
Got To Be Sombody

As Nathen walked up the glass steps ascending the staircase. His friend Puff started to explain what are hero Nathen was in for fro his final trial.

[Ok Nathen you will be battling Xanthe who has with him the other half of the keyblade. Be wary though his is the Phoenix half to your dragon half and has an entirely deferent skill set then I do.]

" whoa whoa whoa what skills do you have."

[Right sorry for that one I forgot to tell you I have two ability one is reflect pile. Which allows for you to stockpile up to three attacks and unleash them all at once on a single target but you still tack damage for said attacks. Then the other one is a passive skill called dragons scales it adds to your base defense equal to your level the higher your level, the better your defense will be.]

(For example)

*(Lv1= +1 to Def and Lv20 = + 20to Def)*

"Cool at least that solves my defense problem for the future. Now, the important stuff what can you tell me about my opponent."

[With in the rules not much he is a skilled fighter that focuses on attack and very little on defense kind of like you, and he loves to talk for whatever reason. That's all I can say but know that he too has the same restrictions as you so you will both go into it blind, but I am free to explain any moves that he uses when he uses it. Same for him so when you use a move make it cont on the first try.]

"Good to know well I can use cure and my MP, HP is full, so I'm ready to go."

Nathen took the final steps to the final platform, and same as the last was a glass mosaic. But this time it was of him and someone who looked just like him but with thorns tattoos making a spiral pattern on his checks. Both of them crossing blades with a hated look in their eyes.

"Well, this does not look good and very foreboding."

Then on the other side of the mosaic was a figure with a black hood and over cote. It looked just like one of the Organization XIII members the figure looked at Nathen pulled back his hood and said.

"Well you figured it out by now right there were like three hints all ready mind so do you mind telling me when you found out."

"Crap its true ok Xanthe, to tell the truth; I thought you were just my shadow that stole the other half of my key blade. Then I figured what you were when I heard your name kinda of a dead give away. But if I'm honest, I only was 100% when I saw the Mosaic on the floor just now. So now that I have answered one of yours answer one of my question next. How did you come into binging I was never made into a Heartless before so how do I have a Nobody.

" Oh come on Nathen did you forget that you were in darkness when you died when you fell it was only your heart that was there. Your former body drifted else where, you are nothing but a heart given humane form by a being of per light just like Sora in the first Kingdome hearts game. The way I figure it must have been that guy called Heart."

"Xanthe how do you know about Heart I know Nobodys have all of there previous hearts memoirs, but that should have stopped when we separated."

" I heard him introducing himself after that nothing just me waking up in a ditch in town a week ago ."

Nathen at this point was floored with all the info, but one thing just stood out.

" Week! I have only been in this world for a day how did you come out so early."

" Your memories must be getting bad did you forget that time doesn't work the same in the dark world as this world I appeared first so it took time for you to emerge. Giving me time to get a little Ex and to learn some cool moves so I figured that you would show up eventually but not this soon. I couldn't join a union with me being a nobody and all but this works to once I defeat you I will finally be free and eventually become somebody in this world my self."

"So you want to grow your own heart and fight me in this world to be free of worry that I will try to merge with you to get your strength and add it to my own. Just let me ask before we do the whole battle to the death thing. What do you want to do here? If its nothing bad I don't see anything wrong with letting us part as friends and on our separate ways."

Nathen wasn't a bad guy, and he already knew that given enough time Nobody could grow there own heart from the friends and experience around them. So even if it meant giving up on the other half of his keyblabe, it was fin beside what could be better then another version of himself running around and maybe helping each other eventually. Besides his dragon half was already more than powerful enough for him at the moment.

" Sadly that's not possible Nathen the second you made the choice to get the second half of the keyblade was the moment both are fates were sealed. This only end in one of two ways either you strick me down and I become you, or I kill you, and I get to have a chance at becoming a somebody. Sorry, no hard feelings Nathen if I had feelings yet anyways."

With there talks over Xanthe rushed tord Nathen to start there finale battle agists each other.

Well here it is what will become of the story so far will our hero fight to survive and continue his most epic journey. Or will the story fall to the newcomer Xanthe and his quest to become a somebody in this new world come back next time on KHHJ.