
The thin thread that holds the balance

After the banquet at the palace, we returned to the mansion and rested for the night. We spent the next day picking up supplies and getting ready to return home. I need to be there as we heard that Anding was on the verge of falling due to continious Xiongnu raids. We didn't send any troops there because the castle was broken and in ruins currently, incapable of a proper defense.

But Shangjun is a different story. With the 2 nd layer of the walls being completed, Shangjun can be said to be the Greatest fortress to ever exist in China. Once we finish the 3rd wall, it will ensure that even Genghis Khan hundred years later won't be able to enter China through there.

I met up with Ryofui to talk about some business and told him I would be returning home soon. He was curious about what I talked with the king, but I just said he wanted me become one of the 6 greats and I refused. So he decided to send me to the north after I retire to protect northern Qin. Ryofui was satisfied and said if I wanted to return being a general, I could come back any time and reclaim my position. He offered to be one of his pillars again but it was more of a suggestion. I replied that I needed to manage my territory first and defend against the barbarian's and such. He offered to send some of his spies to help me but I refused saying that won't be necessary. He wasn't satisfied and said to contact him if I required any help. I promised to do so and left but I have a hunch we will cross paths again soon.

I made my way back to Changan and started my preparations. I met up with my newest general Han Xin. He was quite eager to prove his worth, so I decided to Send him out to battle before I retire, along with Lu Meng to Kanyou to be the Guardian of Kanyou, much like Kochou. Although I would only send Lu Meng right before Ei Sei retakes Kanyou. He will be my secret weapon for siege of Sai. Imagine the look on Ribokus face when he finds 5,000 spartans defending Sai. Since Yotanwa will be my wife by then, I could send her to relieve Sai and also protect her territory. Only this time, Sai won't be anywhere near falling.

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun would defend the north and Zhao Borders along with KaRin and Zhuge Liang. I thought about sending KaRin towards the Wei front but decided against it as it would reveal her tactics and battle style. Not to mention she hated to be away from me. She had a troubled past, thus making her reliant on me. We had a talk about her plans and she replied that she was happy to stay by my side and didn't want anything else. We got drunk that night she ended up spending the night with me. I also found out something new, KaRin gets really aggressive when drunk as she basically threw herself at me and didn't take no for answer. Both her and Yotanwa had a drinking problem it seems. The look on her face was priceless when she woke up the next morning sleeping on top of me. She tried to act cool but failed miserably after not being able to walk and I had to carry her to shower. We ended up spending the day at my room as she gave up trying to act aloof and just snuggled into my embrace. We got much closer after that.

Yotanwa also paid a visit after my return to see me. I introduced her with KaRin formally and thankfully it went well. Although both women were very competitive, they both sucked at household chores. After some back and forth, they came to an agreement and both promised certain amount of pain if I were to frolic with other women. All in all, a successful endeavour at harem I would say. I didn't really have issues with beautiful woman but I'm a man afterall! This brought me to the issue which was glaring at me with a pout.

One day ago

I went around the town on my usual visits, asking people how did fare, all of a sudden a kid brought me note which said to come to the inner garden behind the palace at night as the sender claimed to be a spy of Ryofui. This was obviously a trap as he wouldn't send a spy despite my refusal. The writing was also feminine which led me to believe the sender was probably that Chi Yu girl that has been stalking me. So Zhao seems to have made their move. It could be Chu too, despite Zhuge Liang's spy network, we might have missed them. Whoever they maybe, I plan to meet them. So I went with Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao disguised as city guards. We went there after dark and as I suspected, it was a trap.

I gave the order to subdue them without killing as the assasins pounced on us. Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao both hit their opponents on the chest which knocked out the air out of them. But when I did the same, I struck gold. Rather, I struck something soft and squishy which prompted a feminine yelp as my attacker laid flat on the ground before jumping back and gaining some distance while holding her right side. I could see the glare she gave me as I mimicked the squeezing motion with my left hand.

I gave her a thumbs up and spoke," You got very nice breasts lady, perfect shape and softness. A 10/10."

She yelled out a cute cry as she charged at me but I sidestepped and smacked her on the ass which caused her to fall face first in the ground. Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao both smacked their forhead as I spoke," Hmm, needs a little bit more growth in the rear area. I give 8/10 for the bounciness."

Zhao Yun coughed and spoke, " Please be serious my lord. Although a woman, she is an assasin trying to kill you."

I put on a sad expression and spoke, " But she is so soft and squishy, I want to hold her."

This was the last straw for our female assasin as she tried to jump and escape but I reacted quickly and grabbed her scarf tied around her hips and pulled her down. She didn't expect me to be so fast as she fell on her back and I held my knife to her neck with a smirk. She closed her eyes apparently giving up but the blow she was waiting for never came. She opened her eyes to see me searching through her clothes and take out her hidden weapons and with a yelp, she was bound and put on my back like a sack of potatoes with her struggling in vain. We took them to different rooms for interrogation. I sat down after tying her to a pole and took off her mask. I'm no simp, but the girl in front of me was definitely one of the most beautiful ones in China. She was more lean and light without much muscles unlike Yotanwa. She would be a delicate and deadly flower if I was to describe her. I crouched down to look her in the eye and she moved her head sideways to avoid it. I softly spoke, may I know the name of this beautiful lady? I believe you are a Chi Yu, probably sent by Zhao to killl me."

She refused to answer and kept glaring at me.

I just smirked and said," If you don't answer, I will continue with what we started before" while doing a squeezing motion.

This finally got to her and she yelled," Get away from me you lecher! I was wrong to think you are a nice guy and decided to show mercy by killing with a quick and painless poison."

I showed a surprised face as I spoke," Hoh, you thought I'm a nice guy? How did you come to such conclusion? "

She replied without thinking,"I have been watching you for a long time , when I saw you playing with the kids, I didn't wish to kill you immediately which was my mistake."

I pretended to be creeped out and replied," You were stalking me like a creepy person and yet you call me a lecher? What a perverted beauty you are."

She immediately got flustered and yelled," who are you calling a creepy and perverted person! You are the creep, grabbing my breasts and smacking my ass. Come closer and I'll bite your hand off. "

I pretended to be hurt and spoke, " but I thought you were in love with me, stalking me and all that. Maybe you are too shy to speak out your true feelings."

She absolutely lost it and started cursing at me with a red face as I laughed and patted her head. After a while, she gave up and asked slowly," What will happen to me? Despite your lecherous behaviour, I don't think you would do something bad to me. I tried to kill you and you won't forgive that either. So kill me if you wish. I won't say anything else."

I gave a tired sigh and asked," You don't have to be so uptight. I can understand your thoughts, but I believe you deserve a second chance. So how about it? Wanna be my personal bodyguard? I'll promise to pay you well and you can also do naughty stuff when I'm sleeping." I wiggled my brows suggestively.

She was surprised hearing the first part and gave an exasperated sigh once I finished the sentence. She thought for a while and spoke," what makes you think I won't stab a knife through your skull when you sleep."

I replied with a smirk, " well, you tried before once but ended up staring at me like a maiden in love and leaving without doing anything."

She furiously blushed and shouted out," You bastard! you were pretending to sleep! I should have killed you then."

I just shrugged and replied," I know. Thats why we are talking. But to be honest, I would love to have you beside me, guarding my back from the shadows. I know you aren't inherently evil as I'm aware of the customs of your clan. Moreover, since I touched you like that, I should take responsibility and marry you according to tradition." I finished with a wink to which She just gave a deadpan stare.

We kept staring at each other as a few moments went by, She sighed and spoke," I have been raised by the clan since childhood and they turned me into a killing machine. Sometimes, I wished I could leave and see the outside world, but when I saw it, I was disappointed by the darkness surrounding it. I gave up my dream of leaving and having a nice little family for myself. I have a lot of blood on my hands, I don't want to live like that for the rest of my life."

This time I sat down next to her and spoke seriously," I don't want a killer for hire, I want you only to guard my back. To be honest, I don't really need it, blame yourself for being a beautiful assasin who got caught. Also, if you are looking to make a little family I'm all for it. In fact, we can start right now...." I was interrupted by a beautiful laughter as I looked at her laughing genuinely for the first time. She could have been the wife of a king with such beauty, a pity she became an assasin.

She stopped and spoke," You really are a lecher to the core. But that's not too bad. I think I can trust you, you never lied once since meeting me."

I winked and replied," So we make a good couple then, perverted lady who likes to watch people sleep.".

She blushed and retorted," That was the only time. Now untie me." i cut her ropes and she stood up facing me. We looked at each other for a while and she said something under her breath.

I asked her," what was that?"

She just smiled and turned around as she replied," You asked me my name before. It's Diao Chan, and you better take responsibility for me."

252 BCE, beginning of Summer

All the Kingdoms were in a state of alert due to recent Qin aggression. The only nation who could rest for now was Yan and Qi.

Chu focused wholeheartedly on raising their army and upgrading their defense. Their newly recruited generals were sent out to the furthest corners to stabilize the nation and present an united front. The tribes living in the dense jungles were being subjugated which bolstered their army further.

Wei was unstable for a while due to losing 2 great generals quickly but a new minister named Jia Xu took control and stabilized their command. He apparently sent an envoy to Qin asking for ceasefire for 2 years which was accepted by the king.

Han as the weakest state was at risk so the their King decided give command to his most Trusted General Huang Zhong and Guo Jia to raise a proper army.

Yan on the other hand was quite lax as they didn't have much threat from Qi or Qin, they only needed to defend against Zhao. So They posted Ordo and Zhang Fei at the Zhao Border. This caused a friction between the king and their other great general Dian Wei as he was left with nothing to do at the Qi borders. This was mostly due to Dian Wei not respecting the king and the king taking some of his authority. Dian Wei was angry and decided to rashly attack Qi with his 80,000 army without the king's consent and got defeated. Before the king punished him, He left Yan with his remaining 10,000 troops and travelled to Chu where he was welcomed and given a good position. This left Yan vulnerable and Qi general Yan Mao took advantage and conquered Pingyuan region before Zhang Fei came back to defend the lands. This was a blow to Yan morale and they ceased any intention for campaigns for a few years. Qi on the other hand, was on high moral despite 2 great generals leaving them.

Zhao was the busiest as they prepared for a Qin invasion from Bayou. As Anding was retaken by Qin, this left the northern defenses tired and stretched. Zhao didn't wish to take Changan but decided that Anding would be their target and then They would defeat the Xiongnu and claim Shuofang, Wuwei later. Thus they chose to send A great army under Lu Bu himself, Riboku and Houken would accompany him. Ma Chao was harassing the Yan border. They sent their new recruit Guan Yu towards Retsubi to defend the Wei border. They are probably be in the best position to attack and defend with the Xiongnu threat gone.

Qin was in a dormant state after the wars in last few years. They focused on stabilization of the Chu territories they earned. With only 2 remaining out of 6 greats, they chose to take a step back looking for new generals to fill in those spots. There was a rumour that KouRyu would become one of them but the King never made such remarks. Rather, the court noticed some distance between KouRyu and the King. In most records, it was written that they had a falling out which led to his retirement, but the real truth was never found out until many years later. Qin focused on the Zhao front now to secure the northern defenses. This would lead to the battle of Bayou few months later which would be the first time, two of the strongest warriors in China would come face to face for the first time. Their clash would be the spark that signalled a new era and the end of the Spring and Autumn period.

Didn't have time to edit the mistakes.

Setting the stage for the end of Volume 1

Virtuossocreators' thoughts
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