
Chapter 4 - The Backstory of the Demon [Edited]

Grabbing my head and softly grunting, I opened my eyes as I then saw a white roof while also seeing closed curtains from my peripheral view.

"It looks like you're awake, Midoriya." said the old lady as she looked at me.

Grasping my forehead and getting up off the bed, I asked, "Why am I here in the medical ward and what happened?"

"Well, to start, when you were talking with Momo, you suddenly collapsed in the middle of your conversation."

"Why did I collapse?" I questioned.

"I don't even know how or why you passed out, but I do know that it wasn't caused by exhaustion from your Quirk."

Stroking my chin, I muttered, "If me passing out wasn't due to exhaustion from my Quirk, what could it... No, it couldn't have been because of that, right?"

Typing on the computer, the old lady asked, "Are you done trying to make things up, young man?"

Staring at the clock on the wall which was for some reason broken, I answered, "I am, so, what time is it?"

"If you think school is over, it hasn't. It's only been an hour since you collapsed."

"Then can I go back?"

"Your body is somehow in perfect condition, so yes, you can go back to class." said the old lady as she waved me goodbye.

Taking off the bandages that were put on me and looking around for my shirt, I swiftly put it on and began walking to class 1-A.

Looking at the windows, I thought, 'The windows here are wide and tall, so if a villain were to attack, they would definitely attack a place with a bunch of students.'

'.... You know you want to do it....'

Hearing a deep echoey voice inside my head, I looked around me and quietly yelled, "Who's there?"

Constantly looking around myself and trying to find whoever said that by searching the vicinity with cursed energy, I sensed no one near me.

Peeking outside the window, I thought, 'Is someone speaking to me with a telepathy Quirk?'

Still keeping my guard up while trying to find the person who spoke to me through telepathy, I started walking back to class.

Now in front of the door to class 1-A, I heard my classmates talking to each other so when I opened it, the whole class went dead silent.

Ignoring the sudden silence from them and going to my desk to sit down, Momo began walking toward me as she quietly said, "Are you fine, Midoriya?"


"Then you should've-!"

With Momo getting cut off by Aizawa, he said, "It appears the two smartest kids in the class are talking to each other while I'm teaching. So, do you two want to teach the class instead of me?"

Chuckling to myself, I responded with, "That's a pretty nice offer, but I don't know how and what to teach the class."

"If you're going to act like this after coming back from the nurse's office, just be quiet and listen to me teach."

After that little shenanigan of mine, school then ended so I immediately went back to my house and fell asleep.

- At Home -

"Will school even start today?"

Done brushing my teeth and washing my face, I began heading to the living room as I then saw my mom watching the TV.

"Sweety, I got a call from U.A. and they said that school has temporarily been closed for today."


"Then if school is only closed for today, I'll be heading out for a while."

"Oh, come back before sundown, and don't get into trouble while you're out, okay?"

Putting on my shoes and opening the door, I said, "You don't need to worry about me,"

Closing the door and jumping off the apartment from the fourth floor, I started walking toward the forest as I then saw Asui, Momo, Kirishima, and Mina in a boba store.

Walking past the boba store, I thought, 'That's an odd group to see outside of school.'

Before I could get out of their vision, Kirishima yelled, "Hey, is that Midoriya?! Do you want to hang out?"


"Well, you didn't have to be that direct."

"If we see him outside of school another time, we should ask him again! Mina suggested to the three.

"Do you guys think that if he and I show off our muscles to each other he'll like it?" Kirishima questioned.


"What? Did I say something wrong?"

- In the Forest -

Running through the forest and hearing a waterfall close by while also sensing a little bit of cured energy, I jumped down from a hill, landed on the ground, and saw the waterfall.

Searching the waterfall and finding where I sensed the cursed energy, a ripped old man was meditating under the waterfall.

Slowly walking toward the old man who was meditating, the old man then punched the air, creating a shockwave as I got pushed back.

'What kind of Quirk does he have?'

"Hm? If you want to know what my Quirk is, I guess I'll tell you since you're a young of the new generation."

With him coughing to clear his throat, the old man answered with, "My power is called Will Destroyer and if that wasn't enough for you to understand, I will now explain it to you in detail."

"I can destroy the will of someone's Quirk either by physical or mental touch and it seems like your Quirk has a will of its own."

"It also looks like my Quirk is telling me to... Devour your will and devour my own since I have revealed my Quirk to you."

Getting into a boxing stance and activating my Quirk, the old man then said," Even though my body is fragile and not as strong as yours, my mind is all I need for you."

'This old man is going to-'

Keeping my guard up against the old man since it felt like he was going to attack me at any time, my consciousness soon started fading away.

"Oh? It looks like you want to fight me."

With my hair turning pick and my eyes becoming red, I then playfully said," I'm finally out after so long, but it's too bad it'll only be for a while."

Brushing through my hair and taking a deep breath of the fresh air, I said," Oh how much I've missed the scent of negative emotions."

Noticing the old man, I gave a mischievous grin. "Since you're now speaking to someone new, I guess I have to introduce myself."

"My name is Sukuna and right now, you're due for death."

Slowly walking toward the old man and exerting a ton of my cursed energy, the old man started shivering as he fell to the ground.

"You-you're very different than what I was told by my informant! And your Quirk is weird!" the old man yelled as he continued backing away.

"Oh? So you're calling my power a Quirk too, but you are unfortunately wrong. See, this is the power I gave him and because of our compatibility with each other, I just need to change his personality a little and he'll be another me!

"Demon! What do you gain by telling me this!"

"You want to know why I'm telling this to someone who's going to die soon? Well, it's because your power will be useful for my vessel."

"To do that though, I first need to cut you up into little pieces and cook you up. It won't be that delicious since my partner is gone, but I'll at least obtain something useful from this," said Sukuna.

"You will not rob me of my life, Demon! I have survived decades and I will not let a nobody-!"

"Did you just say a nobody? Hah! I guess they did wipe my name off of history since you don't even know who I am. That was so stupid of you all..."

Laughing loudly and putting my whole palm over my face, I declared, "My soul and mind have been alive for hundreds of years, longer than you!"

"Long before these things called Quirks appeared! You see, it first started when people started randomly obtaining these powers. Skipping a little over all the boring stuff, people wanted to rule the world and that included me."

"Everyone in that era was so powerful that I at least had to taste one of them, and that's what I did to my target."

"We had fought for days with me winning and because we were still human, I was starving. Do you know what I did?"


"I of course ate him but once my hunger was satiated, I realized I had gained their power; space manipulation!"

"That was one of the most powerful abilities in that generation and do you want to know how I even killed someone who had space manipulation?"

"Well, the reason how was because they were an inexperienced teenager that thought they were invincible."

"The way he tasted was was amazing and because he barely had any muscle on him due to him not working out, he was easy to chew and swallow."

"Then after I knew this hidden ability of mine, I started collecting more and more powers until... that one person appeared."

"She had the power of creation. The ability to make anything, even abilities that I had obtained due to eating my prey."

"But even with all the abilities I had accumulated throughout my years of killing and eating, I wasn't able to defeat her.

"She was a gentle, naive, and kind person so instead of outright killing me, she took away all my powers and sealed them away while also imprisoning me in some unknown place."

"So, I guess that's when she named the abilities something different; Quirks. These 'Quirks' have also become weaker and they have more drawbacks than back then."

"She must've made them weaker due to her not wanting people ending up like how I did, but out of the many stupid things she's done, it's making my name disappear from history."

Yawning, I said, "Enough with me rambling on about my past, it's time I kill you, eat you, and gain your power."

Covering my yawn since I was getting quite tired because of the time limit, I used Cleave on the old man's legs as he screamed, "You're an abomination!"

Walking closer to the now crippled old man and grabbing him by his long white hair, I quietly whispered, "I know, right?"

Before the old man could say anything else with me blocking his mouth with my hand, I poked his arm with my sharp nails and bringing it above my mouth, I slowly drank the blood.

"Ah. What a refreshing taste your blood is but because your blood is too old for me, I'll have to punish you."

Pushing all the blood out of the old man's arm and looking at how pale the old man was, I mockingly told him to stop being a wimp.

"Time for the main dish."

Using Cleave on his whole body and making him into bite-sized pieces, I then began walking over to a tree and broke it in half with a single punch. Picking up the log and bringing it over to the waterfall, I set it on fire.

Searching for some twigs to stick the meat into, I spotted three long branches on a tree and took them all out.

Done impaling all the meat into the three long branches, I then stuck all three branches in the soil near the fire.

"What a day to be back."

After a while of waiting for the meat to be cooked and seeing that the meat was done, I grabbed all three long branches and ate it off the stick.

Sitting down on the dirt and seeing that the sun was setting, I started writing into the soil, telling him what was going on.


Opening my eyes and seeing a handwritten message in the dirt, it said, 'You might be wondering why you suddenly fell unconscious; it's because I took over your body. We're also compatible with each other.'

'This information might or might not be to your liking depending on how similar you are to me, but other than that, you've obtained a new power. And to obtain new powers, you have to eat people.'

'The power you got from me is called Will Destroyer so when you acquire a new power or Quirk if you like to call it that, you can do as the name implies and have the Quirk as your own without the previous user's will inside the Quirk.'

'My time in the real world is running out so I have to leave for now, but you will see me again soon.'

Done reading all that, I thought, 'If I can get stronger by eating people, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to surpass All Might and get stronger.'

Realizing that there was barely any light, I began heading back to my house since I didn't want to listen to her lecture me.

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