving his problems while sitting in his Armchair of his quiet study with his pen and paper as he thrashed out his problems line by line as they surfaced in his mind, Petrelli Knight sufficed out solutions to each of these problems which faced or tormented him. This fortress of solitude was observed by Petrelli Knight as his problems tried to subdue and overwhelm him.

There were alot of problems which confronted Petrelli Knight on a daily basis, problems that touched on, financial, health, rulership matters, knightly problems and religious problems also confronted him. So Petrelli Knight organized his fortress of solitude to look into each and every problem that attacked him.

Looking at his financial problems in his fortress of solitude, Petrelli Knight decided that to be financially buoyant and to experience financial buoyance and surplus wealth and happiness, he was to save a great amount of his earnings on savings and investments and some on family expenses and not forgetting businesses and some money for miscellaneous expenses. He was not an easy spender and loved conservativism as an aspect of economics that indulged the savings culture and the unshowy reserved spending.

In his fortress of solitude Petrelli Knight also kept his tabs on trouble-shooting his health issues. Petrelli Knight saw to it that his wealth was his health and so he needed much money for his needs and regardless of how much he earned, he needed much goods and resources so that he felt poorly for not being a go-getter. He also tackled health issues such as Sleep Apnea, Hypoglycemia and Muscle fatigue. Petrelli Knight was able to put points on each health issues. For his sleep apnea, Petrelli Knight slept and rested for intervals. For his Hypoglycemia he used some sweetened drinks made from the vine. And for muscle cramps and fatigue, Petrelli Knight rested his muscles and was only used to some dance steps and moves for exercise.

Rulership matters were also tackled by the Prince in his Fortress of Solitude. He solved the problems of being an Heir to his Father and being a Prince to the Carmosa Kingdom. These problems were not so pronounced and included devising strategies for battle whenever duty called. So for that reason, Petrelli Knight remained and kept himself strong, virile and active so as to honour his duty call and his resultant obedience by organizing troops for battle whenever there was unrest and planned attack from neighbouring kingdoms. So Petrelli Knight's solutions to his rulership problems was to be alert with his men at all times.

Petrelli Knight also thrashed out his Knightly problems by making sure all their Knights Templar survived and were virile, alive and vigilant whenever they were beckoned upon and duty called. The Knights were well catered for them and their families as their homes and horses were well groomed and developed and spurred.

Religiously, Petrelli Knight was having little religious problems which he thrashed by fervent prayers and worship of his true God Lord Seign and possessing little Faith while praying. Despite the fact that he was honoured with lights in the Skies to represent his life as the highest worshipping that ever existed all through the dynasties and kingdoms, Petrelli Knight still worshipped with all and sundry and as he worshipped he gave and delivered sound counsel to all his followers and worshippers and ensured that they were safe and lived without peril and avoided the gimmicks of the Evil Spirits which were violent and disrupted the plans and successful existence and projects of the humble and righteous.