
Silver Slime Zombie

Erick kept using <smash> as his fifteen remaining troops stayed behind him. Every single one of his attacks did between 5 – 10 damage.

The <Silver Slime Zombie> only had 300 health to his 500 health. If he knew he was able to fight back, he wouldn't have lost so many soldiers.

With the 16 of his remaining soldiers behind him, the Silver Slime Zombie was mopped up and killed in less than a minute. Opening his eyes, he felt like he rejoined the world. The <Silver Slime Zombie> had turned into a pit of mush and bones. It was pretty disgusting, and left a nasty, goopy stain on his pasture.

<<You've killed the <Silver Slime Zombie>, and defeated the first Horde…>>

<<Next Horde will take place in 5 – 30 hours.>>

<<You've gained 200 experience… Ding! You've leveled up to level 2.>>

<<The <Silver Slime Zombie had 200 wood, 300 food and 500 gold in its possession, and also left behind its Slime Hammer, level 2.>>

[Slime Hammer]

Level 2

Attack 15

Diagnosis: Not completely useless, but a large bone would probably be able to break it.]

<<Your troops have all leveled up to level 2, and have gained 5 respect for you. The closer respect is to a hundred the less likely they are to betray you.>>

"Sounds absolutely fantastic… however, can you please tell me how I got here? All I remember was falling to sleep, and then I ended up with the five little goblins yelling at me."

<<Unable to explain. All secrets have been locked until higher level is obtained. The secret you're asking requires a level 100 character.>>

"So you know, but you just aren't able to tell me? What about the soldiers… am I able to talk to them… Are there any people in this world?"


<<You've attracted three people to your village after stopping the Horde. They have offered you 5 gold each and 100 wood to be able to enter your territory. Would you like to allow them to join?>>

"Only if they can actually talk to me? Are they real human beings, or are we actually in a video game?"

<<The secret you are asking requires a level 20 Lord. However, besides the metaphysical question, you are able to talk to the goblins, and humans, and all other classes..>>

"Okay, I accept the three"

<<Ding! You've acquired 3 new villagers… They will arrive in the next few minutes.>>

<<It is recommended that you build small houses for them to live in. Please think about efficiency in order to get the maximum grade..>>

"All I have is the barns." Erick closed his eyes and opened up the building menu, and spent his new 300 gold on three barns. All that remained was 500 wood 100 food and 500 gold. It'd be hard to get the next day with that just amount of food.

Nonetheless, the barns were soon erect, and the three villagers showed up. All three of them were girls that looked like runaways, and they seemed younger than him which was pretty hard to believe. He was only eighteen years old, but these girls couldn't have been older than 16 or 17.

"You're houses are right behind mine. Feel free to move in and if you have any questions don't feel afraid to ask me."

"Thank you lord," one of the girls bowed. The other two ran off towards their barns while she remained behind.

"I know… I know we just met but I have a request of you lord. My father wanted me to find a husband before I was too old… Would you mind marrying me?"


<<You've received a request from Pepper… Would you like her to be your wife?>>

"You can't be serious? I just met her and she already wants to marry me?'

<<Her father has promised a 1200 gold dowry if you are willing to take her off his hands. It's one of those offers you will not see very often.>>

"It's only the first day… She's pretty and all, but is this really okay?"

<<Unlike on Earth, you have a high status here… it would be wise to accept, you are only going to be offered such a thing once a month at most..>>

"Once a month? Do you mean I can have more than one wife? This isn't exactly like the World of Lorestan I remember… You couldn't even talk to the villagers… Fine, I accept the marriage proposal…>>

"You've acquired 1200 gold… Pepper will need to be properly taken care of tonight in order to seal the marriage… You've gained 30 experience for gaining a wife…"

Erick gulped and walked inside the house with Pepper behind him. She politely took off her shoes and smiled before giving Erick a kiss on the cheek.

"Mua! I can't believe I'm finally married! My sister got married so much earlier than me, and now I'm married too! I'm a lot older than I look by the way… I'm eighteen and three days!"

"Wow, so specific… happy belated birthday, wife?" Erick rubbed his cheek. "Do you want to know what your new last name is by the way?"

"You have a last name? I've never met anyone with a last name before," Pepper smiled, grinning as she pulled Erick in for a hug. "Now… since we got married… you know what we have to do tonight right? I wouldn't be able to go back to my family without showing them the stain on the bed."

"Sounds like something from the sixteenth century," Which Erick knew the game was based on. "Can we just eat some food together tonight, and then maybe we can go upstairs? I still have to figure out what to do before the next horde comes… It could be in two hours… it could be in twenty-eight."

"Hmmm, let's not eat yet… My father told me it's not good to stain the bed on an full stomach… What do you do when you get married anyway… I know we have to kiss, but what comes next?"

"If you don't know that, maybe we should save it for another time," Erick sighed, realizing it was too good to be true. "Your new last name is Brighton. I was from Ireland before being transported here."

"Sounds like a lovely name…" Pepper smiled at him, reaching under the table and grabbing his hand. "Well, Pepper Brighton would like to really feel a kiss—"



The amorous atmosphere instantly faded as a large fist sounded at the doorway.

One of the small goblins looked frightened and was jumping up and down.

"Master… Master… It's horrible! Someone has left a head on your field! It appears to be one of the scouts! I think you're being set up!"

"What do you mean? Like a human head?" Erick patted the little goblin on the back. "Show me where it is… Green 3… Pepper… you stay here."

"Sure, just forget your wife," Pepper frowned, walking over to the stove and slapping down 5 food. "What do you want for dinner? Chicken costs more food, but… we did get married today."

Erick said, "Chicken," before running out the door onto the field. When he got onto the field, there wasn't only one head, but two heads.

<<Two Scouts have been murdered on your property, one is from the Fernet Alliance and the other is from the Crag Kingdom.>>

<<The two kingdoms have increased their enmity with you on receiving this information. Expect an attack sometime tomorrow.>>

"You can't be serious! It's not even my fault." Erick felt like he'd clearly been setup. "Is there any way I can request help from the Velvet Militia."

<<You must upgrade from a surf in order to gain the Velvet Militia's eye. The next ranks after surf are peasant, commoner, and farmer… the Velvet Militia is only willing to help peasants.>>

"So, it's okay for me to be setup, but not okay for me to request help?" Erick replied, angst filling his voice. "Does it work like the game? Do I just have to get to level 5 in order to level up my rank?"

<<Yes, that is the goal… At level 5, your city will also be eligible for transport. It is also possible to transport your city to another location for 2000 gold. Cost will lower as the goblins level up.>>

"Got it… thanks… so what do you recommend? I still have tutorial mode on, right?"

<<it is recommended to enjoy your night with your new wife and buy a lower-class skill from the merchant tomorrow morning. The Skill merchant will be on your property at 10 am.>>

Erick sighed and kicked away one of the heads. It floated off into the distance as a cold wind traveled down his back and made him aware it was getting closer to winter.

The goblins could be heard behind him, talking amongst themselves. Even the soldiers had heard the gossip from the goblins about the approaching troops.

His new 'wife' Pepper, on the other hand, was waiting at the doorway to his house. It didn't take very long to cook with food in game, and she waved to him to indicate to come back.

As for the goblin that had taken him there, he picked up the heads and nervously shook them.

"Master… so what do you want me to do with the heads? Do you want me to build anything? Perhaps if we honor them with a burial they will do the same when we die."

"We aren't going to die…. This is just a game with rules. I've never lost a game since the day I was five years old and devoted my entire life to them… It's a wonder I just got married," Erick laughed, continuing, "Yes, burry them and tell me if you see anything funny… Also, I will send you a series of fences to build… It's time we make a maze.

"A maze sir? Do you want me to put these heads in the maze? I heard if we leave them out they might attract beasts… Bury the bodies, and bait the heads?"


<<Goblin is correct. Tutorial mode recommends leaving the heads outside in order to attract a beast to your territory. Experience is desperately needed for any hope of survival.>>

"Fine," Erick okayed the process, Opening up his mind's eye to build a fence network. He figured that would keep the goblin busy. Hopefully, the enemy wouldn't already have access to trench buckets and cannons this early in the game.

The rest of the night went silently along with the stirring of the wind.

Two hours later, after a dinner, he found himself awkwardly getting into his bed with Pepper looking at him with loving eyes. She'd taken off her shirt and pants and was blushing as she looked at him.

"I'm all yours for the night, husband. What do you want me to do now?"

"Why don't we get some sleep?" Erick yawned, rubbing her leg with his arm. "I don't want to rush into things, Pepper. In my world, there is something called the three-date rule."

"Oh, well then our dinner was our first date right? Do we do something because of our first date?" Pepper blushed as she started playing with her bra strap. "Do you want to… you know… sleep with me naked?"

"That sounds great… I mean… no! Just give me a kiss goodnight."

"That won't do. At least let me make a stain on the bed tonight. Father told me if I don't make a stain, it's not a true marriage! Is there someone else.. Erick? Are you just playing a game with me?"

Erick laughed before pulling her into his arms and staring deeply into her eyes. "Fine, I'm going to give you one kiss pepper. You can count this as something that's acceptable on a first date."

"I don't like these rules… Who needs three dates? We could die at any moment, and my husband doesn't even want to see me naked!"

"No! No! It's not that… I just… I also don't have as much experience as you think I do… I'm just in disbelief you want it so bad. Do you even know what's in my pants?"

Pepper nodded her head, slapping his legs with a smile. "Yes, you have two legs, and what papa called the third leg! That's what you put in me right?"

"Enough, go to sleep Pepper… Here," Erick pulled her head in, tapping his lips against hers. "You've already made it impossible for me to forget you…


Five hours later,

Erick woke up to an alarm.

<< Ten <King Wolves> have invaded your territory! Get up immediately or else your goblins will be killed!>>

"Ugh, I can't even get a night's rest!"

<<You left the heads out due to systems recommendation. It should've been expected that you'd attract beasts."

"Fine…" Erick yawned and closed his eyes again, activating his inner interface. Only five of the soldiers were available since they were on patral, and the other eleven seemed impossible to command.

They were asleep.

The wolves clearly didn't care and rushed into his territory, running straight for the small house where his goblins were located.

Nonetheless, his soldiers intercepted them on his command. Lying in bed, he commanded them to attack as he accidentally grabbed onto something soft like a pillow.

Pepper smiled and turned over as Erick grabbed at her breasts.

She'd been told by her dad that her body belonged to her husband, and she rubbed his hand and moved it closer to his tits.

"It's all yours… Erick," Pepper said blushing, "However, I figured you'd wait at least to the second date before you…. You touched them. Are you okay?"

Erick blushed and nodded his head.

One of the soldiers got its arm bitten off and was screaming. The other four had to combine to take out just one <King Wolf>

<<You have gained 100 experience for killing one King Wolf level 3.>>

<<Soldiers HP is getting dangerously low… Warning!>>

"Ugh, rush them into the barracks with the wolves! Send the goblins here and don't let them get eaten! Pepper… I got to go take care of some wolves… I'll be right back!"

"Okay, but… I hope you know I enjoyed this date! When you come back, I want real progress towards that stain on the bed!" She blushed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Also, don't forget your shovel! I left it by the doorway!"

"You're totally out of this world," Erick replied, commanding himself to rush towards the wolves. When he arrived, his soldiers were each down to ten health, and were kitting the gigantic wolves towards him.




Erick used his one and only attack with his shovel and bashed three times into the first wolves head. Surprisingly, the wolf went flying into the air, and crash landed on the ground. Those three attacks took out 50 health each and left one wolf dead on the grass.

"Not bad… I could do this with my eyes closed…" Erick laughed commanding himself to do <Smash> as he ran straight into the barracks.

The night slowly started turning to dawn as this fight continued. The howls of the wolves could be heard for miles, and Erick's war cry was just as intense.

When the five beasts finally died, he was covered with blood and only had two soldiers still remaining. The rest had been left in various forms..

<<Congratulations! You've leveled up to level 3 after killing 5 <King Wolves>… New Buildings are now available.>>

<<You've gained 500 food and 100 wood… Building prompt being loaded>>

[Building's Available (level 3)]

[Archery Range: Level 3: Requirement 200 wood 300 gold]

[Magic Circle: Level 3: Requirement 100 wood, 100 gold]

[Farming School Level 3: Requirement 300 wood, 1000 gold]

[Magic Circle – supplies troops and Lord with Mana to use in battle. Can be used to also increase defense of certain structures by replying barrier.]

<<It is highly recommended you build a magic circle as quickly as possible according to Tutorial Mode. Tutorial Mode will shut off in five hours…>>

"Great… finally some good news… Do they stack like in the game? I mean… can I build 5 and get five times the benefit?"

<<Each Mana Circle supplies ten Magic Points, or Mana, to both you and your troops. You can build two of them at most without having any ill consequences…>>

Erick opened up his window and noticed he had 500 wood 600 food and 200 gold remaining after building the fences earlier. It cost him 75 food a day to keep the villagers fed. Also, since he didn't have enough gold for Archery Range he decided to build two magic circles.

The goblins quickly built them.

Two large blue lights seemed to swirl after the goblins painted down a strange set of characters on a few meters of soil he had available for buildings.

He had pasture he could farm, and roughly one acre he could build buildings on. The pasture was reserved for farming and planting crops, which would turn into food with enough energy put into the crops.

However, right now, his field was only growing a basic grain that only gave him 30 food a day. This didn't fully cover the cost of his troops, and meant the archery range was even more important.

Still, it got quiet after the magic circles finished building. A new icon showed up under his name, and he clicked on himself with his eyes closed.

[Erick Brighten – Lord Class

Level 3

Health 500 / 500

MP: 20 / 20

Attack: 15 + 10 (Shovel equipped)

Defense: 10

Magic Defense: 2

Speed: 51

Magic Attack: 32

Skills: <Smash>

Diagnosis: Roughly equivalent to a bad fertilizer but is improving at a decent pace.]

"So… I guess I got Magic Defense and Mana now… Is there anyway I can learn a magic spell like in the game?"

<<You'll see the skill merchant in five hours… Skill merchant will be able to supply you with level three skills. Would you like to look at the list?>>

"I can't just buy them from you… Do I really have to wait for the skill merchant?"

Erick sighed and then said, "yes," loading the skills in front of him.

<<Magic Shop>>

Open Hours – 10 am – 11 am

Skills Available:

Icicle Lance - 200 gold – level 1

Lightning Whip - 800 gold – level 3

Earth Mantra – 800 gold – level 3

Wind Scythe – 500 gold – level 3

Heaven Feet – 900 good – level 3

Page (1 / 90)

<<All skills shown are available to you at the current time. Pages 2 – 90 are still locked>>

"Great, I have zero gold… I'll worry about it in the morning system… However, can you think of any quick way to make gold rain from the sky?"

<<You should be able to sell the <Wolf King> fur for 200 gold each, and food can be traded in for gold at a 100 to 20 ratio. You can also gather wood in the forest to be sold… Soldiers with axes are capable of cutting down trees at a rate of 3 wood per hour.>>

"Well, since this is a game, I don't have to worry about harming the environment. Let the twelve remaining soldier rest…"

Erick yawned as the sun started sparkling in the sky.

He ordered the goblins to take off the fur off the <King Wolves> and made his way back to his Pepper. She'd clearly gotten comfortable, and had her bra half hanging off her pale skin as she kicked her leg onto his side of the bed. Pushing it away, he was final able to get some sleep.

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