
Knight Of Death

Under the sparkling castle that towered in the middle of the city laid a place where even death itself would be afraid of. Forty children stood in a large dank room as the ground they stood on was the lowest. For on their let and right stood twenty knights completely in black watching. And one more knight ahead them with a staff. "You are the children the world has forgotten." He said loudly. "But this kingdom needs children like you. If you choose to stay it will be hard. But stay and you will be above everyone else." He continued as the children listened. "The world has forgotten you and as such your names as well. A number will be given to each of you. But to pass this training you should know many will die around you. So choose. Stay or leave. The door behind you awaits those who wish to leave." The knight said banging his staff the doors opened. Immediately about ten kids took off running past the doors. "So you are the brave ones." The man said again and the doors closed as screams of death could be heard. Artemis Deathgate is the royal guard to the second daughter of duke. He was trained to kill and at the age of five and now at sixteen has been officially accepted as one of the Death knights. The Reath knights are the strongest warriors hidden away underground doing many mission from the shadows. Only the highest and most trusted royals and organizations know of them and as such no other solider knows where they come from. But to all they are seen as death itself. Only ever told apart by a black mark on their hand. So what happens with a Knight able to defeat tens of enemies has to guard a girl always under attack. How long can he last from assassins enemy royals and the charms of the Dukes second daughter.

The_Kings_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

A Test

The three people before me were the Marcel's. The two oldest weren't here currently due to them at court looking for marriage and political spots. However the youngest daughter was here.

"Hello sir Artemis." The family said giving a small bow of respect to me shocking the four guards.

For a family so high in power bowing to someone they never heard of wasn't normal at all. But still they said nothing.

"Shall we talk inside." The Duke Marcel asked.

"I think that would be more suitable." I said kindly following the family inside as two maids held the doors open for us.

We entered into a small yet comfortable room and took our seats around the table. The duke and his wife sat on a couch together while Vivian sat on a chair to the right of them.

"I'm so glad you made it here safely." The wife of the duke named Sophie said.

"There was no bother shockingly." I said as a butler placed a tray of tea on the table.

"As I'm certain you know but we're worried for our daughters safety. Her older sister had never been nice to her and other families have tried courting her already." Sophie spoke fluently.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble. I will do everything possible to help." I said calmly.

"Not to be rude. But aren't you a bit young." Duke Marcel asked.

"I am young but I know as much and more than any adult. And if my age is still a problem you know where I come from." I said calmly but clearly sent a shiver up their spines.

"Of course." He said trying to change the topic.

The four guards watched from the back of the room seeing everything.

"We will pay five gold coins a day for services. As for work. Will guarding her at night and following her throughout the day. But most nights a room right across from hers will be for you as someone else to take guard. After all even you need sleep." The duke said kindly.

"I understand." I said taking a cup of tea like every else.

"You should also know that traveling will be handled by others so you won't have to worry much for planning ahead for that. But keep a eye on her. She has a problem with escaping her other private guards." Sophie said looking at her daughter.

"Hey it's not my fault if they can't keep up." Vivian said in a hurry.

"That brings up your level and tier. So what is rank." The duke asked.

"I prefer to keep that a secret however I'm above above the golds lower tiers." I said.

"Really and at such a young age. Perhaps you can train our daughter." Sophie asked.

Does she really think I will train her daughter kindly. But they don't know how I trained.

"Sorry miss however my training is not something for someone like her." I said and I think I snapped one of the guards hearts.

"Sir are you really choosing this kid. He must be lying and how he speak to your daughter." A guard about twenty said in a rushed breath immediately feeling like a fool.

"If there is any problem I will gladly show my strength." I said calmly placing the cup of tea down.

"That certainly isn't needed." Sophie said pinning the guard with her eyes.

"I'm sorry but if I don't they won't stop bothering me. Beside it will only take a second. However I recommend to release your auras." I said walking towards the guard that spoke out.

"I'm sorry about this." I said and released my mana.

I was at the diamond rank in the fifth tier and this man was about iron maybe early silver. My aura was dense and was a dark blue. However it covered the room and the guards dropped to their knees.

"Need I use more or should this be enough for you." I asked fixing my suit.

"N... no its fine." The guard whispered and I stopped to take my seat.

"I see we have found a new guard." The duke said standing up.

"A servant will take you to your room to unpack your things and you may take the rest of the day as yours." The duke said waving servant over and leaving.

I was lead to a room on the second floor and unpacked my things. A large bed and tow desks where in here. A bookshelf with a few books sat next to the window as the sun slowly came down.

"That girl should be more careful." I said removing what looked to be a sugar cube from my pocket.

"To think someone has already infiltrated them." I said and place the cub on the desk as it dissolved into a clear liquid and I cleaned it off with a napkin.

Another room in the house.

"So what did you think of him." The duke asked Vivian.

"I don't know. He seems different." Vivian said.

"If he does anything to you let us know." Sophie said.

"I don't think he would even think of it. He seems so bland and almost soulless." The duke said.

"I agree, but he does seem trustworthy. While he might seem off I get the idea he can keep a secret." Vivian said.

Late in night inside a small closest.

"Sir a boy arrived as the new guard to the daughter." I man spoke in a hushed voice into a glowing blue crystal.

"Kill him and then the girl by the end of the week." A voice said from the crystal.

"But boss his different from the rest. His aura alone showed he was at least diamond ranked." The man said in a hurry.

"Hmm. That might be a problem. Kill him in his sleep but you will have to do the same to the girl that night or you risk everything." The voice said in worry from the crystal.

"Okay I will try. What if I'm found out." The man said into the crystal.

"Then regroup with others and get out." The voice from the crystal said and the crystal stopped glowing.

"Been here for a year and now is my chance to end this."