
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Calm Before The Storm

"I heard one of your cows wasn't feeling good could you show her to me." I say to the old man who looks on suspiciously. 

"Old Bessie, she's doing well enough and besides the local doctor will arrive tomorrow." He's not trusting of me understandable a cow is a family this size lifeline. 

I then take out a gold chain from my pocket and put it on. On it's a steel cross with a red ruby in the centre. The sign of the Healer school.

"Let me reintroduce myself I'm Doctor William Eirwen it's nice to meet you." He looks on surprised but seeing the cross he no longer says anything and simply leads me to the cows. 

"Here is Bessie, she's a strong beautiful cow isn't she." I nod to his statement despite knowing jack shit about cow quality.

"She started feeling sick a month ago so I feed her my family secret recipe and she no longer cries out in pain." Interesting. 

"We should take her somewhere clean and healthy. I have some basic equipment to help with everything all need is some warm water." The old man nods and one of the guards behind me go and fetch my equipment. 

I then proceed towards the area and instruct everyone how to clean the place and where to place the equipment. I begin. 

"When as she began feeling sick?" I ask The old man who responds with no hesitation.

"Two weeks ago, she started to feel ill so I went to the local doctor and said he will check up on her." Hmm, that doesn't help me out one bit.

"(Investigate)." I begin to use my magic to search and immediately found the problem.

"Congratulations Bessie is pregnant." I say to the old man and he looks on in shock.

"That old boy he really did it, he left us though." He's crying the bull probably was very special to him. 

"There seem to be something extra in her system, her body seems to almost rejecting it. What have you feed her?" I say to him and he scratches his chin and says.

"Apart from the usual nothing too bombastic, oh I used some of my special remedies to ease her pain." I've seen this pattern before and it usually doesn't turn out well.

"Can see your special remedy?" He takes out his special remedy and he takes it out.

"(Investigate)." Yep, my guess was right, I hand it to him.

"You should stop giving this to her not only you're making her sick but also the kid." He looks on in surprise then say.

"This remedy has been passed down through the generations and we have never had any problems before." Well, I'm not his actual doctor so I can't really force the issue.

"It's up to you whether you stop or not since I'm not your actual doctor." I say packing up my equipment and having my guards leave with them.

After a long struggle inside I sit down and rest, on the table is a book on medical science and healing magic. It's always necessary to keep up with studies when dealing with healing magic.

"Here is some black tea." Catherine says placing down on the table blushing. She's wearing a small red dress with white fishnet stockings. 

"Thanks, can I get something to go with this also." She nods and leaves. 

"She's very cute." I say out loud for no reason. Then goes back to reading and drinking tea.

Sometime later she comes back with my cookies then I have her feed me. Two more weeks like this, dying doesn't seem that bad.