
King of Warriors (X-Men/Marvel)

Without anywhere to go, a boy decides to follow the X-Men back to Xavier's school after awakening his X-Gene ruins any chance of a normal life that he had. But once he arrives at the school, he realizes that there is so much more for him there than there ever was. He just needs to embrace it and master his new powers. But before all of that, he needs to get along with his new roommate first

TrueBoredAsura · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


Get it. Like the song from my first movie. Where I'm kicking all those guys butts on the highway? Brown pants moment? Any of that ringing a bell?

Hey, Folks. Deadpool here. The author is at work so I decided to finish up/edit the chapter he was going to upload tomorrow for you guys. That way, he can skip over the boring training parts and we can just get to the epic fight where Asher and Julian battle for the leader position of the Hellion Squad.

Little hint: Julian wins. The author made that kid OP. He's now gonna be Omega-Level. Anyway, let's get to the training part.

The first day of training was pretty basic. We gave the kid a katana then beat the shit out of him. Like the literal shit out of him. I made sure to hit him in the gut enough times to ensure that.

We say this was to assess his skill level but I kinda just wanted to beat up a kid without getting yelled at for once. Most kids are assholes after all.

He wasn't bad. Has good instincts but no formal training. With another hundred or so years, he might be able to slice off one of my toes.

After the first training session, it only got tougher from there. Emma told us to be really rough on him so we were. That woman is scary.

It was mainly me and Skeletor at first. Samurai said he only wanted to train the kid once he proved worthy enough, even if he didn't get his pay. More money for me.

For 3 weeks straight, it was just me, Task boy, and Super Simp. All in the forest behind the school with nothing but our swords and the clothes on our backs. Clothes on me and Taskmaster's back, anyway. The kid had nothing but his underwear by the third day.

Skeletor was his main trainer though. He taught him a whole bunch of sword styles and focused on his physique. He turned him from a random teen into a teen that drank half a super serum bottle.

My main job was to teach the kid to mix it up and improvise. Something that old Tasky could never do. Reason I have never lost to him.

But with both of us drilling him from two different angles, we were able to create something magical that would make the people who like to see gay porn proud. His body was molded into something that would make many greek women from ancient times run away in fear.

I wonder if Emma will be bothered by the bunch of scars we left on him though.

Hehe. 420 words.

After we got him up to this point, Silver finally decided to join in after we did most of the hard work. I wanted to teach him a lesson but him and Taskmaster decided my opinion was invalid and my head was too close to my body. Took me a week to find it after they threw it in a river.

Having to find your head without being able to really see where your body is going is very hard.

By the time I got back, the kid had improved again. He was actually putting up a decent fight against Silver. The worst movie villain of the MCU was still able to kick his ass pretty easily but what did we really expect. We had only been training the kid for a month.

Oh. My former lover also stopped by. But when I tried to embrace him, for some reason, there were 3 holes in my chest. I'm sure he was just angry that I had been having an affair with Spidey. But he should know by now that no one could truly come between us.

The last week of training was the harshest for the kid. Since he had the basics down and his body had improved, all that was left was to make him stronger. And best way to get stronger is by fighting stronger opponents. Which every last one of us was.

I will give him his props though. Even if he didn't have his powers, he'd be able to take out like 5 gang members before they riddled him with bullets. That's pretty good by normal people standards folks.

And when Emma finally came around to check on his progress during the last day, we had the kid do a demonstration. The rest is pretty much history. She liked what she saw, we got paid, and we left after each grabbing hold of Wolvies' ass. Well at least I got a hold of his ass. That is one tight one.

But yes. Now I have shortened the 4 chapters worth of training that the author was going to make you guys have to read. Instead, all you gotta do is read over this little chapter of about 900 words. And tomorrow, he will have the fight between Julian and Asher ready. Or even tonight. Hopefully tonight. I was only able to read the part that he had written which was a summary of what would happen in the chapter but not sure about how the fight plays out. I really wanna read that.

Cause from what he has planned for Asher's full power, who he will train under in the future, and who he will end up killing, I can promise you guys that you don't wanna miss it. This thing is gonna be epic but not too epic. The kid isn't gonna be slaying Celestials now.