
King of the east universe

he is the king of the east universe and he as to protect the east universe with his friends and his father if he fails then the east universe is doomed

samadetuyi · Kỳ huyễn
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91 Chs

002 - competition

It was the first day of training and we had to do a simulation to find our power capability after a few minutes it was my turn, when I was walking into the simulator a staff said to me I should relax I said to him I won't be scared why would I when the simulator started I saw the people that were in my group in the simulation the most powerful was a girl called Xerox, the timid guy was called Luigi, the person that likes to brag seun, the rich girl Roxanne, after getting used to the controls it was time to fight,

During the fight the machine timed out, the staff that controlled the machine was surprised about what happened they rushed to the principal to show him the result after he showed the principal the result he took our group and said one of us will have to be leader, of course, we said the toughest should be the leader but seun believed he should be a leader but the group eventually agreed that Luigi should be the leader he did not accept at first but after a few arguments he agreed so we named him our leader,

The principal told us we needed a leader because he was going to host the house competition this year at this school,

he took me outside to talk to me, "Samuel you have great potential I do not know what powers you have but I know it is powerful because I can feel it, he then told me he has the power to know how powerful someone is I was surprised it was almost like he had another hidden ability.

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